
评价 世界文坛巨人
经历 1. 1899年生于美国一个医生家庭,父亲酷爱打猎、钓鱼,母亲喜欢文学。 2.中学毕业后,当了实习记者,得到了很好训练。 3.一战爆发后,参加红十字会服务队。 4.二战中,以战地记者身份参加。 5. 1961年,用猎枪自杀。
成就 一生致力于文学创作,获得很大成功。其中,《老人与 海》获得了1954年诺贝尔文学奖。
      参考词汇:实习记者exercitation reporter;红十字会the Red Cross;
                          诺贝尔文学奖The Nobel Prize in Literature
One possible version:
   In 1961, Hemingway, a famous writer of the world,was killed with a gun by himself. People all felt
very sad about him.
       Hemingway was born in 1899,whose parents are doctors. His father was fond of hunting and fishing while his mother liked literature, which had an important effect on him. After leaving middle school, he
worked as an exercitation reporter, during which he got good
training. He joined in the Red Cross service team during the First World War. He was hurt and built up
some horrible memory. He also participated in the Second World War as a reporter. What he experienced gave him some preciousmaterials on writing.
      He has devoted all his life to writing and has written a number of fine works,of which the Old Man
and the Sea has gained the Nobel Prize in Literature.

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