
Until late in the 20th century most Americans spent time with people of different generations.Now middle-aged Americans may not keep in touch with old people until they are old themselves.

That's because we group people by age.We put our three-year-olds together in day-care centers,our 13-year-olds in schools and sport activities,and our 80-year-olds in senior citizen homes.Why?

We live far away from the old for many reasons.Young people sometimes avoid the old to get rid of fears of becoming old and dying.It is much harder to watch someone we love disappear before our eyes.Sometimes it’s got hard that we stay away from the people who need us the most.

Fortunately,some of us have found our way to the old.And we have discovered that they often save the young.

A reporter moved her family into a block filled with old people.At first her children were disappointed.But the reporter made banana bread for the neighbors and had her children send it and visit them.Soon the children had many new friends,with whom they shared food,stories and projects."My children have never been lonely,"the reporter said.

The young,in turn,save the old.Once I was in a rest home (an organization where old people are cared for) when a visitor showed up with a baby,she was immediately surrounded.People who hadn't gotten out of bed in a week suddenly were ringing for a wheelchair.Even those who had seemed asleep woke up to watch the child.Babies have an astonishing power to comfort and cure.

Grandparents are a special case.They give their grandchildren a feeling of security and continuity.As my husband put it "My grandparents gave me a deep sense that things would turn out right in the end." Grandchildren speak of attention they don't get from worried parents."My parents were always telling me to hurry up,and my grandparents told me to slow down," one friend said.A teacher told me she can tell which pupils have relationships with grandparents: they are quieter,calmer and more trusting.

1.Now in an American family,people can find that________.

A. children never live with their parents

B. not all working people live with their parents

C. old people are supported by their grandchildren

D. grandchildren are supported by their grandparents

2.Seeing a baby,the old people got excited because ________.

A. they had never seen a baby before

B. the baby was clever and beautiful

C. the baby brought them the image of life

D. the baby's mother would take care of them

3.Why are some children quieter,calmer and more trusting?

A. Because they have relationships with their grandparents.

B. Because their worried parents ask them to act like that.

C. Because they have nothing to worry about.

D. Because their teachers ask them to act like that.

4.Which of the following can show the fact that the old often save the young?

A. The old can become friends of the children and the children may not feel lonely.

B. The old get excited when they see a baby.

C. The old can cure the young when they are sick.

D. Babies have an astonishing power to comfort and cure.


One day, a train was approaching the small town of Cheekyville. On the train was a_______ guy with a big suitcase. He was called William Warbler and he looked very _______indeed. But what made him most unusual was the fact that whenever he needed to_______ he did it by singing opera. It didn’t matter to William whether it was simply a matter of answering a brief greeting, like “good day”. He would ________“Goood dayyy to youuuuuu..... toooooo!”

No one could get a normal,________word out of him. And, as no one knew how he made his living and he lived quite simply, always wearing the same old second-hand suit — they often ________ him.

They _______his singing, calling him “crazy”. William had been in Cheekyville for some years, when, one day, a rumor(谣言) _________round the town: William had ________ a role in a very important opera in the nation’s capital, and there were posters everywhere ________ the event was a great ________. And to everyone’s surprise in Cheekyville---when William was being _______by reporters, he answered their questions by speaking ________singing. And he did it with good____________ and with a clear and pleasant voice.

From that day, William gave up singing _________. Now he did only during his stage appearances and world tours. Some people suspected ________he had changed, but others still had no idea, and continued believing him to be somewhat mad. They wouldn’t have thought so_________ they had seen what William kept in his big suitcase. It was a large stone with a hand-carved message on it. It said “Practice every second, for you never know when your _______will come.”

Little did people know that rather _______he got the role in the opera because the________had heard William singing while out buying a newspaper.

1.A. strange B. handsome C. funny D. sensitive

2.A. strong B. special C. common D. anxious

3.A. debate B. practice C. sing D. communicate

4.A. shout B. respond C. repeat D. tease

5.A. singing B. spoken C. written D. printed

6.A. disrespected B. loved C. appreciated D. disturbed

7.A. made fun of B. got addicted to C. took pride in D. made sense of

8.A. developed B. reflected C. spread D. expressed

9.A. refused B. ruined C. created D. got

10.A. confirming B. advertising C. approving D. assessing

11.A. benefit B. discovery C. success D. experience

12.A. opposed B. blamed C. interviewed D. welcomed

13.A. other than B. rather than C. more than D. less than

14.A. service B. remarks C. signs D. manners

15.A. at all hours B. at all points C. at certain time D. at times

16.A. how B. why C. that D. where

17.A. while B. because C. if D. since

18.A. chance B. money C. inspiration D. wisdom

19.A. carefully B. quickly C. naturally D. accidentally

20.A. director B. writer C. actress D. teacher

One evening, Mr. Green was driving in his car along a lonely country road. He had _____ to a bank where he had drawn $ 50. At the loneliest part of the road a man in ____ clothes stopped him and asked for a lift. Mr. Green allowed him _____and drove on. As he talked to the man, he ____that the man had been in ____ for robbery(抢劫) and had broken out of prison that very evening. Mr. Green was very ____ about his 50 dollars.

Suddenly he saw a police car and had a ____ idea. He had just reached a small town where the speed limit was 30 miles per hour. He drove the car as ____ as possible. A moment later, the police car overtook(超过) him and ____ him to stop. Mr. Green ____ to tell the policeman about the escaped robber, but the man put a gun to his_____. The policeman took out a ____ and demanded Mr. Green’s name and ____. Mr. Green asked to be taken to the police station but was ____.

