

Don and his 11-year-old son, Allen, love basketball very much. On Allen’s birthday, Don________ to drive him to Chicago, more than two hours’ distance, for the first game of the World Championships. They had no ________ but hoped to buy two from other people.

After arriving, they ________ in the streets for two hours carrying a ________ which said, “We need two tickets”. ________ the cheapest ticket was $175 and they could not ________ it. They were about to leave when a man ________ them. He pulled ________ two tickets and handed them to Don. “How much do you want?” “________ ! No money is needed!” said the man.

When asked, the man ________, “I am working for Joe, who hasn’t ________ a World Championships for 16 years. But he is ill and can’t make it this time. So he told me to give the two tickets away. The only ________ he set is to give the tickets to people who I think will be deserving. A lot of people looked as if they might just take the tickets and ________ them right away. Then I saw you. You seemed very ________ and you make me ________ my Dad and myself when I was a child. I ________ wanted to go to see a World Championships game with my father at that time. But I never got the ________ ...”

How important and ________ the game was to Don and his son! Here is what Don said, “It’s the most worth ________ thing that happened to us. My boy and I must have turned to each other 30 times during the ________ . I can’t forget that night.”

1.A. refused B. ordered C. decided D. happened

2.A. tickets B. cards C. passes D. money

3.A. rode B. ran C. cried D. walked

4.A. book B. sign C. magazine D. photo

5.A. And B. But C. Or D. So

6.A. afford B. offer C. keep D. hold

7.A. stopped B. asked C. invited D. beat

8.A. over B. in C. through D. out

9.A. Cheap B. Free C. Terrible D. Expensive

10.A. agreed B. examined C. explained D. appeared

11.A. delayed B. won C. missed D. lost

12.A. record B. time C. rule D. point

13.A. sell B. lend C. tear D. make

14.A. boring B. interesting C. smart D. anxious

15.A. give up B. care for C. think of D. belong to

16.A. very B. really C. well D. nearly

17.A. ability B. right C. dream D. chance

18.A. unpleasant B. unforgettable C. disappointing D. funny

19.A. hating B. remembering C. discussing D. playing

20.A. visit B. walk C. tour D. game

Step into an American preschool classroom today and you are likely to fall into a so-called print-rich environment,every surface colorfully decorated with instructional posters,classroom rules,chedules,and mottos,few of which a 4-year-old can understand in fact.

Besides the confusing things on classroom walls,teaching methods and curriculums have changed recently,by which more time is spent on what’s called “seat work”一workbooks and worksheets—but less time devoted to music and art.School—readiness skills are essential for the youngest learners to move on to a subsequent stage. As a result, expectations that may arguably have been reasonable for 5-and 6-year-olds, such as bemg able to sit at a desk and using pencil and paper,are now directed at even younger children, who lack the motor skills and attention span to be successful.

However,parents of preschoolers tend to be on board with these changes,because they fear that the old—fashioned pleasures of unhurried learning have no place in today’s highly competitive world.The stress is obvious:Pick the “wrong” preschool and your child might not go to college.She might not be employable. She might not even be allowed to start first grade!

As preschoolers are learning so much academic knowledge at earlier ages,they seem somehow less curious and less engaged.Some teachers say that more children today seem to lack the language skills.The real focus in the preschool years should not be just on vocabularv and reading,but on talking and listening.By talking with adults, and one another,they pick up information,learn how things work and solve puzzles that trouble them.For our littlest learners,what could be more important than that?

1.Which of the statements does the author probably agree with?

A.Younger children can fully understand the instructional things in classrooms.

B.3-and 4-year-olds shouldn’t be expected too much in school readiness skills.

C.More time should be spent on“seat work’’ instead of music and art.

D.Even 5-and 6-year-olds have good motor skills and attention span.

2.The underlined phrase “be on board with” in the third paragraph most probably means “ ”.

A.accept B.reject C.doubt D.worry

3.Why are parents so picky when choosing a preschool for their kids?

A.Because some preschools are too old fashioned.

B.Because a wrong preschool might ruin kids’ future.

C.Because the competitions between kindergartens are fierce.

D.Because it is easy for them to choose a right preschool.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.New Preschool Breaking down the Kids.

B.The Early Bird Gets the Worm.

C.Preschool,the Gatekeeper to Elementary School?

D.Seat work,a Better Choice for the Youngest Kids?

Clive Roberts.a director at ELS Educational Services,says English tests are changing greatly in response to the global growth in the use of English as a lingua franca—the common language used among people with I different native languages.For that reason,a lot of new tests are being developed while old tests are being improved to meet the needs of universities and employers worldwide.

Changes in language testing

“A lot of tests are now delivered online,all four skills are being tested,in some cases,by computer,in particular speaking and writing skills,which are the most difficult to assess on a computer environment,”says Mr.Roberts.

Computer testing will reduce the length of time required for testing,because the tests adjust to the test-taker’s ability.These computer-adaptive tests also increase accuracy in scoring.Computer-a- daptive tests change depending on the test-taker’s responses.They can become more or less difficult during the testing session.For this reason,the set of correct answers will be different for each test-taker.

