
Every day when I enter the classroom, I will take a look at the wall beside my seat. You will find nothing special about this old wall if you just look at it. But for the students in my class, it is a special wall. Take a good look at it, and you will get to know the real feelings and thoughts of us, the 9th graders.
In the middle of the wall, there is a big "VICTORY". It was written in pencil. I guess it must have been written by someone who got a good mark in an exam.
A little higher above the formulas, there is a poem. It only has two sentences. It reads: All those sweet memories have disappeared. Like tears dropping in the heavy rain.           Oh! It must have been written at the end of the last semester in middle school. Classmates had to leave school and good friends had to part. What a sad poem!
If you "explore" the wall more carefully, you will find many other interesting things, like a crying face, or a happy face, and other patterns(图案). There are still some patterns and letters that I can't understand, but they all show the feeling of the students who drew them.
For years, the wall has witnessed(目睹) all the things that have happened in the classroom. I don't know how it will be next year, two years from now, or even ten years from now. But I hope more smiling faces will be drawn on it.
小题1:There is ____ special on this wall.
小题2:What was the "VICTORY" written in?
小题3:When has the poem been written?
A.At the beginning of the last semester.
B.At the end of the year.
C.At the end of the last semester.
D.At the beginning of the last month.
小题4:What's the meaning of the underlined word?
小题5:What's the title of the passage?
A.The Pictures of the Wall
B.The Feelings of the Students
C.The Patterns of the Classroom
D.The Hope of the Writer

小题1:事实细节题。根据第一段”But for the students in my class, it is a special wall. ”可知,这是一堵有特殊意义的强。
小题3:事实细节题。根据 It must have been written at the end of the last semester in middle school. 可知
小题4:猜测词义题。根据“Classmates had to leave school”可知,好朋友要分别了。
"Just sign here, sir," the deliveryman said as he handed Oscar Reyna a package.
The package consisted of a long, narrow box 21 wrapped in brown paper. 22 the box, Oscar saw an umbrella inside — a very old one with a beautifully carved wooden handle. 23 he had not seen it in more than 20 years, he recognized it 24 .
Oscar was 16 when he first saw the 25 umbrella. He had gone to a concert with his grandparents. As they were leaving, h noticed an umbrella on an empty seat, impressed by its 26 , Oscar felt a strong desire to find its 27 .
Oscar 28 the manager to look in the record of advance ticket sales. Just as he thought, a name matched the seat 29 Oscar had found the umbrella. The name was Mrs. Katie O'Brien.
Oscar talked his grandparents into going by Mrs. O'Brien's 30 on their way home. He rang the bell, the door opened, and an elderly woman appeared. "May I   31  you?" she asked.
"I'd like to return it if it's yours," Oscar said, 32 the umbrella as if presenting a 33 that had long been wished for.
"Why, yes! It's mine," replied Mrs. O'Brien with a 34 smile and shining eyes. "It was given to me by my father years ago. Thank you so much for returning it. May I offer you a reward for your __35_ ?"
"No, ma'am," he said, "My grandmother says that a good deed is its own reward. "
"Well, that's 36 what my father used to say. What is your name, young man?"
Years later Oscar was staring at the finely carved handle of the umbrella as he remembered Mrs. O'Brien. It was in perfect condition, considering how 37 it was. Why had it arrived here today?
As if 38 , a note fell from the paper. It reads: Mrs. O'Brien wanted to 39 this umbrella as a present for a kind, 40. gesture long ago.
A.AfterB.WhenC.Since D.Although
A.familyB.theaterC.house D.neighborhood
A.putting upB.turning outC.picking upD.holding out
A.chance B.factC.giftD.result
A.in contrastB.in returnC.in exchangeD.in answer
A.possessB.acceptC.carry D.value

