
It is reported that a storm is on its way, but the weather today is ______ warm and sunny.

A. luckily B. fortunately

C. surprisingly D. hardly



【解析】考查副词辨析。A. luckily“幸运地”; B. fortunately“幸运地”; C. surprisingly “令人惊讶地”; D. hardly“几乎不”,该句句意:“据悉,一场风暴即将来临,但是今天的天气却‘出奇地’暖和,阳光灿烂。”,故正确答案为C.




Almost everyone accepts the fact that crime can never be wiped out entirely. Thus control of crime becomes the focus of police and government around the world. The question lawmakers must answer is, “Which system of criminal punishment works best for society?” Each country has developed its own ideas for solution to this question, and these solutions then determine how criminals are punished under different systems. However, none of the current system in use has proved 100 percent effective.

There are many ideas about punishment of criminals. Some systems look only to get retribution(严惩)against criminals. These systems work to frighten criminals away from repeating a crime in the future. These systems also try to deter(威慑)others in society by using the criminal as an example of what can happen to a person if he or she is caught committing crimes. Rehabilitation(改造)is another philosophy by which many systems of punishment operate. The goal of these systems is to return a former criminal to society after a required period of treatment and training, usually in prisons. The idea is to help change the person’s behavior so that he or she becomes a law-abiding citizen.

Capital punishment is another form of punishment which systems use in extreme criminal cases, sometimes involving such crimes as a murder, rape, and violent theft. In these cases, the person is put to death. Today, capital punishment is used in relatively few countries. Many countries have done away with it. In other words, capital punishment remains only in officially law books but is rarely used. However, capital punishment remains in use in some countries including the United States.

When looking at the number of crimes committed, the effectiveness of any of these forms of punishment comes into question. In the United States, for example, 80 percent of the people arrested each year are male, and the majority of these are young men or boys. One-third of all auto thefts, robberies, and burglaries are committed by young men under the age of 18. Generally, young people have less responsibility in society, so they risk losing little if they are caught in a criminal activity. However, it can also be argued that today’s youthful criminals do not fear the punishment they receive if caught by police. Current methods of criminal punishment do not serve the purpose of deterring young criminals in the United States.

A major problem with the current system of rehabilitation in the United Stated is that most criminals return to crime after they have supposedly been rehabilitated. Two-thirds of those caught by police each year are repeat criminals. As a result of this fact, many people feel that rehabilitation of criminals is a lost cause. Since the late 1970s, many see retribution as a preferred punishment in criminal cases in the United States.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Capital punishment B. Prison system

C. Young criminals D. Control of crime

2.What is the main purpose behind retribution?

A. To satisfy the victim B. To create repeat offenders

C. To frighten future criminals D. To take criminals out of society

3.Many crimes in the United States are committed by _________.

A. leaders B. teenagers

C. factory workers D. street wanders

4.According to the passage, which is true of the legal system in the United States?

A. Capital punishment is not allowed

B. Few young people commit crimes

C. The majority of criminals will not repeat crimes

D. Many people see retribution as the preferred punishment

5.What is a big problem with the system of rehabilitation ?

A. Prisons are full B. Criminals repeat crimes

C. The crime rate is going up D. Young men are going to prison


It’s a sad and familiar voice that we often hear in big cities: “Can you spare some change?”

Usually, when faced with that particular , I have feelings of guilt if I pass by giving a coin or two.

I had that feeling in Venice while on a tour of Italy’s famous sites in 2006. I had taken refuge(躲避)from the in a quiet café. Outside, there was an old woman kneeling on the hard, ancient paving stones, .

Steady of tourists were walking past her. A young backpacker stood away from the crowd, drinking in the vistas(景观、景色), but I noticed the young traveler was also the old woman.

A tourist group walked along the street, the woman and walked on. group of tourists arrived and walked past the old lady. The backpacker watched everybody else went on their way, focused on the around them. Then, I was preparing to leave when I caught sight of the backpacker stepping forward and some money in the woman’s cup. He did this somewhat just before the arrival of another tourist group. As I , the leader of the group stopped and put some money in the cup. Having been shown the way, other tourists followed suit and some more coins to the cup.

His work done, the young man walked over to the old beggar-woman, patted her on the shoulder and said, “I hope that a little.”

I don’t know if the woman understood his English or what had just happened, but I did.

I placed some money in the woman’s cup and continued my travels, after witnessing such a act of kindness.

1.A. soundB. questionC. excuseD. command

2.A. beyondB. afterC. withoutD. before

3.A. many timesB. some times C. only onceD. once again

4.A. crowdsB. familiesC. streetsD. signs

5.A. singingB. cryingC. beggingD. trembling

6.A. streamsB. packsC. massesD. groups

7.A. simplyB. seeminglyC. similarlyD. specially

8.A. showingB. followingC. checkingD. observing

9.A. glanced atB. laughed atC. rushed atD. stared at

10.A. OneB. MoreC. AnotherD. Other

11.A. ifB. sinceC. becauseD. as

12.A. stonesB. sightsC. signsD. tourists

13.A. lendingB. borrowingC. placingD. taking

14.A. accidentallyB. successfullyC. purposefullyD. cheerfully

15.A. watchedB. shownC. understoodD. walked

16.A. changedB. chargedC. foundD. added

17.A. measuresB. helpsC. explainsD. matters

18.A. recognizedB. caughtC. realizedD. figured

19.A. pleasantB. annoyedC. disappointedD. light-hearted

20.A. beautifulB. smartC. pureD. happy


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