You are watching a film in which two men are having a fight. They hit one another hard. At the start they only fight with their fists. But soon they begin hitting one another over the heads with chairs. And so it goes on until one of the men crashes (撞击) through a window and falls thirty feet to the ground below. He is dead!Of course he isn't really dead. With any luck he isn't even hurt. Why? Because the men who fall out of high windows or jump from fast moving trains, who crash cars or even catch fire, are professionals (专业人士). They do this for a living. These men are called stuntmen. That is to say, they perform tricks. There are two sides to their work. They actually do most of the things you see on the screen. For example, they fall from a high building. However, they do not fall on to hard ground but on to empty cardboard boxes covered with a mattress (床垫). Again, when they hit one another with chairs, the chairs are made of soft wood and when they crash through windows, the glass is made of sugar! But although their work depends on trick of this sort, it also requires a high degree of skill and training. Often a stuntman' s success depends on careful timing. For example, when he is "blown up" in a battle scene, he has to jump out of the way of the explosion just at the right moment.

Naturally stuntmen are well paid for their work, but they lead dangerous lives. They often get seriously injured, and sometimes killed. A Norwegian stuntman, for example, skied over the edge of a cliff a thousand feet high. His parachute (降落伞) failed to open, and he was killed. In spite of all the risks, this is no longer a profession for men only. Men no longer dress up as women when actresses have to perform some dangerous action, for nowadays there are stunt girls too!

Stuntmen are those who ______.

A. often dress up as women

B. prefer to lead dangerous lives

C. often perform seemingly (表面上) dangerous actions

D. often fight each other for their lives

Stuntmen earn their living by ______.

A. playing their dirty tricks               B. selling their special skills

C. jumping out of high windows           D. jumping from fast moving trains

When a stuntman falls from a high building, ______.

A. he needs little protection

B. he will be covered with a mattress

C. his life is endangered

D. his safety is generally all right

Which of the following is the main factor (因素) of a successful performance?

A. Strength.     B. Exactness.       C. Speed.      D. Power.

What can be inferred from the author' s example of the Norwegian stuntman?

A. Sometimes an accident can occur to a stuntman.

B. The percentage of serious accidents is high.

C. Parachutes must be of good quality.

D. The cliff is too high.

After the examination, the doctor told my parents my sight would get worse and that I would lose my sight finally. On the way home from hospital, no one said a word. One day, would I only imagine the scenery beyond the glass rather than see it?

That September, I entered middle school. Most nights I had homework that included an armful of books to read. To keep up with other children, I took great trouble to finish the task. With my nose a couple of inches from the page, I was tired easily. What’s worse, after I had read several pages on my own, the words slipped off the page into inky pools.

However, then I did not have audio books and electronic devices like kids do now. Instead, Mom volunteered to read out loud. Mom worked part-time, cleaned the house, cooked and spent time with Grandma. In spite of being so busy, she showed up in my room like clockwork. She put on her reading glasses. Mom always thought those glasses made her look old. To me, she looked like a teacher.

In my room, Mom’s voice competed with the ticking of the clock. Being forced to focus on listening, I found a way to keep my marks up and compete with the other kids. When the teacher asked a question, I raised my hand with confidence. Teachers praised me for having a good memory. Reading removed my fear for my failing sight, reading also made me curious about other people’s challenges and how they managed. Though I could not use my eyes to fix on each passage, my mind lit up with every new book.

True to what the doctor said, the worst came, but thanks to Mom, my sense of hearing now allows me to “see”. This was the most precious (珍贵的) gift from a mother to her child.

1.Why did the author and his parents keep silent on their way back home from hospital?

A.They all wanted to have a good rest.

B.The author didn’t do well in the exam.

C.What the doctor said made them worried.

D.They focused on the scenery along the road

2.How did the author manage to get high marks?

A.By being confident

B.By listening carefully.

C.By getting help from his classmates.

D.By reading as many books as possible.

3.We can learn from the text that    .

A.the author’s sight recovered finally

B.reading made the author more sensitive

C.the author’s mother didn’t work to look after him

D.reading made the author not worry about his sight

4.Which of the following could be the title of the text?

A.My eyesight trouble                     B.An unforgettable experience

C.With ears wide open                     D.About Mother’s love





    From the health point of view we are living in a wonderful age. We are immunized from birth against many of the most dangerous diseases. A large number of once fatal illnesses can now be cured by modern drugs and surgery. It is almost certain that one day medicines will be found for the most stubborn remaining diseases. The expectation of life has increased largely. But though the possibility of living a long and happy life is greater than ever before, every day we witness the unbelievable slaughter (屠杀) of men, women and children on the roads. Man versus the motor-car! It is a never-ending battle which man is losing. Thousands of people the world over are killed or horribly killed each year and we are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.

