
Self-confidence, motivation (动机), support and knowledge are the main factors determining if one succeeds or fails. Each of these factors influences our chances of success in a different way. 1. .

Lack of self-confidence is probably the most dreadful enemy of success. 2. Even the most capable person is sure to fail with such an attitude. If it is your case too, improving your self-confidence is a must.

Motivation is equally as important as self-confidence. 3. You may even not try to achieve the goal that lies before you. It is important to find out what is the best motivation for you. If you have to do something that does not motivate you, just treat yourself with a reward after you succeed. Of course, this reward should consist of something that will motivate you to pursue(追求) a success.

4. While it is not a must for succeeding in your goals, a lack of support can often lead to failure. It is also true that some people cannot succeed without a proper support from their surroundings. These people often lose their motivation or worse, their self-confidence. If you know such a person, supporting him or her is a right thing to do. Also surround yourself with the right people. You will see the results soon.

Pursuing realistic goals is also important for a success. You should always make sure that your goals are achievable. 5. Unrealistic goals usually lead to a fast failure and also make many people embarrassed.

A. As we know, many people try but do not succeed.

B. Consider all your knowledge and skills when setting up a goal.

C. Motivation is something in yourself that can push you forwards.

D. There are several main reasons why some people cannot succeed.

E. Supportive family and collective workplace are also very important.

F. Without it, you will not push yourself towards a better performance.

G. Thinking you are not good enough to achieve your goals is the same as deciding that you will not succeed.



With the help of Gloria ,his wife ,Tom Peterson worked for many years to build a solid business selling television sets, stereo systems, and home appliances. Tom developed an excellent with their full satisfaction guarantee and friendly service. He was proud of his high percentage of repeat .

About five years ago, Tom was by the owners of a competing company, Stereo Super Stores. They wanted him to them out. The price was very attractive. Everything looked good. Before making his final Tom asked Gloria what she thought about the purchase. She told him that the numbers looked good it didn't feel to her. However, Tom was so self-confident and so convinced that this was a rare , he went ahead and made the . Within months he discovered that he had made a big .He had paid too much for a company. He tried as hard as he could to make it work out, but he couldn't turn things . He was forced into bankruptcy(破产). He was about to lose everything, including his business.

Tom was embarrassed, but he is a survivor. He looked at his situation. He decided to admit his mistake and, rather than getting stuck in lawsuits(诉讼), he would focus his on saving and rebuilding his original business. He saw also that he had made a mistake by not listening to his , and that he needed to learn from this .He dealt with the crisis in a way that delighted people, who in turn respect for him. Old customers poured into his store. He and Gloria _to changes in retailing(零售) and have built an even better business than before.

In the business world, it is natural to gain and lose, of Peterson’s experience is an example. Only those who regard their mistakes as gifts and learn from them attract endless profits.

1.A.popularity B.reputation C.cause D.foundation

2.A.customers B.assistants C.friends D.visitors

3.A.appointed B.approved C.approached D.appreciated

4.A.sell B.pay C.buy D.check

5.A.decision B.choice C.determination D.judgement

6.A.as though B.now that C.even though D.in case

7.A.terrible B.fair C.right D.attractive

8.A.possibility B.occasion C.event D.opportunity

9.A.profit B.purchase C.reservation D.appointment

10.A.difference B.discovery C.commitment D.mistake

11.A.dying B.controversial C.clumsy D.tiring

12.A.in B.around C.down D.up

13.A.original B.various C.unique D.precious

14.A.quietly B.loudly C.openly D.secretly

15.A.beliefs B.spirits C.attempts D.energies

16.A.producer B.wife C.relative D.adviser

17.A.experience B.enterprise C.process D.history

18.A.won B.showed C.achieved D.earned

19.A.belonged B.adapted C.adopted D.appealed

20.A.them B.what C.that D.which


请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

FOR most people, life without plants is unimaginable. They feed us, clean up our air and brighten up our gardens. But what if someone told you that even our smartphones can benefit from plants?

Meet the scientists from the Freiburg University of Mining and Technology in Germany. According to reports from Reuters, they have come up with a way to take the important element germanium (锗) from plants.

The element was first discovered in Germany (hence the name) and was used to develop the first transistor (晶体管) because it can transport electricity very quickly. Nowadays, silicon-germanium alloy (硅锗合金) plays an important role in making computers, smartphones and fiber-optic cables (光纤电缆).

Although germanium can be found in soil around the world, it is difficult to extract (提取). In the traditional process, people take the material after zinc (锌) mining or burning coal. But the Freiburg scientists decided to fall back on the natural world.

Biology professor Hermann Heilmeier is one of the scientists who are using common plants for this uncommon process. “Different energy crops are being planted, for example, sunflowers, corn ... we want to use them for phytomining. In German we call it ‘mining with plants’.”

Others have used this method in the past with metals like gold and copper (铜). But in their study, the Freiburg scientists brought germanium from the soil into the roots and shoots of the plants, harvested them and then took the element from the plants. The process did not cost too much because germanium can be taken after plants are processed for use as biogas (沼气). So many of the costs are already covered in existing biogas plants.

However, there is still a lot of work to do before we can all experience the benefits. At the moment germanium can only be harvested in very small amounts, just a few milligrams per liter. Now scientists are working on different plants to improve this.

