
He used _______ on the right in China, but he soon got used ______ on the left in England.

A.to drive, to driveB.to drive, driving
C.to driving, to driveD.to drive, to driving


解析试题分析:used to do sth过去常常做某事;get/be used to doing sth习惯于做某事;be used to do sth被用来做某事,句意:他过去常常在中国靠右行驶,但很快在适应了在英国的靠左行驶。故选D.


     For most families, a long car journey is the bane of any trip.But for the Zapps, their 83-year-old
vehicle has been a home for the past 11 years, as the couple travel around the world on a never ending
trip of a lifetime, covering 142,000 miles over four continents.
     Herman and Candelaria Zapp, who got married to each other in 1996 and to their journey in 2000,
Set off from Patagonia, Argentina, heading for Alaska. They came back to Argentina in2004,but settled
there only for a couple of weeks, before deciding the open road is the only way to live. They have been
traveling ever since, with a trip around South America between 2005 and 2007, then central America,
the U.S. and Canada until 2009.The car was shipped to Australia, New Zealand, Japan and South
Korea as they traveled those countries and they are currently in the Philippines on a tour of South East
     As a proof that life is possible in such a mobile style, the family of the two slowly grew to a number
of six.They became, over the years and while on the road, parents to four children, Pampa (eight), Tehue
(five), Paloma (three) and Wallaby (one). Remarkably, each of their kids has a different nationality.
     "My grandfather knew that we wanted to travel and to never stop so he gave me the old Grdham-Paige car he used on his farm," Herman said. Each night the six Zapps either sleep in or around a tent set up
next to their car, but more often than not they find a friendly local who will put them up for the night.The
only hard rule the couple have to stick by, is the 40mph speed limit the 83-year old car is restricted to.
Their trip is supported with the money coming from selling books they write about the places they visit.