
  When Laura reached school-going age the discussions about moving became more urgent (紧迫的). Her father did not want the children to go to school with the village children and for once her mother agreed with him. Not because, as he said, they ought to have a better education than they could get at Lark Rise; but because she feared they would tear their clothes and catch cold and get dirty heads going a mile and a half to and from the school in the village. So empty cottages in the market town were examined and often it seemed that the next week or the next month they would be leaving Lark Rise for ever, but again each time something would happen to prevent the removal, and gradually a new idea came up. To gain time, their father would teach the two eldest children to read and write, so that, if asked by the School Attendance Office, their mother could say they were leaving the small village shortly, and in the meantime, were being taught at home.

  So their father brought home two copies of Mavor's First Reader and taught them the alphabet; but just as Laura was beginning on words of one syllable (音节), He was sent away to work on a distant job, only corning home at weekends. Laura, left at the c-a-t s-I-t-s on the m-a-t's stage, then had to carry her book round after her mother as she went about her housework, asking,“Please, Mother, what does h-o-u-s-a spell?”or“W-a-l-k, Mother, what is that?”

  Often when her mother was too busy or too tired to attend to her, she would sit and fix her eyes on a page that might as well have been printed in Hebrew (希伯来语) for all she could make of it, frowning (锁眉) and studying the print as though she would make out the meaning by force of concentration (专注).

  After weeks of this, there came a day when, quite suddenly, as it seemed to her, the printed characters took on a meaning. There were still many words, even in the first page of that simple book, she could not understand; but she could jump those and make sense of the whole.“I'm reading! I'm reading!” she cried aloud.“Oh, Mother! Oh, Edmund! I'm reading!”

1.Laura's father didn't want his children to go to school at Lark Rise because ________.

[  ]

A.it was too far away

B.they couldn't learn enough

C.their hair would become dirty

D.they would ruin their clothes

2.The children's father decided to teach them to read and write so that they ________.

[  ]

A.had an excuse not to have to move

B.had a reason for not attending school

C.could write to the School Attendance Office

D.would be educated before they left the village

3.The underlined part “left at the c-a-t s-I-t-s on the m-a-t's stage”means that ________.

[  ]

A.Laura was working hard and learning quickly

B.her father had no time to teach her

C.her mother was too busy to attend to her

D.Laura knew little about how to read and write

4.From the passage we can infer that ________ made Laura stare at a page in her book.

[  ]

A.her lack of concentration

B.her inability to understand

C.her need to understand Hebrew

D.her determination to understand

5.Laura finally discovered she could read when she ________.

[  ]

A.understood the main idea

B.understood all the words in her book

C.recognized the printed characters

D.jumped the first pages of her book

Microsoft founder Bill Gates said that he planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune, largely to the cause of global health, during the course of his lifetime. With an estimated (估计) worth of more than $40 billion, according to Forbes, the project will be no small feat (功绩) for Gates. Having already provided the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $24 billion to address global health issues, Gates said that eventually his entire fortune will be put towards the cause except “a few percent left for the kids”.
So what has made the richest man in the world to channel his resources so heavily into one interest? Gates believes that “the equality of opportunity” in which Americans take such pride needs to extend to other nations around the world. Improving the health of the population, he says, has proven to be an essential (实质的) method in helping poor countries to be financially successful. “National borders allow inequalities,” said Gates: “We all need to take a more global view, rather than just saying my country is doing well. We have to step up these health issues, knowing how few resources are going into them.”
Gates said that both his parents set an example for him as a child. His father, William H. Gates, was the head of the local Planned Parenthood, and his mother, Mary, volunteered for the United Way. As he gathered his fortune, Gates knew he would eventually want to give back as well, but he didn’t expect to devote himself whole-heartedly to one project until he was about 60.
However, Gates, 47, began to question his ability to wait that long. “It seemed there was a real time urgency (紧迫),” Gates said. “I started to think, how many lives could I save before then?”
【小题1】.. Bill Gates will give away his vast fortune to ___.

