
    You hear this,“No wonder you are fat.All you ever d0 is eat.”You feel sad.“I skip my breakfast and supper.I run every morning and evening.What else can I do?”
Basically you can do nothing.Your genes,not your life habits,determine your weight and your body constantly tries to maintain it.
Albert Stunkard of the University of Pennsylvania found from experiments that“80 percent of the children of two fat parents become fat,as compared with no more than 14.percent of the children of two parents of normal weight.”   
How can obese people become thinner through dieting? Well,dieting can be effective.but the health costs are great.
Jules Hirsch,a research physician at Rockefeller University,did a study of eight fat people.They were.given a liquid formula(配方)providing 600 calories a day.After more than 10 weeks,the subjects lost on average 45 kg.But after leaving the hospital,they all regained the weight.
The results were surprising:by metabolic(新陈代谢的)measurement,fat people who lost large amounts of weight seemed like they were starving.They had psychiatric problems.They dreamed of food or of breaking their diet They were anxious and depressed.Some wanted to kill themselves.They hid food in their rooms.
Researchers warn that it is possible that weight reduction doesn’t result in normal weight,but in an abnormal state lust like that of starved non.obese people.   
Thin people, however,suffer from the opposite.They have to make a great effort to gain weight  Ethan Sims of the University of Vermont got prisoners to volunteer to gain weight.In four to six months—they ate as much as they could.They succeeded in increasing their weight by 20 to 25 percent. But months after the study ended,they were back to normal weight and stayed there.
This did not mean that people are completely without hope in controlling their weight.It means that those who tend to be fat will have to constantly battle their genetic inheritance(遗传)if they want to significantly 1ower their weight.
The findings also provide evidence for something scientists thought was true—each person has a comfortable weight range.The range might be as much as 9kg.Someone might weigh 60--69kg without too much effort.But,going above or below the natural weight range is difficult.The body resists by feeling hungry or full and changing.the metabolism to push the weight back to the range it seeks.
小题1:The story is mainly written to      。
A.point out the relations between our body and mind
B.warn us it’s extremely harmful to reduce or gain our weight
C.tell us that it’s difficult to make a significant change in our weight
D.stress that dieting 1s a recommended way to help you reach your desired weight
小题2:Jules Hirsch’s study’found that        .
A.big weight loss could lead to mental problems
B.a person’s weight can be decided by their parents’ weight
C.only dieting cannot produce a desired result in weight reduction
D.big efforts to lose weight may result in a weight much heavier than one’s normal weight
小题3:From the text,we know that the body can still feel comfortable
A.when the weight goes up or down by 6 kg
B.when the weight goes up or down by l0 kg
C.when the weight is increased by 20 to 25 percent
D.when the weight is decreased by 20 to 25 percent
小题4:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.When it comes to weight,naturalness is the healthiest
B.Weight reduction could be both risky and painful.
C.Seek professional advice when reducing your weight.
D.There’s no hope and no point in controlling your weight.


小题2:细节理解题,从第五六段可知A正确。B选项是第三段A1bert的研究发现,所以错误;C选项不符合文章第四段dieting can be effective,而且文章没提到其他减肥手段,所以错误;D选项在文章中没有体现,排除掉。
小题4:本题考查归纳总结和推理判断能力,本文并没有说天生的体重就是最健康的,没有提体重和健康的关系,只是说大幅度改变体重会影响健康,所以排除A选项;B选项正确,因为文中提到的心理问题会带来危险,也显然是痛苦的;C选项文中没涉及;D选项不符合倒数第二段的This did not mean that people are completely without hope in controlling their weight所以错误。
Here's a new warning from health experts: Sitting is deadly. Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for prolonged periods — even if you also exercise regularly — could be   1 for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place — at the office, at school, in the car or before a computer or TV — just the overall number of hours it   2  .
Research is preliminary, but several studies   3 people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.
In an editorial   4 this week in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Elin Ekblom-Bak of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences suggested that authorities rethink how they define   5 activity to highlight the dangers of sitting.
While health officials have issued guidelines   6 minimum amounts of physical activity, they haven't suggested people try to limit how much time they spend in a seated   7  .
"After four hours of sitting, the body starts to send   8 signals," Ekblom-Bak said. She explained that genes regulating the amount of glucoseand fat in the   9 start to shut down.
Even for people who   10  , spending long stretches of time sitting at a desk is still harmful. Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization, said people who exercise every day —   11 still spend a lot of time sitting — might get more benefit if that exercise were spread across the day,    12 in a single bout.
