
阅读理解 (共20小题; 每小题2分,满分40分)


I felt encouraged by his words and began to swim more calmly.But my clothes stuck to me like a heavy weight.I could hardly stay above the surface.

Counsel saw this.“Shall I cut them?”he asked.

With a knife he cut my clothes from top to bottom and took them of quickly while I swam for both of us.

Then I did the same for Counsel,and we continued to swim near each other.

 But we were in serious trouble.The crew(船员)might not have noticed our disappearance.

And if they had,they could not return because the rudder(舵)had broken.Counsel thought of all this,and calmly made his plans.We decided to wait for the ship as long as possible,because we had no other hope of safety.I suggested that we save our strength so that both of us would not be tired out at the same time.This was how we did it:While one of us lay on his back,quite still,with arms crossed and legs stretched out(伸直),the other would swim and push him along.We changed every ten minutes or so.In this way we could swim for hours,perhaps till daylight.The crash(破裂声)of the ship and the whale(鲸)had appeared at about eleven o’clock.We had about eight hours to swim before daylight.This seemed possible,if the sea remained calm.

What happened to the man who told the story?

A.He and his companion got into the water to test their strength.

B.He jumped into the water to save the broken rudder.

C.He was knocked into the water by his enemy.

D.He was thrown into the sea when the ship struck a whale.

Why did the two men cut their clothes?

A.Because no people helped them to take off their clothes.

B.Because they couldn’t take off their clothes on the sea.

C.Because they wanted to get rid of their clothes quickly.

D.Because they wanted to lifebuoys(救生圈)with their clothes.

What does the word “still” in the last paragraph mean?

A.not moving                    B.even                        C.yet                          D.however

n order to save their strength,______.

A.one of them pushed the other while swimming and then they changed

B.they both swam calmly

C.they crossed their arms and stretched their legs on the water

D.they lay on their backs instead of swimming

Which one of the following is true?

A.Neither of the two men was good swimmers.

B.The sea was calm before eleven o’clock that night.

C.The story took place at night.

D.The two men had to swim eight hours to catch up with the ship.










Robby was 11 when his mother dropped him off for his first piano lesson. I prefer students to begin at an earlier age. Robby said that it had always been his mother’s dream to hear him play the piano, so I took him on as a student.

Robby tried and tried while I listened and encouraged him and gave him more instructions. But he just did not have any inborn ability.

I only saw his mother from a distance. She always waved and smiled but never came in.  Then one day Robby stopped coming to our lessons. I thought about calling him but I guessed he had decided to try something else.

I was also glad that he stopped coming for the sake of my career. However, several weeks before the recital (演奏会) of my students, Robby came,telling me that he never stopped practicing and begged me to allow him to take part in it. I agreed, but I made him perform last in the program, so I could save his poor performance through my “curtain closer”.

I was surprised when he announced that he had chosen one piece of Mozart’s. Never had I heard a piece of Mozart’s played so well by someone at his age. When he finished, everyone was cheering.

I ran up and put my arms around Robby in joy. “I’ve never heard you play like that, Robby! How could you do it?”

“Well, Miss Hondorf. Do you remember I told you my mom was sick? Actually she died this morning. She was born deaf, so tonight was the first time she could hear me play. I wanted to make it special. I knew I could.”

That night, Robby was the teacher and I was the student. He taught me so many important things about life.

Why might Robby have stopped coming to piano lessons suddenly?

A. He lost heart and believed that he would never make it.

B. His mother might have been seriously ill.

C. He thought that his teacher disliked him.

D. His mother died and he didn’t need to play any longer.

We can know from the passage that __________.

A. the writer thought students shouldn’t begin playing the piano too early

B. the writer thought that Robby had given up his piano lessons

C. only by practicing at home did Robby learn to play well

D. no one else could play the piece of Mozart’s as well as Robby

From the underlined sentence, we can infer that _________.

A. the writer looked down upon Robby and disliked him

B. the writer thought Robby was a bad advertisement for her teaching

C. with Robby in the recital, the other children couldn’t play well

D. the writer couldn’t teach so many students at a time

The writer made Robby perform last because _________.

