
—It often rains in that area.  Please take an umbrella with you.
—         .    
[     ]
A. Well, it just depends    
B. All right, you are welcome    
C. Yes, take it with me    
D. OK, just in case

You are what you eat. So maybe it’s time you started eating sensibly. Experts at the first Chinese Students Nutrition and Health Festival in Kunming last week singled out (挑选) several bad eating habits.

Watching television while having meals or snacks.

Doing this means you don’t pay attention to your food, forget how full you are and so overeat. It can also cause digestion(消化) diseases. One way to avoid this is only to eat in certain areas of your home.

.  Replacing meals with snacks.

Many students think that eating small snacks can help them diet. But it often results

In overeating and health problems related to a lack of vegetables,carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins. Snaking only works if it is well planned and includes healthy foods such as nuts, vegetables, fruit and yogurt.

.Having drinks rather than water.

Fizzy(有气泡的)drinks and fruit juice are usually high in calories and sugar, which can cause weight problems. Water is important in making your brain cells and every organ in your body work properly. For your body to burn fat,it needs at least eight glasses of pure water a day. Liquids like soda(苏打水)and coffee actually take water away from your body.

.Choosing meat and certain vegetables over others.

Different foods provide different kinds of nutrition. If you don't have a balanced diet,

this can result in malnutrition(营养失调)and a weaker body.

.Eating throat tablets(润喉片)as if they were sweets.

If you eat throat tablets when you have no throat disease, they may affect the bacteria

(细菌)in your mouth and cause real throat problems.




Watching television while having meals or snacks.

Overeating;    3.  

Eat in certain areas

Replacing meals with snacks.

  4.; A lack of vegetables,  carbohydrates, proteins and vitamins

 5. the snacks;

Eat healthy foods

 .Having drinks rather than water.

  6.   ; Weight problems


 .Choosing meat and certain vegetables over others.

Malnutrition;   8.

Balance your diet

.Eating throat tablets as if they were sweets.

 9.  ; Real throat problems



Honey(蜂蜜)from the African forest is not only a kind of natural sugar, it is also delicious. Most people, and many animals, like eating it. However, the only way for them to get that honey is to find a wild bees' nest(巢)and take the honey from it. Often, these nests are high up in trees, and it is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, people and animals looking for honey have a strange and unexpected helper一a little bird called a honey guide.

The honey guide does not actually like honey, but it does like the wax (蜂蜡) in the beehives (蜂房). The little bird cannot reach this wax, which is deep inside the bees’ nest. So, when it finds a suitable nest, it looks for someone to help it. The honey guide gives a loud cry that attracts the attention of both passing animals and people. Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, waiting from time to time for the curious animal or people as it leads them to the nest. When they

finally arrive at the nest, the follower reaches in to get at the delicious honey as the bird patiently waits and watches. Some of the honey, and the wax, always falls to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share.

Scientists do not know why the honey guide likes eating the wax, but it is very determined in its efforts to get it. The birds seem to be able to smell wax from a long distance away. They will quickly arrive whenever a beekeeper is taking honey from his beehives, and will even enter churches when beeswax candles are being lit.

1.Why is it difficult to find a wild bees' nest?

A.It's small in size.

B.It's hidden in trees.

C.It's covered with wax.

D.It's hard to recognize.

2. What do the words "the follower" in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A.A bee.

B.A bird.

C.A honey seeker.

D.A beekeeper.

3.The honey guide is special in the way________.

A.it gets its food

B.it goes to church

C.it sings in the forest

D.it reaches into bees' nests

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Wild Bees

B.Beekeeping in Africa

C.Wax and Honey

D.Honey-Lover's Helper




If your complaint is immediate, suppose you got the wrong order at a restaurant, make a polite but firm request to see the manager.When the manager comes, ask his or her name.And then state your problem and what you expect to have done about it.

Be polite!     2     

But also be firm in making your complaint.

     3     This doesn’t mean to put on airs and say “do you know who I am?” What it means is that people are often treated the way they expect to be treated.If you act like someone who expects a fair request to be granted, chances are that it will be granted .

     4     You are speaking to a voice coming from someone you cannot see.So you can’t tell how the person on the line is reacting.It is easy for that person to give you the run-around.

