
 17—— I’d like_____information about the management of your hotel, please.

—— Well, you could have _____ word with the manager. He might be helpful.

A.some; a           B.an; some  C.some; some         D.an; a



information 在此为不可数名词,故可排除 B、D 两个选项;have a word with sb. 为固定短语,意思是“跟……说句话”。


第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题l. 5分,满分30分)
My sister and I grew up in a little village in England. Our father was a struggling  16 , but I always knew he was  17 . He never criticized us, but used  18  to bring out our best. He’d say, “If you pour water on flowers, they flourish. If you don’t give them water, they die. ” I  19  as a child I said something  20  about somebody, and my father said, “ 21  time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it’s a reflection of you. ” He explained that if I looked for the best  22  people, I would get the best  23 . From then on I’ve always tried to  24  the principle in my life and later in running my company.
Dad’s also always been very  25 . At 15, I started a magazine. It was  26  a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a  27 : stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.
I decided to leave, and Dad tried to prevent me from my decision,  28  any good father would. When he realized I had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad  29  me to go into law. And I’ve  30  regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist,  31  I didn’t pursue my  32 . You know what you want. Go fulfill it. ”
As  33  turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national  34  for young people in the U. K. My wife and I have two children, and I’d like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad  35  me.
16. A. biologist          B. manager          C. lawyer            D. gardener
17. A. strict             B. honest       C. special            D. learned
18. A. praise           B. courage     C. power       D. warmth
19. A. think            B. imagine           C. remember       D. guess
20. A. unnecessary       B. unkind      C. unimportant         D. unusual
21. A. Another               B. Some        C. Any        D. Other
22. A. on                B. in           C. at          D. about
23. A. in case                 B. by turns             C. by chance           D. in return
24. A. revise           B. set            C. review       D. follow
25. A. understanding     B. experienced      C. serious            D. demanding
26. A. taking up         B. making up        C. picking up          D. keeping up
27. A. suggestion        B. decision         C. notice             D. choice
28. A. and               B. as              C. even if           D. as if
29. A. helped                B. allowed           C. persuaded            D. suggested
30. A. always                B. never               C. seldom         D. almost
31. A. rather          B. but             C . for           D. therefore
32. A. promise              B. task            C. belief        D. dream
33. A. this               B. he           C. it         D. that
34. A. newspaper        B. magazine            C. program           D. project
35. A. controlled        B. comforted         C. reminded        D. Raised

The summer of 1975 I’d just graduated from college in Southern California and received a Ford Car for a   36   present. I had my first job, in Los Angeles. One Sunday night, thinking myself a very   37   gown-up, I   38   my uncle’s place in South Laguna after a visit,   39 admitting to him that I had less than an eighth of a tank of gas and no   40   to buy more on the way to L.A. I pulled onto the Pacific Coast Highway and watched the   41   move down as I headed north. When the engine started giving off strong smells, I   42   into a gas station. There was no self-serve then; there were no credit cards, no ATMs.

I   43   the guy at the station. I could write him a check for gas, I said, or I could   44  in my car and try to walk to a town with a   45   the next morning. As he was informing me that I could sleep in my car but he’d have me arrested, a station wagon pulled up to the next  46  . The driver—a thin, plain, middle-aged guy—overheard the tail end of my   47   request. As the attendant went to   48   him, he nodded at me. “  49   her tank first,” he said.

“Really?” I said.   50   bloomed. “Oh, thank you. Thank you. But please. I just need two  51   worth. I just need to get home.”

“Fill it,” he   52   to the attendant. Then he turned to me, “You’ll do the same one day, for someone else.”

I keep looking for someone unlucky, hoping to save her   53   on the road. Meanwhile, in case she never shows up, I try for other acts of   54   kindness. That quiet driver is always at the pump a few feet away, instructing the attendant to fill mine   55  .