That wasn't   13 news for Aytekin Can, 31, who works at a London financial company, and spends most of his days sitting    14  a computer. Several evenings a week, Can also teaches jiu jitsu, a Japanese martial art  15 wrestling, and also does Thai boxing.
"I'm sure there are some detrimental   16 of staying still for too long, but I hope that being   17 when I can helps," he said. "I wouldn't want to think the sitting could be   18 dangerous."
Still, in a study published last year that tracked more than 17,000 Canadians for about a dozen years, researchers found people who sat   19 had a higher death risk, independently of whether or not they exercised.
Figures from a US survey in 2003-2004 found Americans spend more than half their time sitting, from working at their desks to sitting in cars.
Experts said more research is needed to    20 just how much sitting is dangerous, and what might be possible to offset those effects.
(   ) 1. A. bad                    B. good               C. mean                       D. dead
(   ) 2. A. does                  B. occurs              C. matches                   D. dies
(   ) 3. A. advise                B. talk                 C. suggest                    D. say
(   ) 4. A. thrown                      B. caught              C. seen                        D. published
(   ) 5. A. biological           B. physical           C. psychological           D. logical
(   ) 6. A. commending      B. mending           C. recommending         D. communicating
(   ) 7. A. stand                B. state                C. post                 D. position
(   ) 8. A. harmful             B. careful             C. wonderful         D. skillful
(   ) 9. A. head                  B. arm                  C. body                D. foot
(   ) 10. A. sleep                B. rest                 C. walk                D. exercise
(   ) 11. A. and                  B. so                    C. but                   D. then
(   ) 12. A. rather than              B. other than        C. more than         D. less than
(   ) 13. A. bad                  B. harmful            C. disadvantage     D. welcome
(   ) 14. A. behind             B. back                C. in front of               D. forward
(   ) 15. A. referring          B. involving         C. taking              D. bringing
(   ) 16. A. effects              B. prefects           C. affects              D. offers
(   ) 17. A. inactive            B. active               C. interactive               D. positive
(   ) 18. A. such                 B. little                C. lot                  D. that
(   ) 19. A. less                  B. fewer                     C. more                D. further
(   ) 20. A. leave out          B. bring out         C. hold out           D. figure out
Eleven-year-old Angela was stricken with a debilitating disease involving her nervous system.She was unable to walk and her movement was restricted in other ways as well.The doctors did not hold out much hope of her ever recovering from this illness.They predicted she’d spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.They said that few,if any,were able to come back to normal after contracting this disease.The little girl was undaunted.There,lying in her hospital bed,she would vow to anyone who’d listen that she was definitely going to be walking again someday.
She was transferred to a specialized hospital in the San Francisco Bay area.Whatever therapies could be applied to her case were used.The therapists were charmed by her undefeatable spirit.They taught her about imaging—about seeing herself walking.If it would do nothing else,it would at least give her hope and something positive to do in the long waking hours in her bed.Angela would work as hard as possible in physical therapy,in whirlpools and in exercise sessions.But she worked just as hard lying there faithfully doing her imaging;visualizing herself moving,moving,moving!
One day,as she was staining with all her might to imagine her legs moving again,it seemed as though a miracle happened:The bed moved!It began to move around the room!She screamed out,“Look what I’m doing!Look!Look!I can do it!I moved,I moved!”
Of course,at this very moment everyone else in the hospital was screaming,too,and running for cover.People were screaming,equipment was falling and glass was breaking.You see,it was the recent San Francisco earthquake.But don’t tell that to Angela.She’s convinced that she did it.And now only a few years later,she’s back in school. You see,anyone who can shake the earth between San Francisco and Oakland can conquer a piddling little disease,can’t they?
小题1:The underlined word “undaunted” in the first paragraph can probably be replaced by _________.
A.encouragedB.not discouragedC.losing heartD.excited
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A.The girl got over her disease just by imagining.
B.It was because of her strong determination and constant efforts that she got walking again.
C.The girl was on top of the world when she moved the bed in her room.
D.Doctors believe imagining being healthy helps patients recover.
小题3:By saying the last sentence in the last paragraph,the author means that_________.
A.where there is a will,there is a way
B.a person who is strong enough to shake the earth can get over any disease
C.just as it is impossible for one to shake the earth,so it is to conquer a serious disease
D.though one can shake the earth,he can’t defeat a little disease
小题4:What might be a good title for the text?
A.Did The Earth Move For You?
