
It’s the place where smart people make smart machines work even smarter. It’s also in the heart of sunny California, a great place to start a family and raise kids. What could be better?

But something is happening to their children. Up until the age of two they develop normally. But then everything seems to go backwards. The children become lock into their own small world, unable to communicate at all.

They call it the “curse(诅咒) of Silicon Valley,” but the medical name for the condition is autism(自闭症). It used to be thought that autism was a kind of mental illness. Now doctors are sure that it is a neurological disease transmitted genetically. It seems that the people leading the communications revolution are having children who cannot communicate at all.

But even the parents have trouble communicating. Asperger’s Syndrome is a mild version of autism. People who have it are highly intelligent and often brilliant with numbers or system but have no social skill. This very combination of symptoms makes Asperger’s sufferers into ideal computer professionals.

The Asperger’s sufferer has always been a well-known figure in popular culture. He or she was the eccentric but dedicated scholar or the strange uncle or auntie who never married. But the high numbers of such people in Silicon Valley mean that they can meet others who understand them and share their interests. And while they might not be personally attractive, they can earn truly attractive amounts of money. They can get married and have kids. Unfortunately, many of the children of two Asperger’s parents seem to be developing serious autism.

There is little anyone can do. It takes hours of work just to make autistic child realize that anyone else exists. And there is no cure in sight. Some argue that no cure should be found. “It may be that autistics are essentially different from normal people, but that these differences make them invaluable for the evolution of the human race,” says Dr. Kirk Whilhelmsen of the University of California. “To eliminate the genes for autism could be disastrous.

It seems that the children of Silicon Valley are paying the price of genius.

1.What does Dr Kirk Whilhelmsen think of autism?

A. It is disastrous to society.

B. It is not completely a bad thing.

C. It is a punishment to those working in Silicon Valley.

D. People with autism should never marry.

2.Why do people call autism “curse of Silicon Valley”?

A. Because autistic people live in Silicon Valley.

B. Because many people working in Silicon Valley have autism children.

C. Because people with autism will be driven out of Silicon Valley.

D. Because people with autism are not personally attractive and not liked by others.

3.What can we know about Asperger’s Syndrome according to the passage?

A. Asperger’s sufferers are ideal computer professionals.

B. Asperger’s sufferers never get married and have children.

C. Asperger’s sufferers are ashamed of themselves and locked into their own world.

D. Asperger’s sufferers can be beneficial to society if they are cured.


Recently, a series of bracelets have gone viral on Weibo. On these specially made bracelets are the words “Cell Phone Ninja.”

The bracelets are actually part of an experiment carried out by Chongqing Three Gorges University that challenges students not to use cell phones in class for 21 days.

The experiment started on April 12. Each student who volunteered to participate received a bracelet. Before the first class and after the last class of each day, students were instructed to upload a photo of their bracelet to the school’s public Wechat account if they did not use their cell phones.

Over 800 students signed up for the experiment and 400 were selected to participate. After seven days, only 103 students remained. The experiment was set for 21 days because of a claim in psychology that 21 days is the length of time required to form any habit.

According to the teachers monitoring the activity, there were no rewards or punishments in the experiment. It depended on students themselves to make the decision. Teachers hope students can form better study habits through activities like this one.

1.What should the student do in the experiment?

A. The student should receive a bracelet.

B. The student should upload the bracelet’s picture during their class.

C. The student should upload the bracelet’s picture before and after their class.

D. The student should open an account in the school’s public Wechat.

2.How many students survived the experiment after a week?

A. 800. B. 400. C. 203. D. 103.

3.Why did the experiment last for 21 days?

A. Because the 21st day is a special day in psychology.

B. Because the organizers only have 21 days free.

C. Because it is believed that it takes 21 days to develop a habit.

D. Because 21 days are needed to form any hobby.

4.According to the teachers monitoring the activity, through such activities ________.

A. students must form a better study habit

B. students could benefit from the activity

C. students should depend on themselves to make a choice

D. few students attended it because there were no rewards or punishments



Many years ago I was on a bicycle trip through some countryside.Suddenly,dark clouds ______ up overhead and rain began to fall,but ______ to relate,several hundred yards ahead of me the sun shone brilliantly.I rode as rapidly as I could. ______,I found it impossible to get into the clear.The ______ with their rain kept advancing faster than I could _______ forward.I continued this unequal ______ for an exhausting half hour,before realizing that I could not win my way to the bright area ahead of me.

Then it dawned on(使开始明白)me that I was ______ my strength,while paying no attention to the ______ for the sake of which I was making the trip.

The storm could not last forever and the discomfort was not ______.Indeed,there was much to look at that might otherwise have ______ me.I saw colours,lines and contours(轮廓)that would have appeared ______ under brilliant light.My anger at the rain was______ and my desire to escape it disappeared.It had ______ me with a new view and helped me understand that the sources of beauty and satisfaction may be found close at hand within the ______ of one's own sensibility(感受能力).

It made me think,then and later,about other matters to which this incident was ______.It helped me realize that there is no ______ in fleeing from circumstances and conditions which cannot be ______,but I could bravely meet and often turned them to good ones.I know that half the battle is won if I can face trouble with ______,disappointment with spirit,and victory with humility(谦虚).It has become ______ to me that danger is far from disaster,that defeat may be the forerunner of final victory,and that all achievements are fragile ______ based on enduring principles of moral conduct.