1.A. graduation              B. birthday                    C. Christmas          D. wedding

2.A. independent         B. honest                   C. polite                    D. confident

3.A. reached               B. left                      C. witnessed               D. took

4.A. after                  B. without                  C. on                       D. by

5.A. time                   B. chance                   C. place                     D. cash

6.A. sun                    B. window                  C. needle                   D. clock

7.A. jumped               B. walked                             C. looked                   D. pulled

8.A. seized                 B. pushed                  C. begged                   D. warned

9.A. sit              B. sleep                     C. break                    D. fight

10.A. bank                 B. station                   C. hotel                     D. restaurant

11.A. door                B. garage          C. pump           D. town

12.A. planned             B. failed                    C. pretended              D. suggested

13.A. serve               B. attack                    C. charge                  D. treat

14.A. Open               B. Start                                 C. Fill               D. Heat

15.A. Anxiety              B. Nervousness             C. Caution                   D. Hope

16.A. miles’               B. hours’                   C. liters’                    D. dollars’

17.A. explained            B. repeated                C. threatened             D. ordered

18.A. night               B. car                       C. gas                       D. money

19.A. unwilling            B. unnecessary             C. random                  D. extra

20.A. immediately         B. quickly                   C. next            D. first5



I sat in the all-too-quiet waiting room of the cancer center, counting the minutes until my treatment. I thought I'd  36  it two years ago, but it was back. After my   37    diagnosis, Nom and Dad had driven more than l,200 miles from their home to be with me for three  38  while I was getting over from   39   and chemotherapy(化疗). When the cancer returned last, they, once again,   40    it here , too. They waited for hours while I received my treatments------Dad with his   41   and Mom with a magazine.

But now, they were   42   in Westlake.

My children are  43   and my four brothers live far from my home outside Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania.  I knew    44  of them would come if  asked, but I didn't want to  45   them,even with the intense    46  I felt.

I   47   picked one of the magazines on the end table beside me and couldn't help  wishing my  48   were there inside. One publication caught my   49  , a magazine I liked best and had   50    to ages ago. I couldn't tell you the last time when I'd read an issue. I   51   it up and I started right in with the letters to the   52  .

"I love  53   my copy every month," the first letter began. The author mentioned a daughter who  54    in Clinton, Pennsylvania. Huh, that's funny. I thought. That's my town! I read the letter to the end, where my    55   fell upon the author's signature:

"Thank you, Margie and Tom Parrish, Westlake, Louisiana"

Alone? Hardly. Margie and Tom-or as I call them, Mom and Dad-were right beside me,even now.

1.A. treated           B. beaten         C. infected              D. operated

2.A. first             B. terrible        C. invisible               D. last

3.A. days             B. months        C. years                 D. hours

4.A. illness            B. hospital       C. work                 D. surgery

5. A. made             B. put           C. hoped               D. arrived

6.A. pen               B. glasses        C.Bible                D. smile

7. A. in hospital        B. back home     C. at work              D. in town

8.A. youn             B. caring         C. struggling            D. full-grown

9.A. any              B. some          C. none                 D. both

10.A. scare             B. disappoint      C. surprise              D. trouble

11.A. loneliness         B. pride          C. happiness             D. anger

12.A. half-heartedly      B. carefully       C. seriously             D. anxiously

13.A. brothers           B. children       C. friends               D. parents

14.A. thought           B. mind          C. eye                  D. hand

15.A. referred           B. subscribed      C. turned               D. contributed

16.A.put                B.picked         C.set                   D.broke

17.A. editor             B. writer         C. producer              D. reader

18.A. editing            B. sending        C. receiving             D. organizing

19. A. studied            B. worked        C. died                 D. lived

20.A.gaze               B.touch          C.thought               D.sense


The evidence for harmony may not be obvious in some families. But it seems that four out of five young people now get on with their parents, which is the opposite of the popularly held image(印象)of unhappy teenagers locked in their room after endless family quarrels.

  An important new study into teenage attitudes surprisingly shows that their family life is more harmonious than it has ever been in the past.” We were surprised by just how positive today’s young people seen to be about their families,” said one member of the research team.” They’re expected to be rebellious(叛逆的) and selfish but actually they have other things on their minds; they want a car and material goods, and they worry about whether school is serving them well. There’s more negotiation(商议) and discussion between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the family decision-making process. They don’t want to rock the boat.”

