
John was waiting for the girl whose heart he knew, but whose face he didn’t, the girl with the rose. Thirteen months ago, in a Florida library he took a book off the ___36___and found himself interested in the notes in the margin. The soft handwriting ___37___a thoughtful soul and insightful mind.
In front of the book, he ___38___the previous owner’s name, Miss Hollis Maynell. With time and effort he ___39___her address. He wrote her a letter ___40___himself and inviting her to correspond.
During the next year and one-month the two grew to know each other ___41___the mail. A Romance was budding. John requested a(an) ___42___, but she refused. She felt that if he really cared, it wouldn’t matter what she looked like. Later they ___43___their first meeting—7:00 pm at Grand Central Station in New York
“You’ll ___44___me, ”she wrote, “by the red rose I’ll be wearing on my lapel. ”So at 7:00 he was in the ___45___looking for the girl with the red rose.
A young woman in a green suit was coming toward him, her ___46___long and slim and her eyes were blue as flowers. Almost ___47___he made one step closer to her, and just at this moment he saw Hollis Maynell—a woman well past 40. The girl was walking quickly away. He felt as though he split in two, so keen was his ___48___to follow her, and yet so deep was his longing for the woman whose ___49___had truly companioned him and upheld his own.
He did not ___50___. He squared his shoulders and said, “I’m John, and you must be Miss Maynell. I am so glad you could meet me;may I take you to ___51___?”
The woman smiled. “I don’t know what this is about, son, ”she answered, “but the young lady in the green suit ___52___me to wear this rose on my coat. And she said if you were to ask me out to dinner, I ___53___tell you that she is waiting for you in the ___54___across the street. She said it was some kind of ___55___!”
It’s not difficult to admire Miss Maynell’s wisdom. The true nature of a heart is seen in it’s response to the unattractive.

A.exhibitionB.shelfC.figure D.diagram
A.representedB.refreshedC.replaced D.rejected
A.transformedB.conveyedC.observed D.discovered
A.locatedB.expressedC.settled D.evaluated
A.explainingB.introducingC.appointing D.predicting
A.byB.onC.beyond D.through
A.photographB.E-mailC.measurement D.document
A.separateB.scheduledC.strengthen D.possessed
A.recognizeB.witnessC.advocate D.tolerate
A.libraryB.stationC.downtown D.square
A.shadowB.shoulderC.appearance D.figure
A.desireB.dreamC.attempt D.determination
A.carefulnessB.wealthC.expectation D.spirit
A.hesitateB.guaranteeC.submit D.hurry
A.theatreB.dinnerC.shopping D.service
A.advisedB.appliedC.begged D.required
A.shouldB.wouldC.may D.must
A.balconyB.restaurantC.corner D.department
A.patienceB.experimentC.test D.decision







W:Did you all enjoy the film yesterday?

M:John was the only one who didn’t.

1.Who enjoyed the film yesterday?


B.All except John.

C.Everyone, including John.

M:Aren’t you going to apologize for breaking that window?

W:Why should I?I didn’t throw the ball.

2.Who broke the window?

A.The boy.

B.The girl.

C.Someone else.

W:Have you moved into your new house yet?

M:Yes, already.

W:How do you like it?

M:It’s small but quiet.

3.What are they talking about?

A.A new house.

B.A new friend.

C.A new garden.

W:I’m returning the book you lent me.

M:That isn’t my book.

W:It’s not?That’s funny.It must belong to your brother then.

M:Should I give it to him?

W:Thanks.Here you are.

4.Who is the owner of the book?

A.The man himself.

B.The man’s brother.

C.The woman’s brother.

M:The study with all those bookshelves would be very useful.

W:And here is the kitchen with a large table and a fridge as well.

5.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a house.

B.In a park.

C.In a library.




W:Sir!Please take me to the airport as quickly as possible.

M:OK!I will drive as fast as I can.When is your flight?


M:Don’t worry.We will be there on time.

W:You see, it takes quite a long time to pass the customs.

M:I know.Is this the first time you are travelling by air?

W:Yes, and this is the first time for me to go abroad.

M:No wonder you look a little nervous.Are you going alone?

W:No, five other teachers will go together with me.

6.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Passenger and taxi driver.

B.Husband and wife.

C.Newly-made friends.

7.What time does the plane take off?

A.At 9∶13.

B.At 9∶30.

C.At 9∶20.

8.Why is the woman in such a hurry?

A.She is going to see five teachers off at the airport.

B.It’s almost time for her plane to take off.

C.It’s her first time to take a plane and she is a little nervous.


W:Do you have a plan for your holidays?

M:Yes, I’ll go back to my hometown.

W:To see your grandparents?

M:Yes, and also to do some farming.

W:You mean you know how to farm?

M:Yes.I did that every summer during holidays.

W:I didn’t know that a city boy can do farm work.Can I go there with you?I’d like to learn to do some farming.

M:Sure, my grandparents would be very happy to see you.

W:Are you sure?

9.What are the speakers mainly talking about?


B.Holiday plans.


10.Where did the man grow up?

A.In the country.

B.At the seaside.

C.In the city.


W:Why did you sell the car?

M:It was giving me too much trouble.I was spending so much money on it that I was…er…spending more money than it was worth.Unfortunately, of course, when you actually sell the car, you’ve already, spent the money on it, so you lose both ways.

