
五  完成句子

1. 我们正在争论到底是去打球还是去看电影。

We were____________  ___________to play basketball_____ to the cinema.

2. 他用光了所有的钱,所以只好靠乞讨为生。

He ____  _____ _____ all the money. So he has to ____  ____ begging.

3. 我们的经济有限,我们必须削减开销。

We have _________ money, So we must ______  _______ _______ the expense.

4. 除了英语,他还学了第二外语。

   _____  ____  ____  ______ English, he also learned a second foreign language.  

5. 学习英语的最好途径是经常练习讲英语。

The best ________                  ______ English is to practice reading English frequently.

6. 新鲜的空气有益于健康。

Fresh air _________ _____________ __________ one’s health.

7. 仍然有许多人在遭受痛苦,我们应该做些事情来消除贫穷。

There are still many people __________ a lot, and we are to do something to ________   _______ poverty.

8. 这些船捕捞大量的鱼,根本不让它们有产卵的时间。

These boats catch large numbers of fish __________ giving them time to _______eggs.

9. 很显然,你对我们的环境现状很担忧。

   It is  ___________ that you are very ______________ about the present _________of our environment.

10. 我很感激你能留下帮我们。

I will ____________________________________ stay and help us.

1. debating  whether  or

2. ran out of  live on

3. limited  cut back on

4. In addition to

5. approach to learning

6. is beneficial to

7. suffering   wipe out

8. without   lay

9. obvious  concerned   situation

10. appreciate it if you can

1. Liu Xiang________in hurdle race in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, but unfortunately his foot was hurt badly.(win)
刘翔本可以在2008年北京奥运会跨栏项目中获得世界冠军, 但不幸的是他的脚严重受伤了.
2. Jack________his new car, which he had been dreaming of for ten years.(try)
杰克迫不及待地试驾他的新车, 这一刻他已经梦想十年了.
3. I have to draw some money from the bank before our money________.(run)
4. I have offered to paint the house________a week's accommodation.(exchange)
5. ________that late movie last night, you would not be so sleepy now.(watch)
如果你昨晚没看电影到那么晚, 你现在也不会这么瞌睡.
6. It is said that many a student________freely in Mr Li's class.(convey)
7. The doctor insisted that the patient________as soon as possible.(operate)
8. In the past ten years the country________an advanced industrial power.(transform)
在过去的十年, 这个国家已经变成了一个先进的工业化强国.
9. With________, it will be easy for him to finish the task on schedule.(choose)
有许多方法可供选择, 对他来说按时完成任务是很容易的.
10. The committee________five famous scientists put forward a valuable plan at the end of the conference.(make)

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