  So it seems that this generation of parents is much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends.” My parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me,” says 17-years-old Daniel Lazall.”I always tell them when L’m going out clubbing. As long as they know what I’m doing, they’re fine with it.” Susan Crome,who is now 21,agrees.”Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call negotiation. For example, as long as I’d done all my homework, I could go out on a Saturday night. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that.”

  Maybe this positive view of family life should not be unexpected. It is possible that the idea of teenagers rebellion is not rooted in real facts. A researcher comments,” Our surprise that teenagers say they get along well with their parents comes because of a brief period in our social history when teenagers were regarded as different beings. But that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled. The normal situation throughout history has been a smooth change from helping out with the family business to taking it over.”

1.What is the popular images of teenagers today?

A.They worry about school

B.They dislike living with their parents

C.They have to be locked in to avoid troubles

D.They quarrel a lot with other family members

2.The study shows that teenagers don’t want to ___

A.share family responsibility

B.cause trouble in their families

C.go boating with their family

D.make family decisions

3.Compared with parents of 30 years ago, today’s parents___.

A.go to clubs more often with their children

B.are much stricter with their children

C.care less about their children’s life

D.give their children more freedom

4.According to the authour,teenage rebellion____.

A.may be a false belief                     B.is common nowadays

C.existed only in the 1960s                 D.resulted from changes in families

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A.Negotiation in family                     B.Education in family

C.Harmony in family                       D.Teenage trouble in family




Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg, a  36  of about eighty miles. It was late and I was in a hurry. However, if anyone asked me how fast I was  37  ,I’d say I was not over-speeding. Several times I got  38  behind a slow-moving truck on a narrow road, and I was holding my fists tightly with  39  .

At one point along an open highway, I  40  a crossroad with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I  41  the light, it turned red and I braked to a stop. I looked left, right and behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of headlights, but there I sat, waiting for the light to  42  , the only human being for at least a mile in any  43  .

I started  44  why I refused to run the light. I was not afraid of being  45  , because there was obviously no policeman around, and there certainly would have been no  46  in going through it.

Much later that night, after I  47  a group of my friends in Lewisburg and climbed into bed near midnight, the question of why I’d stopped for that light  48  me, I think I stopped because it’s part of a contract(合同) we all have with each other. It’s not only the  49  , but it’s an arrangement we have, and we trust each other to  50  it: we don’t go through red lights. Like most of us, I’m more likely to be  51  from doing something bad by the social convention that  52  it than by any law against it.

It’s amazing that we ever  53  each other to do the right thing, isn’t it? And we do, too, Trust is our  54  preference.

I was so  55  of myself for stopping for the red light that night.

1. A. flight        B. distance             C. road                 D. length

2.A. thinking       B. driving              C. complaining          D. running

3. A. stopped           B. changed         C. stuck                D. lost

4.A. horror             B. strength             C. understanding        D. impatience

5. A. ran off           B. came to              C. passed by            D. left behind

6.A. passed        B. watched              C. approached           D. found

7. A. stop              B. change               C. turn                 D. die

8.A. way            B. side                 C. city                 D. direction

9. A. wondering         B. suspecting           C. struggling           D. regretting

10.A. abused            B. fined                C. injured              D. killed

11. A. danger           B. sign                 C. time                 D. record

12. A. met with         B. got over             C. got rid of           D. called back

13. A. turned out to        B. came back to       C. referred to            D. occurred to

14. A. virtue           B. suggestion         C. law                D. order

15. A. honor            B. solve                C. break                D. judge

16.A. stopped           B. protected            C. rejected             D. frightened

17. A. speaks of       B. stands by             C. takes in             D. disapproves of

18. A. suspect          B. trust                C. teach                D. care

19.A. only           B. first              C. lucky                D. living

20. A. sorry            B. doubtful             C. sure                 D. proud


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