
In 1982, I was a young marketing person in a company in Mumbai. I had a very senior colleague named Paul, who taught me how to  36   marketing effectively and how to deal with life  37  .
It was one of those  38   days…management, sales calls, planning my travel schedule, booking hotels, arranging appointments and the   39   was endless. By the end of the day, I was not only exhausted but was getting  40  . It was at this time that Paul invited me to his house to have a rest.
We made our way to Paul’s house. Although  41   after a day’s hard work, I was excited to chat with Paul and  42  his rich experience in marketing. As we entered his house  43  the main door, Paul started singing his favourite song, I have a dream. I was in no  44  to listen to his song. I only wanted to hear about how he handled  45   sales calls.
As I leaned over Paul’s shoulder to tell him that, two young girls walked up to Paul and hugged him. They couldn’t walk steadily, and neither could they talk   46   , but their faces were full of  47   and they also sang a song: No mummy’s kisses only daddy’s smiles; nobody wants us, and daddy hugs us tonight.
I was watching what was going on, totally  48   in the beautiful singing, when Paul tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to sit down.  49  to know, I asked Paul who these girls were. To my  50  , Paul told me they were his daughters and they were born as “  51  children” (mentally disabled). His wife died and he was both Mother and Father to them.
I was moved to tears. In the office, no one knew what Paul was   52  in his personal life. He never looked for   53  from his friends and colleagues. On the contrary, he always helped us at the office. And being head of the Department, he always  54  us to move forward in life.
Paul’s life has been a great  55  to me. If a man can smile through these troubles, nothing can prevent him from achieving success in work or life.

A.coming acrossB.going throughC.dealing withD.putting on




In 1982, I was a young marketing person in a company in Mumbai. I had a very senior colleague named Paul, who taught me how to1 marketing effectively and how to deal with life2.
It was one of those3days…management, sales calls, planning my travel schedule, booking hotels, arranging appointments and the 4was endless. By the end of the day, I was not only exhausted but was getting5. It was at this time that Paul invited me to his house to have a rest.
We made our way to Paul’s house. Although6after a day’s hard work, I was excited to chat with Paul and7his rich experience in marketing. As we entered his house8the main door, Paul started singing his favourite song, I have a dream. I was in no9to listen to his song. I only wanted to hear about how he handled10sales calls.
As I leaned over Paul’s shoulder to tell him that, two young girls walked up to Paul and hugged him. They couldn’t walk steadily, and neither could they talk11 , but their faces were full of12and they also sang a song: No mummy’s kisses only daddy’s smiles; nobody wants us, and daddy hugs us tonight.
I was watching what was going on, totally13in the beautiful singing, when Paul tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to sit down.14to know, I asked Paul who these girls were. To my15, Paul told me they were his daughters and they were born as “16children” (mentally disabled). His wife died and he was both Mother and Father to them.
I was moved to tears. In the office, no one knew what Paul was 17in his personal life. He never looked for 18from his friends and colleagues. On the contrary, he always helped us at the office. And being head of the Department, he always19us to move forward in life.
Paul’s life has been a great20to me. If a man can smile through these troubles, nothing can prevent him from achieving success in work or life.

  1. 1.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
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    1. A.
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    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  4. 4.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  6. 6.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  7. 7.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  8. 8.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  9. 9.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  10. 10.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  11. 11.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  12. 12.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  13. 13.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  14. 14.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  15. 15.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  16. 16.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  17. 17.
    1. A.
      coming across
    2. B.
      going through
    3. C.
      dealing with
    4. D.
      putting on
  18. 18.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  19. 19.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  20. 20.
    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.

