
  Last June my brother 1 a car. He 2 an old motor before, but it 3 several times during the spring. “What you want is a send-hand Mini,” I suggested. “If you give me the money,” he said, “ 4 one tomorrow.” “I can't give you the money,” I replied, “but 5 Aunt Myra? She 6 enough. We 7 her since Christmas but she always hints(暗示) that we 8 go to see her more often.”

  We told our parents 9 . They weren't happy about it and asked us 10 . So 11 . But later that some day, something strange 12 . A doctor 13 us that Aunt Myra 14 into hospital for an operation. “ 15 go and see her at the same time,” said my mother. “You two go today, but don't mention the money.”

  When we 16 , Aunt Myra 17 “I'm not seriously ill,” she said, “but the doctor insists that 18 to drive my car. You can have it if you promise 19 me to the seaside 20 ”. We agreed, and now we quite enjoy our monthly trips to the coast with Aunt Myra.


[  ]

A.wanted to buy
B.wanted buying
C.liked to buy
D.liked buying


[  ]

A.has had
B.had had
C.did had
D.would have


[  ]

A.was breaking down
B.was breaking up
C.had broken down
D.had broken up


[  ]

A.I get
B.I'm getting
C.I'm going to get
D.I'd like getting


[  ]

A.what for
B.what about
C.how as to
D.how with


[  ]

A.can have
B.would have
C.must be having
D.will have


[  ]

A.are not seeing
B.haven't seen
C.didn't see
D.don't see


[  ]



[  ]

A.where we were going
B.where for us to go
C.where our going
D.where going


[  ]

A.not to go
B.not go
C.not going
D.don't go


[  ]

A.that we haven't
B.that we didn't
C.we haven't
D.we didn't


[  ]

B.took the place
D.was there


[  ]

A.rang for telling
B.ring to tell
C.rung for telling
D.rung to tell


[  ]

A.had gone
B.had been
C.has gone
D.has been


[  ]

A.We must not all
B.We can't all
C.All we can't
D.All we must not


[  ]

A.have come there
B.were arriving
C.got there
D.came to there


[  ]

A.was seeming quite happily

B.was seeming quite happy

C.seemed quite happily

D.seemed quite happy


[  ]

A.I'm getting so old
B.I'm getting too old
C.I get so old
D.I get too old


[  ]

C.to take
D.to bring


[  ]

A.often and frequently
B.often and sometimes
C.now and then
D.now and often

It is a dreadful thing to be poor a fortnight before Christmas, said Clorinda, with the mournful sigh of seventeen years.

Aunt Emmy smiled. Aunt Emmy was sixty, and spent the hours she didnt spend in a bed, on a sofa or in a wheel chair; but Aunt Emmy was never heard to sigh.

“The gifts which money can purchase are not the only ones we can give, said Aunt Emmy gently, nor the best, either.

“Oh, I know it's nicer to give something of your own work,” agreed Clorinda, “but materials for fancy work cost too. That kind of gift is just as much out of the question for me as any other.”

“That was not what I meant,” said Aunt Emmy.

“What did you mean, then?” asked Clorinda, looking puzzled.

Aunt Emmy smiled.

“Suppose you think out my meaning for yourself,” she said. “That would be better than if I explained it. Besides, I don't think I could explain it. Take the beautiful line of a beautiful poem to help you in your thinking out: 'The gift without the giver is bare.

“I'd put it the other way and say, 'The giver without the gift is bare,” said Clorinda. “That is my predicament(窘境)exactly. Well, I hope by next Christmas I'll not be quite bankrupt. I'm going into Mr. Callender's store down at Murraybridge in February. He has offered me the place, you know.”

“Won't your aunt miss you terribly?” said Aunt Emmy gravely. “I think she would rather have your companionship than a part of your salary, Clorinda,” said Aunt Emmy. “But of course you must decide for yourself, dear.”

“Well, I must say bye-bye and run home.” Clorinda lived just across the road from Aunt Emmy in a tiny white house behind some huge willows. But Aunt Mary lived there too--the only relative Clorinda had, for Aunt Emmy wasn't really her aunt at all. Clorinda had always lived with Aunt Mary ever since she could remember.

Clorinda puzzled over Aunt Emmy's meaning for days. Then all at once it came to her. On Christmas Day, Clorinda went over to Aunt Emmy's. Aunt Emmy was lying on the sofa before the fire, and Clorinda sat down beside her.

“I've come to tell you all about it,” she said. “Aunt Emmy, I thought for days over your meaning ... And then one evening it just came to me. At first I didn't think I could give some of them, and then I thought how selfish I was. I would have been willing to pay any amount of money for gifts if I had had it, but I wasn't willing to pay what I had. I got over that, though, Aunt Emmy. Now I'm going to tell you what I did give.”

“First, there was old Aunt Kitty. You know she was my nurse when I was a baby. She is always glad when I go to see her, but I've never gone except when I couldn't help it. She is very deaf, and rather dull and stupid, you know. Well, I gave her a whole day. I took my knitting yesterday, and sat with her the whole time and just talked and talked. She was so pleased and proud; she told me when I came away that she hadn't had such a nice time for years. ”

“Then there was ... Florence. You know, Aunt Emmy, we were always intimate friends until last year. Then Florence once told Rose Watson something I had told her in confidence. I found it out and I was so hurt. I couldn't forgive Florence, and I told her plainly I could never be a real friend to her again. Florence felt badly, because she really did love me, and she asked me to forgive her, but it seemed as if I couldn't. Well, Aunt Emmy, that was my Christmas gift to her ... my forgiveness.”