1.A.climbed B.piled C.picked D.went

2.A.strange B.skeptical C.optimistic D.constant

3.A.Therefore B.Moreover C.However D.Otherwise

4.A.winds B.sky C.sun D.clouds

5.A.race B.drive C.watch D.look

6.A.struggle B.contest C.trip D.power

7.A.gathering B.recovering C.saving D.wasting

8.A.landscape B.pleasure C.hurry D.feeling

9.A.adequate B.uncertain C.slight D.unbearable

10.A.interested B.pleased C.escaped D.found

11.A.beautifully B.slowly C.fortunately D.differently

12.A.great B.gone C.obvious D.hard

13.A.provided B.replaced C.compared D.equipped

14.A.range B.demand C.process D.contribution

15.A.devoted B.applied C.related D.adjusted

16.A.doubt B.way C.sense D.wonder

17.A.treated B.received C.understood D.avoided

18.A.hesitation B.courage C.difficulty D.ease

19.A.secret B.clearer C.stranger D.private

20.A.unless B.once C.when D.though

Apple Seeds

Circulation(发行量) : 1 Year, 9 Issues

Cover Price: $44.55

Price For You: $33.95

Product Description: Apple Seeds is an award-winning magazine filled with stories for kids aged from 7 to 9.The cover is very soft, providing durability(耐用性) that allows each issue to be enjoyed for many years to come. Besides, there is a big surprise for you — it’s being sold at a more favorable discount than usual.

Better Life

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: $44.55

Price For You: $15.00

Product Description: Designed for those who have a strong interest in personal lifestyle, Better Life is America’s complete home and family service magazine. It offers help with food, recipes, decorating, building, gardening, family health, money management, and education.

Humor Times

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: $36.00

Price For You: $11.95

Product Description: Humor Times Magazine is for those who love to laugh! Full of cartoons and humor columns, it shows up in your mailbox once a month and keeps you smiling all year round! In today’s world, you need a reason to laugh. So let’s find it in Humor Times.

News China

Circulation: 1 Year, 12 Issues

Cover Price: $47.88

Price For You: $19.99

Product Description: News China Magazine is the English edition of China Newsweek. The magazine covers the latest Chinese domestic news in politics, business, society, environment, culture, sports and travels, etc. It is the first comprehensive news magazine for readers interested in China.

1.What do we know about Apple Seeds?

A. The soft cover enables it to be read and kept long.

B. It can be purchased as an award for your children.

C. It offers the biggest discount among all the magazines.

D. The magazine is going to surprise you for many years.

2.What kind of people may buy News China?

A. People who have an interest in personal lifestyle of the Chinese.

B. People who have a strong sense of humor and love to laugh.

C. People who want to enlarge the knowledge of their kids.

D. People who are interested in China’s politics, business and culture.

3.Better Life can help you in ________.

A. beautifying your house

B. finding interesting stories for your kids

C. ordering food from restaurants

D. learning about sports and travels


The long line of rush hour traffic wound its way down the rain?slick(湿滑的) street as I glanced nervously at my watch.5:30! Nothing had gone right all day.This traffic jam seemed the perfect ending to a(n) ______ day.

I sighed loudly,______ there was no one to hear.Lately my life seemed ______ more than a never?ending ______ of regular tasks.Surely there was more to living than this.I guess I was simply too tired to look for it.

And then, looking ______, I saw him.

The lone(孤零零) flagman was standing ______ the street,______ directing four driving ways of traffic as they ______ into one.But there was something ______ about this flagman, and as my car ______, I realized what it was.

Standing among dozens of impatient motorists, he was smiling and ______ at every driver that passed.

As I sat waiting my ______ in my warm car, I began to feel ______.If this man, who did nothing all day but watch one car after another______, could stand in the cold rain hour after boring hour and still have a friendly ______ for every single person who passed, what right did I have to ______ my life?

It was ______ my turn to pass the flagman.“Thank you,” I mouthed ______ the window.He smiled and nodded and I drove on, spirits lifted,______ changed.And in the rear view mirror(后视镜) I could see him, raising his hand and ______ to every car that passed.

1.A.dangerous B.enjoyable C.horrible D.interesting

2.A.though B.so C.if D.when

3.A.everything B.anything C.nothing D.something

4.A.cycle B.discovery C.expectation D.sacrifice

5.A.right B.left C.backward D.forward

6.A.next to B.in the middle of C.away from D.ahead of

7.A.wisely B.eagerly C.patiently D.calmly

8.A.exchanged B.combined C.crashed D.jumped

9.A.common B.wrong C.outstanding D.unusual

10.A.approached B.started C.stopped D.passed

11.A.shouting B.staring C.aiming D.waving

12.A.order B.turn C.request D.fortune

13.A.annoyed B.delighted C.ashamed D.disappointed

14.A.go by B.go up C.get along D.get through

15.A.glance B.gesture C.move D.treat

16.A.set aside B.burst into C.look down upon D.complain about

17.A.certainly B.luckily C.finally D.merely

18.A.through B.from C.off D.in

19.A.anxiety B.attitude C.experience D.doubt

20.A.talking B.explaining C.whispering D.greeting

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