As I write this, I have half an eye on an old James Bond film that is showing on my computer. But this is a story about how I stopped watching TV and began reading again for pleasure, after ten years in which I hardly turned a page.
I suppose I was an enthusiastic reader of "literature" between the ages of nine and fourteen. I had enough time to be White Fang, Robinson Crusoe, and Bilbo Baggins and Jeeves. Of course there was room in the schoolboy's imagination for some real historical figures: Scott of the Antarctic, all of the Vikings, and Benjamin Franklin were good friends of mine.
Then, in adolescence, I began a long search for strange and radical (激进的) ideas. I wanted to challenge my elders and betters, and shock my fellow students with amazing points of view. Of course, the only place to look was in books. I hunted out the longest titles and the authors with the funniest names; I searched the library for completely unread books. Then I found one which became my bible for the whole of 1982, it had a title composed of eleven long words and an author whose name I didn't know how to pronounce. It was really thick and looked dead serious. Even better, it put forward a whole world-view that would take days to explain. Perfect. I took it out of the library three times, proud to see the date-stamps lined up on the empty library insert.
Later, I went to university. Expecting to spend long evenings in learned discussion with clever people, I started reading philosophy. For some reason I never found the deep-thinking intellectuals I hoped to meet. Anyway, I was ready to impress with my profound (深奥的) knowledge of post-structuralism, existentialism and situationism. These things are usually explained in rather short books, but they take a long time to get through. They were the end of my youthful reading.
Working life was hard to get used to after so much theory. It was the end of books for me. There didn't seem to be much in books that would actually get things done. To do things you had to answer the telephone and work a computer. You had to travel about and speak to people who weren't at all interested in philosophy. I didn't stop reading, you can't avoid that. I read all day. But no books came my way, only manuals (操作手册) and contracts and documents. Maybe most people satisfy their need for stories and ideas with TV and, to tell the truth, it was all I needed for ten years. In those days I only had a book "on the go" for the duration of aeroplane flights. At first I would come home and watch TV over dinner. Then, I moved the TV so I could watch it from bed. I even got a switch so I could turn it off without getting out of bed. Then, one fateful day, my TV broke and my landlady took it away.
My new TV is an extra circuit board (电路板) inside my computer. It's on a desk in front of a working chair and I can't see it from the bed. I still use it for the weather forecasts and it's nice to have it on while I'm typing this… but what to do last thing at night? Well, have another go with books.
Now, I just like books. I have a pile of nice ones by my bed and I'm reading about six at the same time. I don't want to be any of the characters. I don't care if a thousand people have already read them. I don't have to search through libraries. There are books everywhere and all of them have something to read in them. I have the strange feeling that they've been there all along, waiting for me to pick them up.
【小题1】The writer enjoyed reading “literature” between the ages of nine and fourteen because ________.

A.he thought it was important for a schoolboy to do so
B.he was still too young to understand other books
C.he believed all the real historical figures were his friends
D.he could imagine himself being the characters in the books
【小题2】“Existentialism” (in paragraph 4) is probably ________.
A.a library intended for teenagersB.a kind of books on traditions
C.a philosophy theoryD.a kind of reading skill
【小题3】The main reason the writer stopped reading books was that ________.
A.he found watching TV was more interesting
B.he became too busy to read any books
C.he found books were of little use to his work
D.he had to read a lot of manuals, contracts and documents
【小题4】Now the writer starts to read books again ________.
A.to find back his youth in booksB.for the pure pleasure of reading
C.so as to help kill his spare timeD.for only business purposes
【小题5】Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.The Years with BooksB.Books and TV Programs
C.Don’t Judge a Book by Its CoverD.Reading Makes One Excellent

完形填空 (共20小题;每小题l分,满分20分)

When Andra Rush started her trucking company, all she had was an old van,two used pick-up trucks and the simple certainty of a 23-year-old girl. But she planned to make her fortune in about four years to    36   her true goal: dealing with poverty on Native American reservations across North America. "I thought I could retire by the time I was 27," says Rush, "At that age, you don't know  37  you don't know."

Rush is 49 now and  38  working hard. Her tiny start-up just outside Detroit has  39   to a $400 million North American business. Today Rush is a(an)  40  not only for Native Americans but also for women in the male-controlled world of trucking.

Rush was  41 30 miles outside Detroit. When the teenage Rush visited the reservation for the first time, she was  42  by the poverty and lack of hope. "I really wanted to  43  " she says.

She graduated from the University of Michigan in 1982. She took a nursing job with a 44 pay and then practiced at an air goods company, 45 the speed of package pickups and deliveries made a little more a little more profits. "I thought I could do that 46 ," Rush says.

Within six months, Rush had ten employees, and clients(客户)  47  Ford and GM were paying her to 48 small packages from the airport. Ford was the first to offer her a job trucking parts between its plants and supplier.

By 2001, many of Rush's 1,000 employees were Native Americans, working alongside people of every    49   But she felt she hadn't done enough. 50  she joined forces with a Canadian parts maker to design and gather auto components.

She located the plants near reservations, 51 opportunities where they were needed most. By 2009, her auto parts business was earning $370 million   52   .

