利 | 刺激消费,有利于第三产业发展,例如旅游行业;亲友驾车相聚拉近人与人的距离. |
弊 | 大家都挤向高速公路,车流量猛增,从而增加拥堵;事故发生率比以往提高 |
你的看法 |
分析 本文为议论文作文.写作要点为:我国首次对高速公路行驶的小汽车实行免费政策的利与弊.
解答 During this National Day holidays,free passage was given to cars on the highway for the first time ever,which caused a heated discussion nationwide.On the bright side,some believe that it is good to stimulate consumption and boost the third industry,such as tourism.To some extent,this policy also brings people closer,for those who were reluctant to visit their friends are totally seduced and willing to reunite by car.However,with cars flocking to the highways,others are concerned that the traffic flow will increase tremendously,resulting in worse traffic jam and higher accident rate than ever before.Personally,free passage is what the public have been longing for,but more following measures should be taken,for example,some contingency plans should be made to deal with the potential problems and more clear road signs are needed to give drivers precise guidance.
点评 考生需了解写作要点及写作意图,合理安排写作结构,平时注意积累词汇及语法知识.

回收的必要性: | 日常生活中,找们常过度消费资源,如:各类包装袋的使用 |
回收的途径 | 包装袋可多次使用等 |
回收的作用: | 减少资源的消耗,保护环境 |
参考词汇:绿色家园Green Home 过度消耗overconsumption.