
第二节 根据对话内容, 从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项多余

---When is your vocation going to start?

---I'll be leaving on the fifth of August

---    61     How many weeks are you going to be taking?

---I'm taking two weeks now, but l want to save the other week and take it sometime during winter.

---That sounds good. 62

---To the beach.

---Have you made your hotel reservation yet?

---- 63  I’ll be staying with friends.

---You're lucky.     64   

---What about you? When are you planning to take your vocation?

---_  65     I should be thinking about it, I guess.

A. Oh, I don't need to do that.

B. No, not really!

C. That's only a few days from now

D. It’s hard to find a hotel in August.

E. That depends.

F.  I don't know.

G. Where are you going?

61—65   CGADF  


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