Michel is a young girl who works for the police   36  a handwriting expert. She has helped   37  many criminals (罪犯) by using her special talents.
When she was fourteen, Michel was already   38  interested in the differences in her friends'   39  that she would spend hours  40 them. After 41 college she went to France for a   42  two-year class in handwriting at the School of Police Science.
Michel says that it is  43  for people to hide their handwriting. She can discover _44  of what she needs to know simply   45  looking at the writing with her own eyes,   46  she also has machines   47   help her make    48  different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often   49  great help to the police.
Michel believes that handwriting is a good   50  of what kind of person the 51  is. "I wouldn't go out with a fellow    52  I didn't like his handwriting." She says. But she   53 she fell in love with her future husband, a young policeman   54  she studied his handwriting. It is later proved to be    55 , however.
A.with B.byC.like    D.as
A.search    B.followC.catch    D.judge
A.so     B.tooC.quite   D.extra
A.books    B.letterC.tongues   D.handwriting
A.writing    B.studyingC.settling  D.uncovering
A.attending  B.finishingC.starting  D.stepping into
A.powerful   B.naturalC.special  D.common
A.main     B.safeC.easy    D.impossible
A.most     B.nothingC.little   D.sight
A.with     B.by     C.of     D.about
A.so     B.forC.thus    D.but
A.they     B.in whichC.that    D.those
A.up     B.outC.for     D.into
A.of     B.toC.with    D.for
A.test    B.sign C.means    D.habit
A.thief     B.criminalC.writer   D.policeman
A.whether    B.unlessC.if     D.after
A.adds     B.tellsC.repeats   D.cries
A.before   B.afterC.so    D.and
A.necessaryB.all rightC.important  D.quite easy

Mr Brown lives in Sydney. His house is about five kilometers ____41___ his office and the bus can ____42___ him there. He likes football very much and wants to ___43___ the football matches. His wife likes to buy nice clothes and ___44___ her husband give all his wages to her and he has to do ___45___ she says. Then she always __46___ some fares (车费) back to him. Of course Mr Brown doesn’t have any money to buy the ___47___. One evening he went to watch a football match. He bought a ticket ___48___ all his money and he ___49__to go home ___50__ foot. When he ___51___ home, he was tired, but felt ___52___. Since then he began to go to work on foot. But he is ___53__ to tell his wife about it.
This morning when he was having breakfast, he ____54__ a piece of news over the radio: the bus fares were going to __55__ in price. He hurried to turn it __56__, but it was too __57___. His wife asked, “What did the radio say?”
He had to ___58__ her all he heard. Then he became sad and said, “ What a Pity!”
“You must be happy, I think,” said his wife. “You will save some ___59___.”
“Sorry, I can’t ___60__ with you.” said Mr Brown. “I won’t be able to watch two matches a month!” 
A.far B.awayC.far awayD.away from
A.seeB.lookC.look atD.watch
A.putsB.gives C.getsD.carries
A.withB.forC.to D.by
A.arrived atB.got toC.reached toD.got
A.heardB.listened C.sawD.wrote
A.overB.on C.upD.off
A.timeB.work C.ideaD.money