A. the one who performs last always performs very well

B. Robby asked the writer to do so

C. she wanted to do something to save a poor performance

D. Robby thought his mother would come at last

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
A group of graduates,highly established in their careers,got together to visit their old university professor.
The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and in life.offering his guests coffee,the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of cups——plastic,glass,crystal(水晶),some plain—looking,some expensive,some fine——telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand,the professor said:“If you noticed,all the nice—looking,expensive cups were taken up,leaving behind the plain and cheap ones.While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves,that is the source of your problems and stress.”
“What all of you really wanted was coffee,not the cup,but you consciously went for the best cups and were eyeing each other’s cups.”
“Now consider this:Life is the coffee and the jabs,money and position in society are the cups.They are just tools to hold and contain life,and do not change the quality of life.Sometimes,by concentrating only on the cup,we fail to enjoy the coffee.So,don’t let the cups drive you...enjoy the coffee instead.”
56.Why did the conversation soon turn into complaints?
A.Because there was no coffee to drink.
B.Because there was nothing to talk about except complaints
C.Because life was not easy for everyone.
D.Because there was nothing better than to complain.
57.The professor brought in a variety of cups because           .
A.he was richer than his students
B.he was fond of collecting cups
C.there were too many people to drink coffee
D.the cups would play an important part in his talk
58.In the author’s opinion          .
A.it is necessary to have a variety of cups to meet the needs of different guests
B.one should concentrate on main things in life
C.the students liked drinking coffee mole than anything else
D.cups are more important than coffee
59.We can infer that       .
A.in our daily life most people want only the best for themselves
B.coffee was as important as a cup
C. a teacher should have a11 kinds of cups at home
D.whether coffee is nice to drink depends on the cup

Dear Betty,
My roommate’s family wants me to celebrate Thanksgiving Day with them in their home. I accepted the invitation, and I’m excited about going, but I’m a little nervous about it, too. The social customs in my country are different from those here, so I’m a little worried about making mistakes.
Should I bring a gift, such as candy or flowers? Should I arrive on time or a little late?  At the dinner table, how can I know which fork or knife to use? How can I let the family know that I’m thankful for their kindness?
Knowing Nothing
Dear Knowing Nothing,
It’s a good idea to bring a gift when you go to a dinner party. Flowers are always welcome, or you can bring a bottle of wine if you know the family drink it.
You should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late. Don’t get there early. If you are going to be more than fifteen minutes late, you should call and tell them.
Try to relax at the dinner table. If you don’t know how to use the right fork, knife or spoon, just watch the other guests, and follow them. If you still have no idea of what to do, don’t be shy about asking the person next to you; it’s better to ask them than to be silently uncomfortable and nervous.
If you like the food, say so. Of course, you’ll thank the host and hostess for the meal and for their kindness. It’s also a good idea to send a card to thank them the day after.
41. Knowing Nothing wrote a letter to Betty to _____.
A. tell Betty some good news        B. ask for some advice
C. answer some questions              D. invite her to dinner
42. According to Betty, Knowing Nothing ______ when going to a dinner party.
A. can only bring some flowers     
B. can’t bring wine
C. should arrive on time or five to ten minutes late
D. should arrive twenty minutes late
43. Betty does NOT advise Knowing Nothing to _____.
A. relax at the dinner table               B. watch the other guests
C. ask the person beside him             D. keep silent at table