“I gave Aunt Mary her gift this morning. I told her I wasn't going to Murraybridge, that I just meant to stay home with her. She was so glad--and I'm glad, too, now that I've decided so.”

“Your gifts have been real gifts, Clorinda,” said Aunt Emmy. “Something of you--the best of you--went into each of them.”

“I didn't forget you, Aunt Emmy,” she said, as she unpinned the paper.

There was a rosebush. Aunt Emmy loved flowers. She put her finger under one of the roses and kissed it.

“It's as sweet as yourself, dear child,” she said tenderly. “And it will be a joy to me all through the lonely winter days. You've found out the best meaning of Christmas giving, haven't you, dear?”

“Yes, thanks to you, Aunt Emmy,” said Clorinda softly.

1.Clorinda felt anxious before Christmas because___________.

A. She had to leave Aunt Mary

B. She didn’t know what kind of Christmas gifts she should buy

C. She had not enough money to buy Christmas gifts

D. She had no time to make a proper decision

2. Which of the following sentences can best explain the line “The gift without the giver is bare.”

A. A gift is valued by the mind of the giver.

B. Forgiveness is a gift for the giver and the receiver.

C. You cannot buy love or respect with expensive gifts.

D. Think twice before you give gifts to somebody

3.What is the gift that Clorinda gave to old Aunt Kitty?

A. Passion?? ????????????? ????????????? B. Sympathy?? ????????????? ????????????? C. Kindness?? ????????????? ????????????? D. Company

4.What does the underlined phrase “in confidence” mean?

A. respectfully??? ????????????? B. confidently??? ????????????? ????????????? C. secretly??? ????????????? ????????????? D. willingly

5. Which two words can best describe Aunt Emmy?

A. cute and joyful??????????????????? ????????????? B. kind-hearted and emotional

C. optimistic and wise???????????????? ????????????? D. gentle and timid (羞怯的)

6.Which of the following is the best title?

A. A Special Christmas?????????????????? B. Clorinda’s Gifts

C. Aunt Emmy????????????????????????? D. Clorinda’s Choice


    I am Greek,and my family go to Greece every summer.Uncle Spyro and my God-mother Aunt Aspa lived about 45 minutes outside of Athens.Every summer when we traveled to Greece.we would spend a couple of days with them.

    I remember all the缸n things we would do there..We would shake almonds (杏仁) off the branches of Uncle Spyro’s  almond tree.Using his strong hands,he would break the shells off.and present us with the shiny white nut.With Aunt Aspa we would pick lemons off her lemon trees and carry them inside the small house with the help of Uncle Spyro.Drinking the fresh lemonade (柠檬水)and eating the delicious almonds,we would sit on the porch and talk.Uncle Spyro and Aunt Aspa didn’t  speak English,and my Greek wasn’t  and still isn’t  perfect.But those peacefully  quiet times on the porch were the times that I miss the most.

    Uncle Spyro developed cancer from smoking for most of his life and he became very sick. We didn’t  go to Greece in 2000,but we planned on going again in 2001.We found out that Uncle Spyro was in the hospital shortly before we left for Greece.My mother,Alethea,and I wanted to see him.But we waited until the day after we arrived.Now,I wish that we had gone the first daywe had arrived and that we had seen him for the last time. But my uncle didn't wait for us to go

    We still Visit Aunt Aspa,and we still pick almonds and lemons.We still drink the fresh lemonade and eat the delicious almonds on the porch.But somehow the lemonade isn’t  as fresh and the almonds aren't as delicious as before.

    I thank God that I'm still here to comfort Aunt Aspa and that I'm still here to finish my life.I’m not afraid of death anymore like some people.And I know that when I do die,I'll just be going up to Uncle Spyro,and we’ll eat almonds and drink lemonade,just like before.


51.The author did some fun things Except        

      A.picking lemons off the lemon trees

      B.shaking almonds off the almond tree

      C.breaking the shells of the almonds with hands

      D.drinking fresh lemonade and eating the delicious almonds

52.From the underlined sentence in the third paragraph,what do we learn?

      A.Uncle Spyro was not willing to wait for the author.

      B.Uncle Spyro died before the author went to see him.

      C.Uncle Spyro went on a trip before the author arrived.

      D.Uncle Spyro went to hospital before the author arrived.

53.Why does the author say“the lemonade isn’t  as fresh,and the almonds aren’t  as delicious as before”?

      A.Because Uncle Spyro can’t  stay with the author any longer.

      B.Because the lemonade and the almonds aren’t  fresh anymore.

      C.Because the lemonade and the almonds are stored for a long time.

      D.Because Aunt Aspa doesn’t  know how to make the lemonade and store the almonds.

54.We learn from the passage      

    A.the author’s  uncle died in 2000

    B.the author doesn’t  live in Greece

    C.the author call speak Greek fluently

    D.the author could communicate with his aunt fluently

55.What’s  the best title for this passage?

    A.An Unhappy Day

    B.My Uncle and Aunt

    B.An Unforgettable Trip

    D.Unforgettable Fresh Almonds and Lemonade

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