W:What was wrong with your old car?

M:The engine needed a lot of repairs and the wheels were giving trouble now and then.When I set off on a journey, it gave me a sort of feeling that I might not get to the other end.So I decided to change it.

W:Is the new car good?

M:Yes.It’s newer, more comfortable, and it hasn’t given me any trouble at all.When I set off, I’m quite sure that I’ll be able to get to the other end safely.

11.What did the man do about his old car?

A.He sold it.

B.He repaired the engine.

C.He gave it to his friend as a present.

12.How did the man feel about his old car?

A.It would go far safely.

B.It was in pretty good condition.

C.He shouldn’t have spent money having it repaired.

13.How does the man feel about his new car?

A.We are not sure.

B.It’s even worse than the old one.

C.It’s much better than the old one.


M:Excuse me, Miss Smith, I cannot come to class tomorrow.

W:You missed two classes last week.You’ve missed a lot of lessons already.I think you should work a little harder to make up for them.

M:Yes, I will, Miss Smith.

W:Well, now, why can’t you attend my class tomorrow?

M:My grandfather is seriously ill and my family is going to visit him in the hospital tomorrow.

W:It seems to be an excuse.All right, you are excused.By the way, which hospital has your grandfather been in?

M:Which hospital? Er-er…he is in St.George’s Hospital.

W:St.George’s Hospital? That’s interesting.It has been closed for repair for the past two months.Tony Banks, you’re trying to cut my class again.You’re coming to my class tomorrow and staying after class for extra work.

14.What can we learn about the boy?

A.His grandfather is seriously ill.

B.He is tired of learning.

C.He is a good student.

15.What makes that woman know the boy is lying?

A.The fact that the hospital has been closed for 2 months.

B.The fact that the boy has cut classes before.

C.She met the boy’s grandfather only minutes ago.

16.What does the teacher decide to do?

A.Give the boy permission to see his grandfather.

B.Punish the boy by having him stay for extra work after class.

C.Go to the hospital to see the boy’s grandfather

17.How might the boy feel in the end?





  It was about two o’clock in the morning, and…and suddenly I woke up, I heard a noise.I got out of bed and went slowly downstairs.There was a light in the living room.I listened very carefully.I could hear two men speaking quietly.

  “Burglars!” I thought.“Two of them!”Well, I was really frightened, so I went back upstairs, and immediately phoned they police from my bedroom.The police arrived quickly.They opened the front door with a special key and went into the living room.Then they came upstairs.“It’s all right now, sir, ”they explained.“We turned the television off for you!”

18.What did the speaker think had happened when he woke up?

A.The house was on fire.

B.Some guests had arrived.

C.The house was broken into.

19.Why didn’t the speaker get into the living room?

A.Because it was too dark there.

B.Because he was afraid.

C.Because the police were there.

20.What did the police find out?

A.The speaker had forgotten to turn off the TV before going to bed.

B.Two burglars (夜贼)were trying to steal valuable things.

C.Someone had opened the door with a special key.

The air bag is a piece of safety equipment in cars. It was first designed by John W. Hetrick in 1952. Like many inventions, he came up with the idea as a result of an event that had occurred in his life. He says:

“In the spring of 1952, my wife, my seven-year-old daughter, Joan, and I were out for a Sunday drive in our 1948 Chrysler Windsor. About three miles outside Newport we were watching for deer jumping across the road. Suddenly, there was a large rock in our path. I hit the brakes and we went into a ditch(壕沟).

“As I applied the brakes, both my wife and I threw our hands up to keep our daughter from hitting the car. There was soft mud in the ditch, so the car wasn’t damaged, and no one was hurt.”

“During the ride home I couldn’t stop thinking about the accident. I asked myself,‘Why couldn’t some object come out to stop you from striking the inside of the car?’As soon as I got home that night I drew some sketches(草图). Each evening for the following two weeks, I’d add or reduce something from the sketches.”

Hetrick applied an event he had observed while in the Navy to the design of the air bag. He was repairing a torpedo(鱼雷) which had a cloth covering. When the compressed(压缩的) air that was in the torpedo was let out, the covering was suddenly filled with air and was shot to the ceiling.

With this knowledge, he developed his design until he was able to obtain a patent on the invention on August 5, 1952. The idea was similar to the air bag designs of today. Compressed air is stored in a container and when a traffic accident occurs and the car slows down at a rapid enough rate, the air will be released into the air bag. The idea was ingenious, but Hetrick’s air bag never would have functioned properly. It was really a breakthrough, but it would require years and years of designing and testing by some top car designers before it could be used.

1.The car accident Hetrick was involved in ________.

A.damaged his car                        B.happened in 1948

C.was caused by a deer                    D.caused no harm to his family

2.Hetrick’s experience in the Navy________.

A.turned out to be dangerous               B.was helpful to his invention

C.involved designing torpedoes              D.inspired him to design an air bag

3.The underlined word “ingenious” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _______.

A.creative          B.ridiculous         C.crazy             D.complex

4.What do we know about the air bag Hetrick designed?

A.It came into use in the 1950s.              B.It performed perfectly in car accidents.

C.It prepared the way for air bags nowadays.    D.It took Hetrick about two months to develop it.

5.The text is mainly about ____.

A.the great inventor Hetrick                 B.The invention of air bags

C.a terrible car accident                    D.road safety in the 1950s


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