     5     If your complaint doesn’t require an immediate response, it often helps to complain by letter.If you have an appliance that doesn’t work, send a letter to the store that sold it.Be business-like and stick to the point.Don’t spend a paragraph on how your uncle John tried to fix the problem and couldn’t.

A.Shouting or acting rude will get you nowhere.

B.Complaining in person or by letter is generally more effective.

C.The worst way to complain is over the telephone.

D.Telephone complaint is never efficient.

E.The way to complain is to act business-like and important.

F.Besides, act important.

G.There are many ways to complain.


Department stores sell ready- to-wear clothing, which is also called ready-made clothing. Such clothing is made in fixed sizes. Those people who find that ready-made clothing fits them well can save money by buying it. Most often, people do not fit exactly into a producer’s size. Their clothing must be altered to make it fit better. However, most alterations are not very expensive. The small cost of most alterations means that ready-made clothing can meet the needs of most customers.

Those who can afford it often get someone to design and make their clothing. Such clothing is called custom-made. The person who makes it measures the customer, and then sews it so that it fits perfectly. Alterations are not needed. Custom-made clothing is largely sewn by hand, has better quality, better material, and is of the style you have chosen. Of course, it costs much more than ready-to-wear clothing. You need to pay the difference for the special fitting and better skill that you are receiving. This often means that you spend double or more than you would for a ready-made garment.

Custom-made clothing is not always that much better than ready-made clothing. It costs more partly because only one garment has been made, just for you. Companies that produce ready-made products make thousands of garments at a time. This means they can buy large quantities of material. Workers cut each size by the hundreds. Companies work out ways to make the garments quickly by machine and pay workers according to their skill. Thus they can sell the finished products at a low price while still making money. Most of the clothing sold in the United States is made in this way. Customers gain from the lower prices which are made possible by mass production. It may or may not give them high quality.

1. According to the passage, people who buy ready-made clothing ______.

  A. wish to make alternations        B. will spend less money

  C. want to make it better           D. can fit into the sizes

2.We can learn from the passage that custom-made clothing is_______.

  A. specially made               B. fashionably designed

  C. chosen by few people          D. made with difficulties

3.Which of the following is true about ready-made clothing?

  A. It is of poor quality.           B. It suits all people.

  C. It is labor-saving to make it.    D. It takes more time to make it

4.The purpose of the writer is _______.

  A. to explain why custom-made clothing costs more

  B. to show the advantages of mass production

  C. to tell readers how to make money from ready-made clothing

  D. to provide information about different kinds of clothing




The human nose is an underestimated tool. Humans are often thought to be  1___ smellers compared with animals, but this is largely because, unlike animals, we stand upright. This means that our noses are  2  to detecting those smells which float through the air,  3  the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact though, we are extremely sensitive to smells, even if we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of  4  human smells even when these are  5  to far below one part in one million.

    6     , some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, while others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate  7     smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send  8    to the brain. However, it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell at first can suddenly become sensitive to it when  9     to it often enough.

  The  10   for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it  11    to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can  12   new receptors if necessary. This may also explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be. We are not  13     of the usual smell of our own house but we  14     new smells when we visit someone else's. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors _ 15    for unfamiliar and emergency signals such as the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire.


1. A. sensitive

B. outstanding

C. insensitive

D. awkward

2. A. limited

B. committed

C. devoted

D. conducted

3. A. catching

B. ignoring

C. missing

D. tracking

4. A. distinguishing

B. discovering

C. determining

D. detecting

5. A. reduced

B. reserved

C. rescued

D. refused

6. A. Fortunately

B. Strangely

C Happily

D. Amazingly

7. A. unusual

B. particular

C. unique

D. typical

8. A. signs

B. information

C. messages

D. signals

9. A. subjected

B. left

C. drawn

D. exposed

10A. expectation

B. expression

C. extension

D. explanation

11.A convenient

B. competitive

C. inefficient

D. adequate

12.A introduce

B. gather

C. develop

D. produce

13.A sure

B. sick

C. aware

D tired

14.A tolerate

B. resist

C. neglect

D. notice

15.A available

B. reliable

C. valuable

D. suitable



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