
【题目】Shirley Temple Black, who lifted America’s spirit as a bright-eyed child movie star during the Great Depression, peacefully passed away at her California home on Monday evening at 85, surrounded by her family and caregivers.

Temple, born on April 23, 1928, started her entertainment career in the early 1930s and was famous by age 6. Temple was 3 when her mother put her in dance school, where a talent scout spotted her and got her in Baby Burlesks, a series of short movies with child actors playing in adult movies.

Movie studio directors took notice of her and in 1934 she appeared in the film Stand Up and Cheer! and her song and dance caught people’s attention. Movies such as Little Miss Marker and Bright Eyes featured her signature song. In 1935, she received a special Oscar for her “outstanding contribution to screen entertainment” in the movie Stand Up and Cheer!

She made some 40 feature movies, including The Little Colonel, Poor Little Rich Girl, Heidi and Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, in 10 years, starring with big-name actors like Randolph Scott, Lionel Barrymore and Jimmy Durante. Temple was a superstar before the term was invented. She said she was about 8 when crowds shouting their love for her made her realize she was famous. “I wondered why,” she recalled. “I asked my mother and she said, ‘Because your films make them happy.’ ”

Her child career came to an end at 12. She tried a few roles as a teenager—including opposite future president Ronald Reagan in That Hagen Girl – but retired from the screen in 1949 at 21.

Temple was only 17 when she married for the first time to John Agar, who would eventually appear with her in two movies. Their five-year marriage produced a daughter. In 1950 she wed Charles Black in a marriage that lasted until his death in 2005. She and Black had two children. Temple’s interest in politics was sparked in the early 1950s when her husband was called back into the Navy to work in Washington.

1For which movie did Shirley Temple win the Oscar?

A. That Hagen Girl

B. Little Miss Marker

C. Stand Up and Cheer

D. The Little Colonel

2When Temple first caught the audience’s eyes, ____.

A. she hoped to play a role in a series of movies

B. her family was offered

C. her mother sent her to a local dance school

D. the United States was in fact in financial straits

3After Temple got married to Charles Black, ____.

A. she might have begun her political life

B. she had to raise her two young children

C. she decided to work for the Navy

D. she ended her film career on screen

4It can be inferred from the fourth paragraph that ___.

A. people could find happiness in Temple’s films

B. Temple’s mother only focused on income

C. Temple disliked crowds shouting at her

D. Temple’s mother was worried about her






【解析】试题分析: 这篇文章主要介绍了美国著名童星秀兰·邓波儿的生平。邓波儿在经济大萧条时期作为童星用其明亮的眼睛和迷人的酒窝振奋了美国人的精神。她一生出演了多部电影,并在7岁时获得了特别奥斯卡奖,文章还介绍了她的婚姻,以及去世的消息。

1C 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句In 1935, she received a special Oscar for her “outstanding contribution to screen entertainment” in the movie Stand Up and Cheer!可知选择C

2D 细节理解题。根据第一段的Shirley Temple Black, who lifted America’s spirit as a bright-eyed child movie star during the Great Depression可知选择D,当邓波儿获得人们的关注时,美国正处于经济大萧条时期。

3A 细节理解题。根据文章最后一句话Temple’s interest in politics was sparked in the early 1950s when her husband was called back into the Navy to work in Washington可知选择A,邓波儿正是在嫁给第二任丈夫后,才对政治感兴趣。

4A 推理判断题。根据第四段最后一句she recalled. “I asked my mother and she said, ‘Because your films make them happy.’可知邓波儿给人们带来了快乐,故选择A


【题目】Calling all poets! TIME For Kids(TFK) has a challenge for you.

WHO: The contest is open to students who are 8 to 13 years old.

WHAT: Write a funny, rhyming poem and enter it in the TFK Poetry Contest. By entering, the entrant(参加竞赛者) should promise that the poem is an original one that does not copy another poets work, has not been published in an y medium and has not won an award.

HOW: Send your poem by e-mail to contest@poetry4kids.com. The subject line of your e-mail message should read “TFK POETRY CONTEST”. Be sure to include your first name only, your e-mail address and your parents’ e-mail address. Limit one entry per person or e-mail account. The sponsor(赞助者) is not responsible for lost, late or incomplete entries, or those not received for any reason.

WHEN: This contest begins 12:01 a.m. on January 13,2013, and ends 11:59 p.m. on March 1,2013.

JUDGING: All entries will be judged by poet Kenn Nesbitt, based on the following standards: creativity and o riginality (50%),use of language and rhyme (25%) and relatedness to contest theme(25%).Winner will be informed by e-mail and must respond within five days.

WINNER’S LIST: For names of the winner and finalists, visit timeforkids.com (after April 1,2013, you can get for a period of 10 days).

PRIZE: Our judge will select four semifinalists(半决赛选手)from which one grand-prize winner and three finalists will be chosen. The one grand-prize winner will receive an online class visit from poet Kenn Nesbitt and a signed copy of one of his books of poetry. The poem of the grand-prize winner will be published on timeforkids.com. The finalists will receive signed copies of one of Nesbitt’s books of poetry. The poems of finalists will be published on timeforkids.com.

【1Which may be a proper work for the TFK Poetry Contest?

A. A war poem published in a book.

B. A great poem which has won many prizes.

C. A fine poem downloaded from the Internet.

D. A love poem which has been kept secret from others.

【2According to Paragraph 4, a student__________.

A. can send more than one original poem

B. must send the poem with his full name on it

C. can ask a parent for help while writing the poem

D. can’t use the name of the poem as the subject line

【3Only the grand-prize winner can________.

A. visit timeforkids.com for free

B. have his poem published on timeforkids.com

C. receive an online class visit from poet Kenn Nesbitt

D. obtain(获得) a signed copy of one of Nesbitts books of poetry.

违法和不良信息举报电话:027-86699610 举报邮箱:58377363@163.com