“As is so often the case, industry is still waiting because they want to see everything already working. Then they say, ‘We’ll have it.’ But of course we have to complete the step in between first,” said Professor Martin Bertau, head of industrial chemistry at Freiburg University.

1.We can learn from the article that germanium ______.

A. is mostly produced in Germany

B. can effectively transfer electricity

C. exists mostly in soil and water

D. is very easy to get from nature

2. What can we conclude from the article?

A. Germanium can be easily produced during the process of mining zinc or burning coal.

B. Sunflowers and corn are currently the most efficient plants to use when extracting germanium.

C. The process of harvesting germanium from plants isn’t costly because after harvesting, the plants can be used for biogas.

D. The new method for extracting germanium that the Freiburg scientists are trying is greener and cheaper than the traditional one.

3. According to the article, phytomining ______.

A. is a completely new method for extracting metals

B. has been widely used in extracting all kinds of rare metals

C. has different productivity depending on the type of energy crop

D. is now being tested on types of plants that it has never been tried on

4.Which of the following statements would Professor Martin Bertau agree with?

A. Many businesses have already started contributing money to this research.

B. Industry and science have stronger and closer connections than is generally expected.

C. People from related industries showed no interest in extracting germanium from plants.

D. Germanium has to be extracted from plants in large quantities before this type of extraction becomes industrialized.

My friend BJ Gallagher told me a great story recently, about her own experience with resentment (愤恨). She once worked as the training manager for a large newspaper, where she found the corporate culture extremely frustrating. The company was a hundred years old and their past success had blinded them to the need for change. Finally, after butting heads with several senior executives (主管) many times, she left the company. But she found that she hadn’t left her resentment, frustration, and anger behind when she resigned.

“I finally decided to write about my experiences and my feelings at the newspaper. I wanted to be rid of that company and those people, once and for all. So I wrote and I wrote. It wasn’t just a story that poured out; it was a whole book! We called it A peacock in the Land of Penguins. I was the peacock and those newspaper executives were the penguins.”

“It took me several more years to finally get over my negative emotions. Through a lot of soul-searching and reflection, I finally was able to let go of my resentment. I came to see that there was nothing personal in the way they treated me, and they were good people doing what they thought best for the company. I was the one who had made it personal. I thought they were making my life miserable on purpose.”

“Finally, the time came when I decided to make amends (弥补) for the sharp, angry things I had said about the company. I invited my former boss to dinner and made my apology. It was a great healing process for me. I finally felt free of the resentment that had been eating me up.”

“What was the final outcome?” I asked her.

“Gratitude,” she replied. “Not only wasn’t I resentful any more, I was grateful to the company. If I hadn’t had those painful experiences, I would never have written a book. And the book became hugely successful – now published in 21 languages; it transformed my business.”

1. What made BJ Gallagher frustrated in the company?

A. Unfair treatment by the senior executives.

B. The culture and tradition of the company.

C. The strict rules in the company.

D. Her low position in the company.

2.Why did BJ Gallagher write about her experiences and feelings at the company?

A. To make peace with the executives.

B. To make suggestions to the company.

C. To do soul-searching and reflection.

D. To express her anger.

3.What does the underlined part “butting heads with” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A. making friends with

B. working with

C. arguing with

D. spending time with

4. BJ Gallagher finally felt grateful to the company because _______.

A. she was forgiven by her former executives

B. she was accepted by the company again

C. her painful experiences there was valuable for her

D. she learned how to forgive others


We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking, but a recent study found that people who think they’re getting fit actually get more positive benefits from activity, according to a Reuters Health article.

The study examined hotel housekeepers over a period of four weeks. Some of the housekeepers were told that their work duties gave them enough activity to meet the Surgeon General’s health guidelines (准则). Another group of housekeepers were told nothing. After four weeks, the housekeepers who believed their work activity counted as exercise lost weight and body fat, and their blood pressure went down.

The results of this study suggest that it’s important to understand and believe in the positive benefits of your activity. So here are a few things to think about the next time you exercise:

Just thirty minutes of quick walking each day can greatly reduce your risk of a heart attack. Even your housework ― like yard work and house cleaning ― can help you burn calories and increase your fitness levels.

Weight bearing activity just a few times a week can build bone density (密度) and reduce your chances of developing osteoporosis (骨质疏松).

Three 10-minute workouts(锻炼) throughout the day are just as good to your health as one long workout.

Moderate (适度的) amounts of exercise have been linked to lower rates of heart disease, stroke and even cancer.

Strength training can help make daily activities like carrying bags or laundry feel easier.

Regular exercise will reduce stress, keep you in a good mood and improve the quality of your sleep.

1.The main purpose of this passage is to _____.

A. encourage people to think they will get fit in different activities

B. tell people how to finish the work duties better

C. tell people how to lose weight

D. advise people to do more housework

2.It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

A. thought is more important than activity

B. housekeepers lead a happier life than workers

C. positive thinking does good to our health

D. if one wants to get fit, think more

3.The housekeepers who were told their work would keep them fit _____.

A. found it hard to finish their work on time

B. lost weight and enjoyed better health

C. had little sense of humor

D. gained weight after the work

4.Which of the following is NOT the suggested things to think about when you exercise?

A. Housework helps burn calories.

B. Regular exercise leads to better sleep.

C. Weight bearing activity does good to people.

D. Walking a dog reduces the chance of a heart disease.

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