
完形填空  (15%)


“Hey, Jenny ! How’s the model?”

    I had just taken a bite of my hot dog  31   I heard a familiar voice yelling at me from across the crowded school yard. I saw a group of popular girls who were all  32  .

“What kind of  33   are you going to do? An ad for a Frankenstein movie?” More laughter. My stomach twisted into a tight knot. How could they humiliate (羞辱) me like this, in front of the entire school? As I walked into the cafeteria, I  34   the dark scars on my right hand.

At 9 months old, I knocked over a tea pot and dumped boiling water all over my hands and stomach. My parents  35   me to the hospital, but I had to have skin graft (移植) operation. I was in so much pain! But what  36  me most were the cruel things people said about how I looked, like that day at lunch.

The girls were being super mean to me because they’d heard I was considering doing some modeling. A close friend had suggested that I shouldn’t let my scars  37  me and that I might make a good model.

But after that  38   at school, I was sure I’d made a huge mistake. Upon arriving home, I covered the mirror with a blanket, fell on my bed and sobbed.

    The next day, I   39  myself to go to school. At lunch my best friend Jesse tried to encourage me: “You can’t  40  forever, Jenny. So what if you have a few scars? Just go outside and show them that you’re just as good as they are.” Although I knew he was right, I couldn’t imagine standing up for myself like that.

However, that night as I sat on the bed, my friend’s words replayed in my mind. I’m  41   hiding from myself, I thought. How stupid! Slowly, I stood up, walked over to the  42 , and tossed the blanket aside. There, in the mirror I saw a slim, dark-haired, blue-eyed girl, looking just fine, 43  with a few scars.

The next day I wore a comfortable T-shirt to school. What’s more, I had lunch outside the cafeteria,

 44  beside those mean girls. They were shocked that I should dare to walk into their territory. I felt different too—free and happy.

Sometimes people still look at me strangely. They whisper and stare, but I don’t let it get to me. I have applied to several modeling companies, and at least one company is considering me for jobs. Maybe I’ll never  45   posing on the runway (T形舞台), but I do know one thing: I’m done.

A. as             B. when                 C. while            D. before

A. nodding        B. cheering             C. laughing         D. quarreling

A. modeling       B. writing         C. drilling         D. acting

A. looked into        B. searched for         C. wondered about   D. glanced at

A. presented     B. guided           C. rushed           D. handed

A. hurt           B. beat                 C. disappointed     D. puzzled

A. impress            B. limit                C. award        D. suspect

A. effect             B. phenomenon       C. movement         D. scene

A. forced          B. expected             C. reminded         D. arranged

A. apologize      B. beg              C. hide             D. complain

A. hardly             B. ever                 C. even             D. gradually

A. blanket        B. bed             C. chair            D. mirror

A. while         B. though           C. and          D. because

A. right           B. still                C. therefore        D. anyhow

A. give up        B. end up           C. put up       D. set up






第二节:完形填空: 15分
The yearly Marathon in my town usually happened during a heat wave. My job was to follow behind the runners in an ambulance(救护车) 31   any of them needed medical attention.
“We’re supposed to stay behind the __32__ runner, so take it slowly,” I said to the driver, Doug, as the race started.
The front-runners started to __33__ and then my eyes were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T-shirt.
We knew we were already watching our “last runner.” Her __34__ were so crippled(残疾的)that it seemed almost impossible for her to be able to walk, let alone run a marathon.
Doug and I watched in silence as she slowly moved forward. __35__, she was the only runner left in sight. Tears streamed down my face when I watched with respect ___36__ she pushed forward with great determination through the last miles.
When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the __37__ crowds had long gone home. Yet, standing straight and ever so proud   38  a lone man. He was __39__ one end of a ribbon(缎带)of crepe paper(皱纹纸)___40__ to a post. She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering behind her.
I do not know this woman’s name, but that day she became part of my __41__ – a part I often depend on. For her, it wasn’t about __42__ the other runners or winning a prize, but about __43__ what she had set out to do, no matter __44__. When I think things are too difficult or I get those “I-just-can’t-do-it,” I think of the last runner. Then I realize how __45__ the task before me really is.
31. A. so that         B. in case                     C. even though                 D. only if
32. A. first             B. best                  C. only                         D. last
33. A. run                     B. separate             C. disappear                  D. appear
34. A. hands          B. legs                  C. arms                        D. body
35. A. Quickly              B. Unluckily          C. Naturally                  D. Finally
36. A. since           B. before               C. as                               D. until
37. A. tired            B. waiting             C. cheering                   D. impatient
38. A. stood           B. waited              C. came                D. Had
39. A. helping        B. catching            C. holding                    D. tying
40. A. kept            B. tied                   C. connected                 D. led
41. A. dream          B. feeling                     C. idea                         D. life
42. A. following     B. hoping                     C. encouraging              D. beating
43. A. finishing      B. realizing            C. starting                    D. winning
44. A. where          B. how                  C. when                       D. what
45. A. difficult              B. interesting         C. easy                         D. hopeful 

