
【题目】The ________is just around the corner and you won't miss it.

A.bicycle's shop

B.bicycle shop

C.bicycles shop

D.bicycles' shop




【题目】Kitchen Products

Sandwich Baggy Rack

These baggy stands will up your lunch-making game like nobody’s business. Set them up with a sandwich bag attached, get out your snacks, and get ready to set some records for making the “world’s fastest bagged lunch”. They’re also great if you need to store liquids, but have someone around to hold the bag open as you pour.

Available on Amazon, $11.99

Pasta Strainer (滤网) Attachment

Having to hold the strainer still and sometimes up a few inches from the sink—while holding a heavy pot that you’re pouring—is kind of annoying. But this handy attachment fits your pot so well that you can tip it over the sink and just pour the water right out. Amazing!

Available on Amazon, $15.99

Rub-A-Way Stainless Steel Bar

You love cooking with garlic (大蒜) and onion, but hate the way it makes your hands smelly. Good news is that this stainless steel bar helps get rid of those bad smells in minutes. You rub it between your hands just like you would rub a real bar of soap (with or without water), and the horrible smell gone.

Available on Amazon, $11.47

Grocery Bag Holder

Plastic baggies come in handy for loads of things, and reusing them is smart for the environment. But it’s time we all got a handle on our plastic bag storing. This kitchen container can be drilled right to the wall or the inside of a cupboard to keep them in check, once and for all.

Available on Amazon. $10.99

1Which of the following is suitable for storing milk?

A.Grocery Bag Holder.

B.Sandwich Baggy Rack.

C.Pasta Strainer Attachment.

D.Rub-A-Way Stainless Steel Bar.

2What’s the Rub-A-Way Stainless Steel Bar designed for?

A.Removing bad smells.

B.Preparing dishes quickly.

C.Keeping your hands clean.

D.Collecting kitchen wastes easily.

3What do we know about Grocery Bag Holder?

A.It helps keep food clean.

B.It helps make sandwiches.

C.It contains rubbish properly.

D.It is the cheapest of the four.

【题目】Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

The ability to write well is not a gift. Sure, the special something setting apart Shakespeare or Tolstoy is a talent1 of disposition(性情), experience and commitment. But just being able to communicate clearly with written words is a learned skill. Because the words we use to write with are the same words we use to think with, learning to write well has implications going beyond the merely technical. As we improve our writing ability, we improve our ability to think--to build an argument, to frame issues in forceful ways, to 2 seemingly unrelated facts into a coherent whole.

And despite the recurring pessimistic opinions about the "end of literacy" and the "death of the 3 word", the reality is that we write more than ever these days. While it's a rare person who sits down with pen and paper in hand and writes a letter to a friend or loved one, we4 emails at an astounding rate. We also frequently write letters, proposals, memos, speeches and dozens of more5 types of documents In a word, we are 6 writing creatures.

It's no wonder that businesses repeatedly cite "communication skills" as the single most 7 trait in new employees. The problem, though, is that we are as a society 8 bad at writing. That is a great danger. Out classroom is filled with unmotivated students who could care less about writing. But being able to write well vastly improves students' potential for success as it helps them to think through problems and express their ideas more effectively

The good news is that writing well is not a gift9for the few but a set of skills that can be mastered by anyone. Here are some tips to help you move from being 10 capable to being an excellent writer. First, start a journal or a blog to get you writing regularly. Then read it so that you can find the awkward parts. Finally, be open to others' comments So if you worry about your writing ability, commit yourself now.to becoming a solid writer in the year to come.

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