B.A Miracle Made by a Young Girl
C.A Young Girl Conquered Disease
D.Strong Will Defeats Illness
  A true apology is more than just acknowledgement(承认)of a mistake. It’s recognition that something you’ve said or  36  has damaged a relationship - and that you  37  enough about that relationship to want it  38 .
  It’s never  39  to acknowledge yon are in the wrong. Being human, we all need the art of apology. Look hack and think how  40  you’ve judged roughly(草率),said  41  things,pushed yourself  42 at the expense(在使某人受损的情况下)of a friend. Some deep thought in us know that when  43  a small mistake has been made, your  44  will stay out of balance until the mistake is acknowledged and your regret is  45 .
  I remember a doctor friend,  46  me about a man who came to him with  47  illnesses: headache, insomnia(失眠),stomachaches and so on. No physical  48  could be found. Finally the doctor said to the man,“  49  you tell me what’s on your conscience(良心),I can’t help you.”
After a short silence, the man told the doctor that he  50  all the money that his father gave to his brother, who was  51  His father had died, so only he himself knew the matter. The old doctor made the man write to his brother making an  52  and enclosing(附寄)a 53 .In the post office, the man dropped the letter into the mail box. As the letter disappeared, the man  54  into team. “Thank you, doctor,”he said,“I think I'm all right now.”And he  55 .
  36.A. done B. thought C. announced D. expected
  37.A. lost B. care C. advise D. heard
  38.A. built B. formed C. repaired D. damaged
  39.A. difficult B. easy C. foolish D. shy
  40.A. long B. often C. much D. soon
  41.A. unusual B. harmful C. precious D. unkind
  42.A. ahead B. away C. down D off
  43.A. still B. even C. only D. such
  44.A. sense B. brain C. weight D. feeling
  45.A. shown B. explanined C. offered D. expressed
  46.A. asking B. telling C. requiring D. setting
  47.A. strange B. serious C. various D. much
  48.A. signs B. reason C. cause D. marks
  49.A. Whenever B. Unless C. Suppose D. Although
  50.A. stole B. accepted C. seized D. wasted
  51.A. mad B. lost C. abroad D. dead
  52.A. order B. excuse C. agreement D. apology
  53.A. note B. card C. check D. photo
  54.A. joyed B. burst C. laughed D. cried
  55.A. should B. did C. had D. was
Ever since news of widespread food recalls caused by a carcinogenic dye broke, there has been confusion(混淆) over possible links to the country of the same name, but Sudan officials say there is no connection whatever.
Sudan?1 is a red industrial dye that has been found in some chilli powder, but was banned in food products across the European Union (EU) in July 2003.
Since the ban was put in place, EU officials have been striving to remove some food products from the shelves. So far 580 products have been recalled.
Last week Sudan’s Embassy in the United Kingdom asked the Food Standards Agency (FSA) for clarification of the origin of the dye’s name.
Omaima Mahmoud Al Sharief, a press official at Sudan’s Embassy in China, explained the purpose of the inquiry was to clear up any misunderstanding over links between the country and the poisonous dye.
  "We want to keep an eye on every detail and avoid any misunderstanding there," she said. "Our embassy to Britain asked them how the dye got that name and whether the dye had something to do with our country. But they told us there was no relationship."
The FSA, an independent food security watchdog in Britain, received a letter from the Sudanese embassy last week.
 "They asked us why the dye is named Sudan, however, we also do not know how it got the name," she said. "People found the dye in 1883 and gave it the name. Nobody knows the reason, and we cannot give any explanation before we find out."
Sudan dyes, which include Sudan?1 to 4, are red dyes(颜料) used for colouring solvents(溶剂), oils, waxes, petrol, and shoe and floor polishes. They are classified as carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer.
小题1: What does the underlined word mean in paragraph one?
A.Causing cancer.B.Having side effect.C.Containing poison.D.Poisonous.
小题2:How did the Sudan?1 get its name?
A.The dye is often produced in Sudan.
B.The dye has something to do with the country named Sudan.
C.Nobody is sure of the origin of the name.
D.Many foods produced in Sudan contain the dye.
小题3:We can infer from the passage that.
A.the Sudan government is paying much attention to the food safety
B.Sudan?1 is often used to be added to the food
C.people didn’t realize the danger of Sudan?1 until 2003
D.many food shops will be closed down
小题4:Which of the following is the best title?
A.Keep away from Sudan?1
B.No Sudan?1 dye links to the country
C.How Sudan?1 dye got its name?
