

Particles from car exhausts generate more persistent clouds but less rain, new research suggests. Furthermore, putting more of these particles into the atmosphere reduces the low-level winds, which could reduce the amount of wind power available in very polluted regions. The dry but populated regions may therefore suffer a triple blow as a result of vehicle pollution:less water, less hydropower and less wind energy.

Scientists studied the effects of aerosol(浮质)pollution from cars and industry. They correlated satellite data on wind speeds and the amount of aerosol particles in the atmosphere above the South Coast Basin in California and above China. Results showed that higher concentrations of aerosols were closely associated with slower ground winds. Scientists then used computer models to support the idea that there was a cause and effect relationship behind this correlation.

Particles floating in the atmosphere block energy from the Sun, preventing it from warming the surface of the Earth. Cooler surface temperatures during the day means the low—level and slow moving air does not rise up and mix with the faster winds at higher altitudes. Slower winds also induce less evaporation from oceans, rivers and lakes. And finally, once clouds have formed, they store less moisture in the form of rain. This is because raindrops form around small particles— dust, for instance, or pollution. With more particles in the atmosphere, it takes longer for enough water to condense(凝结)onto a particle to form a raindrop. And if the cloud of fine droplets(小滴)moves to a drier area before its would-be rain can rail, the moisture evaporates once more and the cloud disappears.

Scientists note their new work does not contradict previous findings that suggest global warming might lead to more tropical storms, because there is far less particulate(微粒的)pollution over the oceans.

60. The first paragraph mainly talks about        .

A. the results of vehicle pollution

B. an introduction to particles from car exhausts

C. less wind energy in polluted regions

D. less water caused by vehicle pollution

61. From this passage we can learn that        .

A. scientists supported their idea by using material models

B. the new study is contrary to the previous findings

C. if there are more particles in the atmosphere, there will be more raindrops

D. there is a cause and effect relationship between wind speeds and particle pollution

62. The underlined word “induce” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean       _ .

A. reduce         B. persuade           C. cause             D. produce

63. What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Pollution and Global Warming          B. Car, Wind and Rain

C. Industry Pollution                    D. How Rain Forms



60---63   ADCB   




Particles from car exhausts generate more persistent clouds but less rain, new research suggests. Furthermore, putting more of these particles into the atmosphere reduces the low-level winds, which could reduce the amount of wind power available in very polluted regions. The dry but populated regions may therefore suffer a triple blow as a result of vehicle pollution:less water, less hydropower and less wind energy.
Scientists studied the effects of aerosol(浮质)pollution from cars and industry. They correlated satellite data on wind speeds and the amount of aerosol particles in the atmosphere above the South Coast Basin in California and above China. Results showed that higher concentrations of aerosols were closely associated with slower ground winds. Scientists then used computer models to support the idea that there was a cause and effect relationship behind this correlation.
Particles floating in the atmosphere block energy from the Sun, preventing it from warming the surface of the Earth. Cooler surface temperatures during the day means the low—level and slow moving air does not rise up and mix with the faster winds at higher altitudes. Slower winds also induce less evaporation from oceans, rivers and lakes. And finally, once clouds have formed, they store less moisture in the form of rain. This is because raindrops form around small particles— dust, for instance, or pollution. With more particles in the atmosphere, it takes longer for enough water to condense(凝结)onto a particle to form a raindrop. And if the cloud of fine droplets(小滴)moves to a drier area before its would-be rain can rail, the moisture evaporates once more and the cloud disappears.
Scientists note their new work does not contradict previous findings that suggest global warming might lead to more tropical storms, because there is far less particulate(微粒的)pollution over the oceans.
60. The first paragraph mainly talks about        .
A. the results of vehicle pollution
B. an introduction to particles from car exhausts
C. less wind energy in polluted regions
D. less water caused by vehicle pollution
61. From this passage we can learn that        .
A. scientists supported their idea by using material models
B. the new study is contrary to the previous findings
C. if there are more particles in the atmosphere, there will be more raindrops
D. there is a cause and effect relationship between wind speeds and particle pollution
62. The underlined word “induce” in Paragraph 3 most probably mean       _ .
A. reduce         B. persuade           C. cause             D. produce
63. What’s the best title for the passage?
A. Pollution and Global Warming          B. Car, Wind and Rain
C. Industry Pollution                    D. How Rain Forms

The Golden Compass is the first movie based on the Philip Pullman’s bestselling novel, His Dark Materials. It is a work of imagination that tells us about a young girl who travels to the far north to save her best friend. Along the way she meets strange creatures, like witches and so on. Finally , she saves not only her world, but also ours as well.

Lyra is a young girl among scholars in Oxford’s Jordan College. She spends most of her time with her friend Roger, a kitchen boy. Together, they share a life with no worries. However, when Lyra hears a conversation about a very tiny particle(颗粒), she is thrown into a dangerous adventure. This particle is said to unite different worlds, and is feared by many people who want to destroy it. At the same time , children began to disappear without a trace, including Lyra’s good friend, Roger. As Lyra starts this horrible struggle, and begins to search for Roger, she meets strange creatures both big and small, and bad people who are not what they seem to be. Gobblers(饕餮者) that kidnap(绑架)children appear in the most unexpected places. And a magical compass made of gold will answer any question if one is skilled enough to read it. In unbelievable danger, Lyra doesn’t know that she is doomed to win, or to lose, this battle…

With the movie The Lord of the Rings making New Line cinema over a billion dollars, it’s easy to see why they got the rights to Pullman’s His Dark Materials quickly. The books, sold more than nine million copies in the world, have a different idea from the Harry Potter series. Pullman’s imagination may look suitable for children, but it works far better for adults.