She's come a long way from the  53    23-year-old who thought "the cash would just roll in." But Rush wouldn't change a thing: "I love my job," she says. "I 54  the fact that you can start to get some motivation and keep   55   yourself—and then suddenly you lift your head and it's been 25 years"


1.A.make            B. accomplish        C.  receive      D.arrive

2.A.what            B.which             C.why           D.who

3. A.so             B.somehow           C.still         D.anyhow

4. A.  grown         B.become            C.got           D.gone

5.A.able housewife  B.ordinary woman    C.role model    D.truck driver

6. A.brought        B.lived             C.risen         D.raised

7. A.moved          B.interested        C.struck        D.encouraged

8. A have an influence                    B.make a difference  C.set an example   D.make a decision

9. A.low            B.high              C.cheap         D.expensive

10.A.which          B.that              C.when          D.where

11.A.well           B.badly             C.worse         D.better

12.A.like           B.besides           C.for           D.except

13.A.take           B.fetch             C.bring         D.lift

14.A.education      B.family            C.background    D.city

15.A.Because        B.For               C.But           D.So

16.A.seizing        B.creating          C.grasping      D.losing

17..A.in case       B.in turn           C.in return     D.in need

18.A.inexperienced  B.experienced       C.expert        D.skilled

19.A.enjoy          B.hate              C.doubt         D.refuse

20.A.fighting       B.forcing           C.challenging   D.amusing



     In 1982, I was a young marketing person in a company in Mumbai. I had a very senior colleague
named Paul, who taught me how to   1   marketing effectively and how to deal with life   2    .
     It was one of those   3   days…management, sales calls, planning my travel schedule, booking hotels,
arranging appointments and the   4   was endless. By the end of the day, I was not only exhausted but was
getting    5   . It was at this time that Paul invited me to his house to have a rest.
     We made our way to Paul's house. Although   6   after a day's hard work, I was excited to chat with
Paul and   7   his rich experience in marketing. As we entered his house   8   the main door, Paul started
singing his favourite song, I have a dream. I was in no   9   to listen to his song. I only wanted to hear about how he handled  10  sales calls.
     As I leaned over Paul's shoulder to tell him that, two young girls walked up to Paul and hugged him.
They couldn't walk steadily, and neither could they talk   11  , but their faces were full of   12   and they
also sang a song: No mummy's kisses only daddy's smiles; nobody wants us, and daddy hugs us tonight.
     I was watching what was going on, totally   13  in the beautiful singing, when Paul tapped me on the
shoulder and asked me to sit down.   14   to know, I asked Paul who these girls were. To my   15  , Paul
told me they were his daughters and they were born as "   16  children" (mentally disabled). His wife died
and he was both Mother and Father to them.
     I was moved to tears. In the office, no one knew what Paul was   17   in his personal life. He never
looked for   18   from his friends and colleagues. On the contrary, he always helped us at the office. And
being head of the Department, he always    19   us to move forward in life.
     Paul's life has been a great   20   to me. If a man can smile through these troubles, nothing can prevent
him from achieving success in work or life.
(     )1. A. do            
(     )2. A. calmly        
(     )3. A. busy          
(     )4. A. call          
(     )5. A. disappointed  
(     )6. A. worried      
(     )7. A. share        
(     )8. A. for          
(     )9. A. condition    
(     )10. A. grateful    
(     )11. A. properly    
(     )12. A. fear        
(     )13. A. caught      
(     )14. A. Curious      
(     )15. A. disappointed
(     )16. A. talented    
(     )17. A. coming across
(     )18. A. sympathy    
(     )19. A. allowed      
(     )20. A. confusion    
B. reduce        
B. cheerfully    
B. happy        
B. event        
B. excited      
B. tired        
B. celebrate    
B. into          
B. mood          
B. expensive    
B. freely        
B. scars        
B. lost          
B. Keen          
B. joy          
B. naughty      
B. going through
B. opinions      
B. trained      
B. challenge    
C. learn      
C. hurriedly  
C. pleasant    
C. list        
C. refreshed  
C. discouraged
C. collect    
C. through    
C. patience    
C. unlucky    
C. actively    
C. smiles      
C. stuck      
C. Strange    
C. relief      
C. special    
C. dealing with
C. requirement
C. forced      
C. inspiration
D. handle      
D. quickly      
D. worrying    
D. order        
D. annoyed      
D. ashamed      
D. improve      
D. with        
D. situation    
D. troublesome  
D. slowly      
D. tears        
D. trapped      
D. Stubborn    
D. surprise    
D. homeless    
D. putting on  
D. friendship  
D. encouraged  
D. impression  

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