D.Pay attention to the food safety
A new weapon is on the way in the fight against smoking in Europe. Soon when smokers buy cigarettes, they might see a shocking photo of a blackened lung or a cancer patient staring back at them from the packet.

Some boys may think of smoking as cool and sexy. Their friends won’t agree when they see their packets of cigarettes lying on the table.
The European Union announced on October 22, that it had chosen 42 photos that showed the damage cigarettes could do to the body. It called on member nations to put these pictures on packets to discourage young smokers.
To catch the attention of teenagers, the special packets warn of long-term medical dangers, like cancer. Short-term effects, like bad skin, are also on the list.
“The true fact of smoking is disease, death and horror. That is the message we should send to the young,” said David Byrne, an EU health official. “Hopefully these pictures will shock students out of their love for cigarettes.”
The EU head office hoped the pictures would work better than current written warnings on packs of cigarettes. The warning included “smoking kills” and “smoking can lead to a slow and painful death.”
So far, Ireland and Belgium have shown interest in the photos. Canada has used similar pictures and warnings on cigarette packs since 2000. The country has recently seen a fall in the number of smokers.
According to studies, smoking is the single biggest cause of avoidable death in EU. Every year more than 650,000 smokers die, more than one person a minute.
小题1:What would be the best title for the text?
A.New Ways to Stop Smoking.B.Pictures to Shock Smokers.
C.New Packers of Cigarettes.D.Dangers of Smoking.
小题2:Which of the following is NOT the true face of smoking?      
小题3:We can learn from the test that _______.
A.The EU countries have put the new warning method into practice
B.only a small number of the EU countries have used the new warning method
C.the new warning method has worked in some EU countries
D.countries in the EU still use the old warning method
小题4:Which country is most successful in stopping smoking?
小题5:The underlined sentence in the last paragraph suggests that ________.
A.It’s hard to stop smoking in EU
B.deaths caused by smoking could have been avoided
C.smoking is the biggest cause of deaths in EU
D.EU has the largest number of deaths caused by smoking
BEIJING, Jan. 11(Xinhuanet)-- Sleeping a little bit longer a day might help fight against obesity(肥胖), a recent study shows. The research-- published in the Archives of Internal Medicine along with an editorial by Turek and Northwestern colleague Joseph Bass commenting on it and related research-- after comparing people of normal weight- a body mass index of less than 25- with those who were overweight or obese , found that sleeping for an extra 20 minutes each night could offer a pain-free way to lose weight.
Insufficient sleep is linked with changes in hormone levels that may stimulate(刺激)appetite. A series of studies in recent months have shown that the less people sleep, the heavier they tend to be.
American researcher Robert Vorona from Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk and colleagues have now examined the relationship between people's self-reported sleep time per 24 hours and their body mass index(BMI). They found that total sleep time and BMI were inversely correlated was total sleep time decreased, BMI increased, except in the severely obese group." Americans experience insufficient sleep and corpulent bodies. Clinicians are aware of the burden of obesity on patients," the study said. "Our findings suggest that major extensions of sleep time may not be necessary, as an extra 20 minutes of sleep per night seems to be associated with a lower body mass index," it added. "We warn that this study does not establish a cause-and-effect relationship between restricted sleep and obesity (but) investigations demonstrating success in weight loss via extensions of sleep would help greatly to establish such a relationship."
In November 2004, researchers from Columbia University in New York City, New York demonstrated a clear link between the risk of being obese and hours of nightly sleep, finding that people aged 32 to 59 who slept four hours or less per night were 73% more likely to be obese than people who slept between seven and nine hours per night.
小题1:The research, which was published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, found that____________.
sleeping for a shorter time a day might help fight agianst obesity
an extra 20 minutes’ sleep each night could offer a way to lose weight wothout pain
total sleep time and body mass index were inversely related
people aged 32 to 59 who slept four hours or less per night were 73% more likely to be obese than people who slept between seven and nine hours per night
小题2:How many research results are presented in the text?
A.Two B.ThreeC.FourD.Five
小题3: What does the underlined word “obses” probably mean?
小题4:According to the text , the author intends to tell us that _____________________.
A.Sleeping a little bit longer a day might help fight against obesity
B.insufficient sleep is linked with changes in hormone lives
C.there exists a clear link between the risk of being obeses and hours of nightly sleep
D.the less people sleep , the heavier they tend to be
Few laws are so effective that you can see results just days after they take effect. But in the nine days since the federal cigarette tax more than doubled—to $1. 01 per pack—smokers have jammed telephone “quit lines” across the country seeking to kick the habit.   