1.In the film The Golden Compass, Lyra______.

A.is a student in Oxford’s Jordan College

B.is a kitchen boy

C.hears a conversation of Roger’s

D.meets many strange creatures

2.The film is named The Golden Compass probably because______.

A.the compass is useful enough to help Lyra

B.only skilled people can read the compass

C.the compass which is made of gold can answer any question

D.the compass throughout the whole story is a clue

3.From the passage we can conclude that______.

A.New Line Cinema won Pullman’s trust through its achievement

B.The Lord of the Rings is also based on one of Pullman’s novels

C.His Dark Materials is similar to the Harry Potter series

D.New Line Cinema made over a billion dollars through the Harry Potter series

4.Which group of people will like the film The Golden Compass the best according to the passage?


B.Junior students


D.Only old people




Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The   21   you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually   22   you money or can add   23    the cost.

Take the   24   example of a hairdryer. If you are buying a hairdryer, you might   25   that you are making the   26  buy if you choose one   27  look you like and which is also the cheapest   28   price. But when you get it home you may find that it   29  twice as long as a more expensive   30   to dry your hair. The cost of the electricity plus the cost of your time could well   31  your hairdryer the most expensive one of all.

So what principles should you   32  when you go out shopping?

If you   33  your home, your car or any valuable   34  in excellent condition, you’ll be saving money in the long   35  .

Before you buy a new   36  , talk to someone who owns one. If you can, use it or borrow it to check it suits your particular   37  .

Before you buy an expensive   38  , or a service, do check the price and   39   is on offer. If possible, choose   40  three items or three estimates.

21.   A. form                     B. fashion                   C. way                    D. method

22.   A. save                      B. preserve                 C. raise                   D. obtain

23.   A. up                        B. to                          C. in                       D. on

24.   A. easy                      B. single                     C. simple                 D. similar

25.   A. convince               B. accept                    C. examine              D. think

26.   A. proper                  B. best                       C. reasonable           D. most

27.   A. its                        B. which                    C. whose                 D. what

28.   A. for                       B. with                       C. in                       D. on

29.   A. spends                  B. takes                      C. lasts                    D. consumes

30.   A. mode                    B. copy                      C. sample                D. model

31.   A. cause                    B. make                     C. leave                   D. prove

32.   A. adopt                    B. lay                         C. stick                   D. adapt

33.   A. reserve                  B. decorate                 C. store                   D. keep

34.   A. products                B. possession              C. material              D. ownership

35.   A. run                       B. interval                  C. period                 D. time

36.   A. appliance              B. equipment              C. utility                 D. facility

37.   A. function                B. purpose                  C. goal                    D. task

38.   A. component            B. element                  C. item                    D. particle

39.   A. what                     B. which                    C. that                     D. this

40.   A. of                         B. in                          C. by                      D. from


“NOW I just don’t believe that.” Surely all of us, at some point, have watched a movie and thought: It’s simply badly researched, or, the makers must think we’re idiots (白痴). Recently, the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph ran a humorous piece on unconvincing tech moments from some top movies. Let’s see what all the fuss is about.

Telegraph writer Tom Chiver’s first example is from the end-of-the-world movie Independence Day, in which a character comes up with a virus capable of destroying Windows, the computer system the alien spacecraft uses. Its a good thing they didnt have Norton Antivirus (诺顿防火墙)”, jokes Chivers.

It’s just one case of a movie that takes a lot of license with its science. Another one Chivers mentions is from Star Wars, where glowing beams of light traveling through space look very impressive. The problem is that in space there are no air particles for the light to reflect off. In reality, they’d be invisible, which wouldn’t look so cool on the big screen.

Chiver’s second piece of Star Wars nonsense is the sound the fighters make in the movies: “the bellow (咆哮) of an elephant mixed with a car driving on a wet road”. But sound needs a medium to travel through, like air. In space, there wouldn’t actually be any sound at all.

Few people would deny that the mind-bending Matrix films make for great viewing, but for Chivers, the science in the movies is a little silly. He comments “…the film is based on the idea that humans are kept alive as electricity generator. This is not just unlikely – it’s fundamentally impossible. They would need more energy to stay alive than they would produce. It’s like saying you’ll power your car with batteries, and keep the batteries charged by running a dynamo (发电机) from the wheels.”

And finally, as Chivers points out, DNA is not replaceable. But this bit of elementary genetics passed the makers of the 2002 Bond film Die Another Day by. In the film the bad guy has “gene therapy” to change his appearance and his DNA, which is completely impossible.

1.What does the underlined sentence mean?  

A. The virus created by the character is capable of destroying spacecrafts.

B. Aliens’ using Windows system is totally unconvincing plot.

C. The spacecraft should have Norton Antivirus.

D. Norton Antivirus can stop a virus.

2. We can learn from the example of the Star Wars that       .

A. in space, you can not hear anything

B. light beams travel via air particle in space

C. Chiver thinks the sound of the fighters is vivid

D. the invisible light beams are impressive in the movies

3. Chiver uses the example of car batteries in Matrix to imply that       .

A. the basic idea of the film is rather ridiculous

B. the science in the movies is very convincing

C. the idea that humans can be kept alive as electricity generator is right

D. humans would stay alive as long as they would produce enough energy

4. We can learn from the movie Die Another Day that       .

A. the idea of gene therapy is creative

B. the element of DNA should not be used

C. the makers of the 2002 Bond use the genetic technology

D. DNA can be replaced but in the real world it is impossible

5.Why did Chiver write this passage?

A. To prove all these films are making mistakes.

B. To show his great concern for the movie industry.

C. To joke about some movies in the movie industry.

D. To call for the audience to find out mistakes from the movies.


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