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
On October 16th 1987, southern Britain was hit by a hurricane, the worst storm to hit Britain since 1703.
Twenty years later, Britain is remembering the disaster known as The Great Storm. 15 million trees across the area were uprooted by the wind, and a wet autumn had made the ground very muddy (泥泞的).
The falling trees caused damage to buildings and vehicles, and blocked roads and railway lines, forcing everyone, from adults to schoolchildren to stay at home.
There were also blackouts across the area, as power lines were damaged by falling trees and flying debris (残骸). People used candles and flashlights (手电) for light, and gas stoves and open fires to cook food.
The storm lasted for 4 hours, and killed 18 lives. The bad weather caused so much damage mostly because of the fact that most people were completely unprepared, and be-cause many weather forecasters didn’t think it could cause a problem.
Earlier that week, weather forecasts had predicted severe (严重的) weather, but forecasters thought it would miss Britain and only affect the English Channel. A well-known weatherman, Michael Fish, ever said that the storm wouldn’t happen, though in fact he was talking about a hurricane in Florida at that time.
The unusual storm caused more than £1billion in dam-age, and hundreds of people were injured.
Could the same thing happen today in Britain? Well, as a result of climate change many people think that sudden and severe weather changes are more likely. However, technology has improved, and satellites give us a much more accurate(精确的)picture of future weather. If another Great Storm comes along, the British public will probably be warned earlier and have more time to prepare!
56. The bad weather in 1987 in Britain caused a lot of damage because ______.
A. it caused a great flood                    B. most people were not prepared
C. it happened in the summer                            D. there was no weather forecast
57. Which of the following was NOT one of the effects of The Great Storm?
A. There were a number of deaths and injuries.   B. The electricity went out.
C. It hit Florida first.                                D. Roads and railway lines were blocked.
58. One week before The Great Storm, weather forecasts ______.
A. could not predict severe weather at all
B. had predicted the severe weather, but some weather forecasters thought it would miss Britain
C. showed that the terrible storm would not hit the English Channel
D. showed that The Great Storm would affect both England and Florida
59. We learn from the last paragraph that ______.
A. this kind of bad weather will not happen in Britain again
B. bad weather will happen more frequently in Britain now
C. people will be better prepared if there is bad weather in Britain now
D. bad weather may be stopped with the development of technology

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


When I was a kid, I always used to wonder how in the world my father work outside in the winter without a coat. It could be minus 20 degrees centigrade and there’d be Dad, removing snow, or perhaps chopping some wood --- his coat thrown aside--- wearing a shirt , a cap, and a pair of gloves.

“Aren’t you cold, Dad?” I’d ask. “No,” Dad would reply. “I’m not cold--- working too hard to be cold.”

Many times I wondered whether my father was an extremely tough man, or whether he was foolish.

One time when I was quite young, perhaps five or so, I went ice fishing with Dad. It was a bright, clear day—and bitterly cold.

After we’d been out on the ice for a little while, my feet started getting cold.

“ Daddy, my feet are cold.” I said.

“Yeah, it’s cold out here today,” he replied.

“Tell you what,” he said. “Walk around. Make some circles in the snow. See how many different patterns you can make. That will get your feet warm.”

Now, I was just a little girl at the time but I remember thinking, “How in the world will walking around in the snow make my feet warm? Dad must be out of mind.

But he was my father, after all. I made circles in the snow. I made squares. Pretty soon I was having so much fun making patterns in the snow. I forgot about my feet being cold.

Now, all these years later, I know, too, from personal experience how my father was able to take his coat off and work outside in the winter wearing just a shirt, a cap and gloves. Because I do it, too. “Aren’t you cold?” my husband asked one winter day. “No,” I replied. “I’m not cold—working too hard to be cold.”

I hope my husband has decided I’m both tough and smart. But I guess quite a bit of the time he thinks I’m foolish.

Wherever Dad is in that great big farm in the sky—I’m sure he can’t help but smile whenever I take my coat off while I’m working outside in the winter.

51. When the author’s feet felt cold, her father advised her to____.

A. go home alone first        B. keep walking in the snow

C. draw pictures in the snow    D. light a fire on the ice

52. Hearing her father’s advice, the author thought her father____.

A. forgettable      B. warm-hearted         C. crazy              D. cruel

53. What might the author’s husband think of her?

A. Tough            B. Smart                    C. Brave             D. Foolish

54. The author’s purpose of writing this passage is to ______.

A. remember her tough and smart father

B. show how her father cared about her

C. describe memories of her childhood

D. explain why her father loved her so much


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