完形填空  (共15小题;每小题1分,共15分)

On a hot summer day in south Florida, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the lake behind his house. In a hurry to dive into the cool water, he ran out of the ­ 36  door, leaving behind his shoes, socks, and shirt as he went.

   He  37  into the water, not realizing that as he swam to the middle of the lake, a(n)  38  was swimming toward the 39 . His mother in the house saw the two. Full of  40 , she ran toward the water, screaming at her son as loudly as she could. Hearing her voice, the little boy became  41  and made a U-turn to swim hurriedly to his mother. But it was too late. Just as he reached her, the crocodile  42  him. The mother grabbed her little boy by the  43  just as the crocodile seized his legs.

   The crocodile was  44  stronger than the mother; but the mother was much too  45  to pull her son back. A farmer heard the  46  , raced from his truck, took aim and shot the crocodile.

   Remarkably, a few weeks later, the little boy  47 . His legs were extremely scarred by the attack of the animal.  48 , on his arms, were deep scratches where his mother’s fingernails dug into his flesh(肉体) in her  49  to hang on to the son she loved.

   The newspaper reporter, who  50  the boy after the accident, asked if he would show him his scars(疤痕): The boy, with obvious  51  , said to the reporter, “But look at my arms. I have great scars on my arms, too. I have them because my mom would not let go.”

    You and I can  52  with that little boy. We have scars, too. Not from a crocodile, but the scars of a painful  53 . some of those scars are ugly and have  54  us deep regret. But , some wounds, my friend, are because our relatives have  55 to let go. In the course of your struggle, they have been there holding on to you.

1.A. back              B. front             C. open          D. closed

2.A. swam              B. flew              C. went          D. drived

3. A. child            B. fish              C. animal        D. crocodile

4. A. shore            B. centre            C. middle        D. lake

5. A. shock            B. surprise          C. fear          D. joy

6.A. realized          B. alarmed           C. cleared       D. pleased

7. A. hold             B. arrived           C. closed        D. reached

8.A. body              B. head              C. arms          D. hands

9. A. less             B. much              C. little        D. few

10. A. hurried         B. worried           C. eager         D. anxious

11. A. screams         B. shouts            C. voices        D. sound

12.A. lived            B. saved             C. rescued       D. survived

13. A. And             B. Therefore         C. But           D. However

14.A. force            B. power             C. effort        D. strength

15.A. asked            B. interviewed       C. questioned    D. reported

16.A. regret           B. pride             C. joy           D. worry

17.A. agree            B. disagree          C. admire        D. respect

18.A. past             B. future            C. memory        D. reminder

19. A. kept            B. made              C. left          D. led

20.A. accepted         B. delayed           C. denied        D. refused



完形填空(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)


For years we have been told that encouraging a child’s self-respect is important to his or her success in life. __41__ child experts are now learning that __42__ praise can lead to the opposite effect. Praise-aholic(受表扬上瘾的) kids who __43__ it at every turn may become teens who try to get the same kind of __44__ from friends when asked if they want to go in the backseat of the car. ks5*u

The meaning of saying “You are the __45__ girl in class,” or talking about the goals she scored but not her general __46__, is that you love her __47__ when she looks the best, scores the highest, achieves the most. And this __48__ over to the classroom.

