

56. She won a prize again yesterday. It's ___________ (难以置信的)how lucky she's been.

57. After he called 120, the ambulance arrived ___________ (在……之内) 10 minutes. 

58. It's a method of education that is ___________ (独一无二的)to this school. 

59. Though he has made a mistake, I still ___________ (尊敬) him for his honesty.

60. The boy was asking his teacher something about Darwin's ___________ (理论) of Evolution.

61. Every nation, big or small, has its s___________ and weaknesses.

62. We all know that Shakespeare was a famous writer, but what n___________ was he?

63. I'd love to join you in the party, but u___________ I have to work that day.

64. The crosses on the map r___________ churches.

65. The flight was delayed for the heavy rain. The pilot a___________ to passengers for that.

56. unbelievable (Module 3 U3,不是重点词汇,但常用) 

57. within  (Module 3 U5,重点词汇)

58. unique (Module 4 U5,重点词汇)                

59. respect  (Module 4 U1,重点词汇)

60. Theory (Module 3 U4,重点词汇)                 

61. strengths  (Module 3 U2重点词汇)

62. nationality (Module 4 U2,重点词汇)       

63. unfortunately/unluckily (Module 4 U3,不是重点词汇)

64. represent (Module 4 U4,重点词汇)            

65. apologized  (Module 3 U1 重点词汇)



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