Mr. Green started up his ____ again. As he drove out of the town, the man wanted to ____ “ Thank you for the lift. You’ve been so _____ to me. This is the least I can do for you in ___.” The man handed Mr. Green the ____ , which he stole from the ____ pocket while Mr. Green was being criticized(批评).

1.A. driven B. been C. gone D. visited

2.A. dirty B. good C. warm D. beautiful

3.A. out B. off C. down D. in

4.A. told B. said C. learnt D. remembered

5.A. school B. prison C. office D. forest

6.A. happy B. pleased C. excited D. worried

7.A. strange B. bright C. foolish D. sad

8.A. fast B. slowly C. carefully D. soon

9.A. begged B. invited C. ordered D. advised

10.A. hoped B. agreed C. decided D. thought

11.A. face B. head C. pocket D. back

12.A. notebook B. gun C. wallet D. menu

13.A. age B. address C. birth date D. birth place

14.A. refused B. invited C. welcome D. accepted

15.A. idea B. plan C. gun D. car

16.A. get on B. get down C. get out D. get up

17.A. kind B. well C. polite D. bad

18.A. turn B. time C. return D. surprise

19.A. money B. pen C. notebook D. gun

20.A. policeman’s B. driver’s C. prisoner’s D. robber’s[

Smart phones are so common these days. It’s a wonder that our pets don’t own one. But they don’t necessarily have to. These four apps will help you take care of your best furry friend from dog training to first aid.

Pet First Aid

Price: $3.99

Pet First Aid helps you provide the basic care and attention that your four-legged friend might need in a medical emergency. The application shows owners how to treat illnesses with helpful videos, pictures and articles on subjects like cuts, wound treatment and more. A section called Pet Info lets you enter in information about your pets including when they had their last vaccinations, any medicines they take, or information about any diseases or conditions your animal suffers from.

Paw Card Pet Tracker

Price: Free

Paw Card helps you keep a record of your loved one’s important information. Use it to record your pet’s medical contacts, vaccinations, identity cards, medical conditions and medicines. Additional characteristics include a drawing showing your dog’s weight over time.

Dog Park Finder

Price: Free

Dog Park Finder helps you locate dog-friendly parks and training locations in your area(USA)locations only). The app includes in formation on more than 2,200 off-leash(无需给狗拴链的) areas, user photos and more than 6,500 reviews, so you can have fun with your dog off the leash.

Dog Book

Price: Free

Dog Book is a social networking application for dogs. Like Face book, users can share with other people what’s going on in their dog’s life, share photos, and find great animal-friendly places to meet up.

1.The app Pet First Aid is different from the other thee mainly in .

A. size B. price

C. application D. position

2.If you want to keep a record of your dog’s weight, you can use .

A. Dog Book B. Pet First Aid

C. Dog Park Finder D. Paw Card Pet Tracker

3.Which one is the best choice if you want to find dog training locations?

A. Dog Park Finder B. Pet First Aid

C. Paw Card Pet Tracker. D. Dog Book

4.From the text we can know .

A. Dog Book users can find off-leash areas

B. Dog Park Finder provides worldwide information

C. Paw Card Pet Tracker records your dog’s information

D. Pet First Aid users can find the nearest hospital easily

Douglas was my cousin. I first met him when he came to stay with my family for a ____, because his parents were going to teach in Africa.

He and his family ____ all the way on the other side of the country, so we had never had a chance to visit. ____, when we arrived at the airport, it was not hard to find which person was my _____. He was the one standing all alone, looking around for someone to ____ him. He looked a little scared to meet us, ______ started to smile shyly after my mom hugged (拥抱) him.

When we got back home and Douglas ____ putting his things away, I could not believe it. All of his ____ were the same, all white shirts and dark blue shorts. He ____ had a dark blue jacket with a tie!

“How come you ____ only one kind of clothes?” I asked him.[

“That's the way my school has ____ been,” he said. “We have to wear uniforms.”

“I would hate having to wear the _____ thing every day,” I said.

“I don't ____,” Douglas said. “It ____ time. I don't have to think about what I am going to wear.”

“Well, we don't wear uniforms at our _____. You're going to look pretty ____ if you come to school in a jacket and tie.”

Douglas looked worried. ____, I felt bad. I had not meant to ____ his feelings. After all, it was not easy to come all this way to live with some ____ family for a year. Then and there I decided that I was going to ____ my cousin and try to make this as good a year as possible for him.

1.A. day B. week C. month D. year

2.A. worked B. lived C. traveled D. studied

3.A. However B. Instead C. Besides D. Therefore

4.A. parent B. cousin C. uncle D. friend[

5.A. ask B. teach C. help D. meet

6.A. so B. but C. or   D. and

7.A. started B. stopped C. finished D. continued

8.A. bags B. pictures C. books D. clothes

9.A. also B. again C. still D. even

10.A. make B. hate C. wear D. sell

11.A. sometimes B. never C. always D. seldom

12.A. right B. same C. only D. old

13.A. know B. use C. mind D. remember

14.A. costs B. saves C. wastes D. counts

15.A. airport B. country C. home D. school

16.A. brave B. funny C. smart D. handsome

17.A. Really B. Luckily C. Suddenly D. Secretly

18.A. share B. enjoy C. hurt D. understand

19.A. difficult B. special C. big D. strange

20.A. look at B. look for C. look after D. look up

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