Social psychologist Carrol Dweck, PhD, tested the effects of overpraise on 400 fifth graders __49__ she was at Columbia University. She found that the kids who were __50__ for “trying hard” did better on tests and were more likely to take on difficult tasks than __51__ praised for being “smart”.

“Praising qualities or abilities leads to a false __52__ that success will come to you because you __53__ that quality, and it devalues(贬值) effort. __54__, children are afraid to take on challenges, ” says Dweck, now at Stanford University, “They think they’d better __55__ while they’re ahead.”

1.  A. And      B. But              C. Then             D. So

2.  A. enough   B. a little     C. too much         D. some

3.  A. expect       B. rescue           C. notice   D. design

4.  A. education    B. praise       C. competition      D. direction

5.  A. prettiest    B. youngest     C. tallest      D. fattest

6.  A. ability          B. value        C. kindness     D. effort

7.  A. still        B. only         C. already          D. yet

8.  A. carries  B. looks        C. turns                D. takes

9.  A. while    B. because      C. until        D. unless

10. A. set down     B. looked through   C. picked up        D. thought highly of

11.A .one       B. it               C. that     D. those

12.A. idea     B. plan         C. schedule             D. decision

13. A. have B. like             C. advise               D. make

14.A. After all B. At first         C. As a result  D. In addition

15. A. move             B. stop         C. fight    D. work



第二节:完形填空: 15分

The yearly Marathon in my town usually happened during a heat wave. My job was to follow behind the runners in an ambulance(救护车) 31   any of them needed medical attention.

“We’re supposed to stay behind the __32__ runner, so take it slowly,” I said to the driver, Doug, as the race started.

The front-runners started to __33__ and then my eyes were drawn to the woman in blue silk running shorts and a loose white T-shirt.

We knew we were already watching our “last runner.” Her __34__ were so crippled(残疾的)that it seemed almost impossible for her to be able to walk, let alone run a marathon.

Doug and I watched in silence as she slowly moved forward. __35__, she was the only runner left in sight. Tears streamed down my face when I watched with respect ___36__ she pushed forward with great determination through the last miles.

When the finish line came into sight, rubbish lay everywhere and the __37__ crowds had long gone home. Yet, standing straight and ever so proud   38  a lone man. He was __39__ one end of a ribbon(缎带)of crepe paper(皱纹纸)___40__ to a post. She slowly crossed through, leaving both ends of the paper fluttering behind her.

I do not know this woman’s name, but that day she became part of my __41__ – a part I often depend on. For her, it wasn’t about __42__ the other runners or winning a prize, but about __43__ what she had set out to do, no matter __44__. When I think things are too difficult or I get those “I-just-can’t-do-it,” I think of the last runner. Then I realize how __45__ the task before me really is.

31. A. so that         B. in case                     C. even though                  D. only if

32. A. first             B. best                  C. only                         D. last

33. A. run                     B. separate             C. disappear                  D. appear

34. A. hands          B. legs                  C. arms                        D. body

35. A. Quickly              B. Unluckily          C. Naturally                  D. Finally

36. A. since           B. before               C. as                                D. until

37. A. tired            B. waiting             C. cheering                   D. impatient

38. A. stood           B. waited              C. came                  D. Had

39. A. helping        B. catching            C. holding                    D. tying

40. A. kept            B. tied                   C. connected                 D. led

41. A. dream          B. feeling                     C. idea                         D. life

42. A. following     B. hoping                     C. encouraging              D. beating

43. A. finishing      B. realizing            C. starting                    D. winning

44. A. where          B. how                  C. when                       D. what

45. A. difficult              B. interesting         C. easy                         D. hopeful 

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