This is not a surprise to public health advocates. They’ve studied the effect of state tax increases for years, finding that smokers, especially teens, are price sensitive. Nor is it a shock to the industry, which fiercely fights every tax increase.  
The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message. Tobacco taxes improve public health, health, they raise money and most particularly, they deter people from taking up the habit as teens, which is when nearly all smokers are addicted. Yet the rate of taxation varies widely.   
In Manhattan, for instance, which has the highest tax in the nation, a pack of Marlboro Light Kings cost $10.06 at one drugstore Wednesday. Charleston, S, C., where the 7-cent-a-pack tax is the lowest in the nation. The price was $4. 78.  
The influence is obvious.   
In New York, high school smoking hit a new low in the latest surveys—13.8%, far below the national average. By comparison, 26% of high school students smoke in Kentucky, Other low-tax states have similarly depressing teen-smoking records.   
Hal Rogers, Representative from Kentucky, like those who are against high tobacco taxes, argues that the burden of the tax falls on low-income Americans “who choose to smoke.”  
That’s true, But there is more reason in keeping future generations of low-income workers from getting hooked in the first place, As for today’s adults, if the new tax drives them to quit, they will have more to spend on their families, cut their risk of cancer and heart disease and feel better.  
66 The text is mainly about___________.   
A. the price of cigarettes                       B. tie rate of teen smoking  
C. the effect of tobacco tax increase              D. the differences in tobacco tax rate  
67 What does the author think is a surprise?  
A. Teen smokers are price sensitive.  
B. Some states still keep the tobacco tax low.   
C.  Tobacco taxes improve public health.   
D.  Tobacco industry fiercely fights the tax rise.   
68. The underlined word "deter” in Paragraph 3 most probably means ______ .   
A. discarding    B. remove    C. benefit      D. free  
69. Rogers’ attitude towards the low-income smokers might be that of _____ .  
A. tolerance   B. unconcern    C. doubt   D. sympathy  
70. What can we learn from the last paragraph?  
A. The new tax will be beneficial in the long run.   
B. Low-income Americans are more likely to fall ill.  
C. Future generations will be hooked on smoking.   
D. Adults will depend more on their families.   
Apparently,we are safe neither at home nor in the business office.We use water in both places,but the research shows that chemicals added to our local water supply to kill harmful bacteria can have unwanted side effects.These chemicals can cause potential harm through drinking and in seemingly harmless activities as cleaning one’s house.They are released(set free)from water by daily actions like water running out of tap,spraying from garden pipes,or splashing in dishwashers and washing machines.As the water is moving.these chemicals are released into the air and then breathed in. Once inside our bodies, they start to affect our health.
Does this mean we should stop bathing? No, say the scientists, but we should put all pollution into perspective. Activities at home such as the burning of coal, cooking oil, or even candles release carbon monoxide and particulates such as cigarette ashes which have been proven as harmful to health as working or living near heavy traffic. New tugs, bedding, and even clothing give off that“new smell, ”which is a sure sign of chemicals. In the office, newly applied paint, newly purchased telephones and other telecommunications equipment, and computers release polluting chemicals, too. As offices and homes often have inadequate ventilation (通风), these chemicals can build up to become health problems. Their poisonous effects are only now being slowly recognized.
These facts suggest that, at a minimum, proper airing of newly purchased goods with an obvious chemical smell is a wise warning. Home and office windows should be opened during good weather. Even one’s car needs to be ventilated as well while in the garage.
We need further research to understand better other potential health dangers, too. For example, the effects of overcrowding of schools (carbon dioxide build-up ), the factory work environment ( an endless list of potentially dangerous substances ), and even home heating and cooling (the air conditioner may be our enemies, not our friends) have only recently started to come to light. Until we understand the effects of our new technological environment better, we can only hope that“there is no place like home.”
64.What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.The air we breathe in is harmful.
B.The water in everyday use is unsafe.
C.Chemicals are added to the drinking water.
D.Chemicals are released in the running water.
65.In Paragraph 2, the underlined sentence means that       .
A.bathing should be done with caution
B.homes and offices should be aired often
C.any pollution should be taken into consideration
D.we should prevent any pollution from doing harm to us
66.What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To call on us to guard our water.
B.To show us that no place is like home.
C.To make us aware of the pollution around us.
D.To argue that neither homes nor offices are safe.

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