 It has been rightly said that when a man is sitting behind a steering wheel(方向盘), his car becomes the additional part of his personality. There is no doubt that the motor-car often brings out a man’s very worst qualities. People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering-wheel. They swear, they are ill-mannered and aggressive, willful as two-year-olds and completely selfish. All their hidden anger, disappointments and envies seem to be exposed by the act of driving.

The surprising thing is that society only smiles so kindly on the motorist when seeing his behaviors talked about above. Everything is done for his convenience. Cities are allowed to become almost unsuitable to live because of heavy traffic; towns are made ugly by huge car parks; the countryside is damaged by road networks; and the mass annual slaughter becomes nothing more than a statistic, to be conveniently forgotten.

 It is high time a world code were created to reduce this senseless waste of human life. In regard to driving, the laws of some countries are dishonorably loose and even the strictest are not strict enough. A code which was universally accepted could only have a dramatically beneficial effect on the accident rate. Here are a few examples of some things that might be done. The driving test should be standardized and made far more difficult than it is; all the drivers should be made to take a test every three years; the age at which young people are allowed to drive any vehicle should be raised to at least 21; all vehicles should be put through inflexible annual tests for safety. Even the smallest amount of alcohol in the blood can destroy a person’s driving ability, so present drinking and driving laws (where they exist) should be made much stricter. The highest and lowest speed limits should be put on all roads, as has been done in the USA. All advertising stressing power and performance should be banned. These measures may sound unacceptably harsh. But surely nothing should be considered to be too severe if it results in reducing the annual loss of human life. After all, the world is for human beings, not for motor-cars.

Title: Strict Traffic Laws Can Prevent Accidents

Present situation of road accidents

.Road accidents seem to happen (1) ________.

.We are quietly sitting back and letting road slaughter happen.


(2) _____ for so many road accidents


.When driving a car, a man tends to become ill-mannered and behave in an (3)_______ way.

.It seems that all the hidden anger, disappointment and envies are (4)_______by the act of driving.

.Society just (5)_______various kinds of bad behavior of a motorist.

.People (6) _______the road accident statistics.

(7) _______ that should be taken to reduce road accidents

. The driving test should be standardized and made much more difficult.

. All the drivers should take a test every three years.

. Only people at or (8)_______ 21 can get a driving license.

. All vehicles should be given strict annual tests. Drinking and driving laws should be made much stricter.

. The highest and the lowest speed limits should be put to (9) ________.

. No advertising which stresses power and performance should be (10)_________.




The students in America usually begin high school at the age of 13 or 14. Some leave at the age of 16. But most finish the 4-year high school study. They do not get their first full-time work or begin college studies until they are 17 or 18 years old.

  The high school day is about 7 hours long. Part of the day is made into classes of about 50 minutes long. The students have lunch in the middle of the day. American students study English, history, math, science, art and languages. Some also learn job skills. They can learn how to use a computer or how to mend a car. Other students may learn by working in an office, a hospital or other places one day a week.

   Jean Wilton Anderson is 16 years old. She lives with her parents and two younger brothers in Bethesda, Maryland, near Washington D.C. Jean studies at Walt Whitman High School. There are about 1,500 students at the school. Most of them will go up to colleges.

   Jean wakes up early every morning. She begins school at about 7:30. This is her third year of high school. Every day she takes classes to learn English, world history, physics and trigonometry(三角学). She also has a class about different religions(宗教).And she plays the violin in music class. School ends at about 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Yet, Jean stays 2 or more hours longer every day for sports. Jean arrives home at about 5 o’clock in the afternoon. She eats dinner. Then she starts her homework. Students in America have their way of talking. They use the word “like” all the time. Jean and her girlfriends wear blue jeans and shirts or sweaters every day. The boys at her school also wear blue jeans. But they like to wear blue jeans that are several sizes too large for them.

   Like students of her age in most parts of the country, Jean begins to drive a car. She does not have her car. She must use the family’s car. Most of the students in high school have their own cars. Many of them drive their cars to school every day.

1. Which of the following is not true to the high school?

  A. The school day usually lasts for 7 hours.

  B. The students only have 6 subjects to learn.

  C. Each class will last for 50 minutes.

  D. The students can learn some skills out of the school.

2. Jean Wilton Anderson __________________.

  A. has a four-people family         B. lives in the city of Washington

  C. has studied in the high school for 3 years   D. drives her own car at the age of 16

3. Which of the following is not true?

  A. Students in high schools use the word “like” very often

  B. The boy students wear blue jeans as the girls.

  C. Many high school students go to school in their own cars.

  D. Boy students wear jeans of larger size because they grow fast


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