There are plenty of creams etc on the market that help you look younger, but today, Dr Oz is going to show how some people are actually living longer.
“We are going to talk about extreme life extension,” he says. “I am talking in details about allowing us to go into our second century of life with the energy that you have when you are a young person.”
Owing to advances in technology and research on how diet affect the aging process, Dr Oz says it might be possible for some people to live to see their 120th birthdays.
There’s one man in Oprah’s audience who Dr Oz says may become the first man in history to live to be 150 years old. Joe Cordell is one of thousands around the world who believe they’ve found the key to an extreme long life --- calorie restriction leads to a longer, healthier life.
At 59 Joe weighs 130 pounds. He may not look like a person who needs to count calories, but as part of his life extension program, he inspects every mouth of food that passes through his system.
Every day for the past seven years, Joe has limited himself to about 1,950 calories.
He believes that by eating less and restricting his caloric intake, he will trigger a genetic switch that slows the aging process.
Joe doesn’t take away himself of food. Instead, the then 52-year-old father filled up on natural fruits, vegetables and lean proteins(瘦蛋白) that were packed with necessary vitamins and nutrients. “Whenever you are thinking about calorie restriction, you should continually think about getting the most nutritional amount per calorie,” Joe says.
In keeping with this principle, Joe starts every morning with three apples…but he only eats the peels. “Most of the fiber is in the peel, and more importantly, most of the nutrients are in the peel,” he says.
“It is important to eat some nuts with breakfast so that you do take in some fat, some healthy fats,” he says. “I think it helps the absorption of the nutrients, and it is very filling.”
For lunch, Joe usually eats a large salad, loaded with vegetables. At dinnertime, he and his family enjoy lean meat or fish and more vegetables.
When Joe started practicing calorie restriction, he weighed 175 pounds. Since then, he has lost 45 pounds, and he says he hasn’t had a cold in seven years. Though he is in his “golden years”, researchers studying Joe say he has the body of a 20-year-old athlete.
小题1: According to Joe, the appropriate fat intake may help ______?
A.people lose weight
B.feel always full
C.the absorption of the nutrients
D.people to live longer
小题2:What can we learn about Joe since he started the calorie restriction program?
A.Joe counts the amount of every meal
B.Joe has never had a cold
C.Joe eats three apples every morning
D.Joe has a large salad with vegetables for dinner
小题3:The underlined word “trigger” in paragraph 7 can probably be replaced by ______.
A.turn onB.break downC.take upD.cut off
小题4:According to the passage, the extreme life extension refers to _______.
A.living very long even sick
B.how to make people lead a happy life
C.living long and having a healthy body
D.how to arrange our foods every day

British paychologists have found evidence of a link between excessive(过度的) Internet use and depression, a research has shown.
Leeds University researchers, writing in the Psychopathology journal, said a small part of Internet users were classed as Internet addicts and that people in this group were more likely to be depressed than non-addicted users.
The article on the relationship between excessive Internet use and depression is from a questionnaire-based study of 1,319 young people and adults.
The respondents answered questions about how much time they spent on the Internet and what they used it for; they also complete the Beck Depression Inventory---a series of questions designed to measure the seriousness of depression.
The six—page report, by the university’s Institute of Psychological Science, said 18 of the people who complete the questionnaire were Internet addict.“Our research indicates that excessive Internet use is associated with depression, but what we don’t know is which comes first—are depressed people drawn to the Internet or does the Internet cause depression?” the article’s lead author Dr Catriona Morrison said.”What is clear is that, for a small part of people, excessive use of the Internet could be warning signal for depressive tendencies.”
The age range of all respondents was between 16 and 51 years, with an average age of 21.24. The average age of the 18 Internet addicts was 18.3 years. By comparing the levels of depression within this group to that within a group of 18 non—addicted Internet users, researchers found the Internet addicts had a higher chance of developing depression than non-addicts. They also discovered that addicts spent more time visiting sexually pleasing website, online gaming sites and online communities.
“The public speculation(推测)was further proved by this study. That’s to say, over-engaging in websites which serve to replace normal social function might be linked to psychological disorders like depression and addiction,” Morrison said.”We now need to consider the wider social influence of this relationship and clearly prove the effects of excessive Internet use on mental health.”
小题1:Internet addicts are people who ______ according to the passage.
A.use the Internet more than enough
B.feel depressed when using the Internet
C.seldom connect to the Internet
D.feel depressed without the Internet
小题2:What is confirmed by the study according to the passage?
A.Depression leads to excessive use of Internet
B.Depression results from excessive use of Internet
C.Excessive use of internet usually accompanies depression
D.Excessive use of internet is usually earlier to depression
小题3:It is thought by the public that online communities______.
A.can never replace normal social function
B.are intended to replace normal social function
C.are associated with psychological disorders
D.shouldn’t take the blame for psychological disorders
小题4:According to Dr Catriona Morrison, the public speculation________.
A.lacks scientific evidenceB.helps clarify their study
C.finds a theoretical basisD.has little scientific value

Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you “What is the most important in your life ?” maybe you will say “Computers and the Internet.”
The first computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked slowly . Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do?
A writer has said, “people can’t live without computers today.”
The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, write letters, do shopping, play games or make friends.
Many students like the Internet very much. They often go into the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don’t know their real names, ages, and even sex (性别). They are so interested in making the “unreal friends” that they can’t put their hearts into study. Many of them can’t catch up with others on many subjects because of that.
We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at the same time, we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.
小题1:The Internet can not be used for ______.
小题2:When the computer was invented, it was ______.
A.large and worked quickly1
B.small and worked
C.large but worked slowly.
D.small but worked quickly .
小题3:The Internet was born in about _____.
小题4:Which of the following is true?
A.Few students like going into the Internet.
B.students use the Internet to make “unreal friends.”
C.These “unreal friends” often meet each other.
D.Students know the friends on the Internet very well.
小题5:What does the writer think of the Internet?
A.It is wonderful.
B.It can make students study harder.
C.It is not good for students.
D.It is helpful, but we can’t do everything on it.
Wind , water, fire and ice-these powerful natural forces have shaped the land of America in the past. They are still changing it today.
The Colorado River slowly cut down through stone to make the Grand Canyon(大峡谷).
Long ago, ice sheets cut Yosemite Valley and the Great Lakes, and glaciers(冰川) are still on the move in Alaska.
Wind and rain storm hit the land from time to time. Fires sometimes burn down forests and destroy the homes of wild animals. This happened in Yellowstone Park in 1988.
Dead volcanic mountains such as Haleakala on Maui and Carter Lakein Oregon are beautiful to look at. But there are several active volcanoes in the US, especially along the Pacific Coast. There are also many earthquakes in this area. Scientists can do nothing to control earthquakes or volcanoes. This was shown clearly on May 18, 1980. At 8:32 that morning, Mount St Helens in Washington state broke out. The top of the mountain was blown off.
Over 60 people –campers, scientists, journalists, forest workers—were killed. Hundreds of square miles of forests were knocked down. In towns over 100 miles away, day suddenly became night. An ash cloud hid the sun for many hours. Towns and fields in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho were covered with dirty gray ash.
Scientists knew that Mt St Helens might erupt(爆发) soon. But no one could say when. And no one expected the terrible strength of the eruption. Many people were surprised and unready. Harry R. Truman, 84, owned a small hotel in Mt St Helens. Scientists had asked people to move away because the volcano was becoming dangerous.
But Harry Truman would not leave his home. Now it is covered with many feet of dirty ash. A small cross stands above the place where Harry probably died. Perhaps it is better that he did not see the destruction of Mt St Helens, the once beautiful lake, and the forests.
But slowly, life is returning to the dead area around the mountain. Grass and small plants are beginning to grow again. Deer and birds have been seen. The land will never be the same as it once was. Perhaps Mt St Helens will erupt again. But this is all part of nature’s pattern of change, and man has little power to control it.
小题1:Choose the best title for this passage.
A.Wind, water, fire and ice
B.Volcano’s beauty and danger
C.The power of nature
D.Natural force shape beautiful land of America
小题2:After the eruption of volcano, what makes the sky turn dark?
A.The smokeB.The clouds.C.The fog.D.The ash.
小题3:The underlined word “it” means______.
A.The body of old Harry
B.The location of Harry’s home
C.The opening on top of Mt St Helens
D.The place where Harry probably died
小题4:We can infer from this article that ______.
A.Washington and Oregon are neighboring states
B.Colorado River runs through Yosemite Valley
C.The eruption of Mt St Helens also caused trouble with the Yellowstone Park
D.Scientists never knew Mt St Helens was active

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