A.improve the health of population in America alone
B.improve the health of population all over the world
C.avoid leaving his children too much money
D.spare the American government the burden of health care
【小题2】.. Bill Gates believes that one important way of developing poor countries is ___.
A.to set up more foundations for themB.to aid them with natural resources
C.to put more effort into the health issues in themD.to help them take a more global view
【小题3】. It can be learned from the text that Bill Gates thinks ___.
A.Americans should care about people in other countries
B.Americans should treat fellow citizens well
C.Americans should devote themselves to certain projects
D. Americans can be world-famous by giving away vast fortune
【小题4】.. Bill Gates gave away his vast fortune earlier than he had expected because of ___.
A.his weakening health conditionB.his parents’ suggestions
C.his great success in businessD.his concern for suffering people
【小题5】. The underlined word “channel” probably has a similar meaning as it is used in sentence “___”.
A.Try to channel your abilities into something useful
B.We ought to channel this street so that water can flow away easily
C.Ships must follow the channel into the portD.Which channel will you be broadcasting tonight

Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once.  Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. desperation    B. authorities         C. diligently       D. confusion    E. enrolled

F. violently       G. financial          H. conclusion     I. devoted      J. graduation

Seventeen years ago, when I was in military college, I was known as “the worrying wreck from Virginia Tech”. I worried so ____1_____ that I often became ill. In _____2_____, I poured out my troubles to Professor Baird, professor of business administration. The fifteen minutes that I spent with Professor Baird did more for my health and happiness than all the rest of the four years I spent in college. “Jim,” he said, “you ought to sit down and face the facts. If you _____3_____ half as much time and energy to solving your problems as you do to worrying about them, you wouldn’t have any worries. ”

I figured that I had failed physics because I had no interest in the subject. But now I changed my attitude. I said to myself, “If the college _____4_____ demand that I pass my physics examination before I obtain a degree, who am I to question their wisdom?”

So I ______5____   for physics again. This time I passed because instead of wasting my time in worrying about how hard it was, I studied _____6_____.

I solved my ____7_____ worries by taking on some additional jobs, such as selling punch at the college dances, and by borrowing money from my father, which I paid back soon after ____8______.

As I look back at it now, I can see that my problem was one of _____9_____, a lack of willingness to find the causes of my worry and face them realistically.


Microsoft founder Bill Gates said that he planned to give away almost all of his vast fortune, largely to the cause of global health, during the course of his lifetime. With an estimated (估计) worth of more than $40 billion, according to Forbes, the project will be no small feat (功绩) for Gates. Having already provided the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with $24 billion to address global health issues, Gates said that eventually his entire fortune will be put towards the cause except “a few percent left for the kids”.

  So what has made the richest man in the world to channel his resources so heavily into one interest? Gates believes that “the equality of opportunity” in which Americans take such pride needs to extend to other nations around the world. Improving the health of the population, he says, has proven to be an essential (实质的) method in helping poor countries to be financially successful. “National borders allow inequalities,” said Gates: “We all need to take a more global view, rather than just saying my country is doing well. We have to step up these health issues, knowing how few resources are going into them.”

  Gates said that both his parents set an example for him as a child. His father, William H. Gates, was the head of the local Planned Parenthood, and his mother, Mary, volunteered for the United Way. As he gathered his fortune, Gates knew he would eventually want to give back as well, but he didn’t expect to devote himself whole-heartedly to one project until he was about 60.

  However, Gates, 47, began to question his ability to wait that long. “It seemed there was a real time urgency (紧迫),” Gates said. “I started to think, how many lives could I save before then?”

1... Bill Gates will give away his vast fortune to ___.

   A. improve the health of population in America alone

   B. improve the health of population all over the world

   C. avoid leaving his children too much money

   D. spare the American government the burden of health care

2... Bill Gates believes that one important way of developing poor countries is ___.

   A. to set up more foundations for them           B. to aid them with natural resources

   C. to put more effort into the health issues in them    D. to help them take a more global view

3..  It can be learned from the text that Bill Gates thinks ___.

   A. Americans should care about people in other countries

   B. Americans should treat fellow citizens well

   C. Americans should devote themselves to certain projects

   D. Americans can be world-famous by giving away vast fortune

4... Bill Gates gave away his vast fortune earlier than he had expected because of ___.

   A. his weakening health condition                B. his parents’ suggestions

   C. his great success in business             D. his concern for suffering people

5..  The underlined word “channel” probably has a similar meaning as it is used in sentence “___”.

   A. Try to channel your abilities into something useful

   B. We ought to channel this street so that water can flow away easily

   C. Ships must follow the channel into the port   D. Which channel will you be broadcasting tonight


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