Cultural sensitivity

Another change to language testing relates to cultural sensitivity.The term refers to material on a test that is based on a certain culture or is hard for test-takers from different cultures to understand.

Mr.Roberts says test development companies are now hiring people with intercultural communication backgrounds to review test items.The companies want to make sure the test does not upset test-takers.

Proficiency(精通程度)in language

Changes to English proficiency tests make them better at measuring the learners’ability.However,Mr.Roberts says the changes may mean the tests are more difficult for some students.

“The tests have become more proficiency-oriented.The items are being designed in such a way that they test real-world proficiency and not simply sort of an artificial environment or a specific set of skills that are taught in a classroom.So a lot of authentic texts,a lot of authentic listening passages are being used.”

The changes mean students have to be able to understand English the way it is used in everyday life,not just in textbooks.

1.Which of the following can best replace the underlined words“a lingua franca”in Paragraph l?

A. a universal language B.a second language

C.a native language D.a mother tongue

2.Which of the following is true about online English tests?

A.Listening is more difficult to be tested online than speaking.

B.Online English tests need more time.

C.Online English tests make scoring more accurate.

D.Online English tests are more difficult.

3.Why is proficiency stressed in language testing?

A.To make the test more difficult.

B.To get learners to learn textbooks well.

C.To test learners’speaking ability.

D.To test learners’real ability to use the language.

4.which words can best describe the new English tests?

A. More accurate but easier.

B.Less practical but harder.

C. Better but harder.

D.Less popular but easier.


Relationships are hard. It doesn't matter whether it is a relationship two workmates, a doctor and a patient, a mother and her child or a couple. The fact is, it is a relationship involving people, there will always be conflicts once in a while because human beings are complicated(复杂的).

I guess even in the animal kingdom there are complications, too. For instance, just last weekend l thought my neighbor's cows were .They like standing outside our gate where there is a huge tree they use to themselves from the burning sun. Anyway, it was quite that the grey cow was angry about something and since I didn't “cows", I couldn't tell what she was complaining about. My guess was that one of the other cows had done/said something to . her because there was one cow she kept ”addressing".

I guess this goes to tat as long as one is breathing (man or animal), misunderstandings and .will always happen, regardless of whether it is at home or at the office, until one is finally

The is how you handle your displeasure. How do you conduct your arguments? What words do you use7 After the argument, do you ever sit back and probably anything that you might have said in anger? I ask this I know for a fact that when you are angry, the likelihood of having the best you'll ever regret is very high. The words you speak to someone can either build them up, or break them down, or start

a in their heart or put it out completely. That is how words are. Words have the power to or destroy.

If you do not want to hurt those you come into with, remember to be careful with your words because once they are ,they can only be forgiven, not forgotten。

1.A. after B. above C. under D. between

2.A. as soon as B. as well as C. as long as D. as far as

3.A. naturally B. similarly C. fortunately D. suddenly

4.A. laughing B. arguing C. watching D. crying

5.A. protect B. enjoy C. behave D. blame

6.A. proud B. typical C. lucky D. obvious

7.A. respect B. doubt C. understand D. prepare

8.A. remind B. inspire C. attract D. annoy

9.A. report B. imagine C. prove D. admit

10.A. competition B. accidents C. silence D. disagreements

11.A. dead B. weak C. careless D. nervous

12.A. chance B. question C. result D. cause

13.A. regret B. forget C. receive D. complete

14.A. if B. because C. until D. though

15.A. speech B. calmness C. patience D. attempt

16.A. pipe B. lamp C. fire D. cigarette

17.A. funny B. busy C. powerful D. loud

18.A. last B. create C. return D. feel

19.A. concern B. consideration C. comparison D. contact

20.A. opened B. translated C. said D. noticed

In my thirty years as a time management speaker, I have observed (观察) a lot of what we can not and should not do to increase our daily results. Time management is not necessarily working harder, but rather smarter.

A lot of our time management has to do more with what we are not doing rather than what we are doing. Sometimes our mistakes will keep us from running at a full pace. Here are some time management mistakes we should all avoid to help us increase our daily efficiency:

Start your day without a plan of action. Without a plan, you will have worked hard but may not have done enough right things. Time management is not doing the wrong things more rapidly. That just gets us nowhere faster. Time management is doing the right things.

Work with a messy (凌乱不堪) desk or work area. Studies have shown that the person who works with a messy desk spends, on average, one and a half hours per day in looking for things. That’s seven and a half hours per week. If you have ever visited the office of a top manager, you can easily find that he or she is working with a clean desk environment.

Don’t take a lunch break. Many people do not take a lunch break. They work through that time period in the hope that it will give them more time to finish the task. Studies have shown that it may work just the opposite. After doing what we do for several hours, our mind will become boring. A lunch break, even a fifteen-minute break, gives us a chance to get our batteries all charged up again.

1.With a plan of action, you can ______.

A. work harder

B. do the wrong things more rapidly

C. avoid doing wrong things

D. get nowhere faster

2.Working with a messy desk or work area, you will ______.

A. waste a lot of time

B. find the things you need easily

C. become a top manager

D. save seven and a half hours per week

3.The text mainly tells us ______.

A. how to avoid wasting time

B. we should get our batteries all charged up

C. how important time management is

D. some time management mistakes

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