Welcome to the Van Gogh Gallery for information about the life and works of Vincent van Gogh. As a post Impressionist painter and one of the most famous artists of all time,Vincent van Gogh has be?come a model. From growing up in Holland and working as a pastor (牧师) ,moving to France and creating an unbelievable collection of artwork,this site takes an indepth look at Van Gogh's life,his works and the influence he has had on our culture.

Van Gogh had many influences on his life including his family and friends,other artists such as Edgar Degas,and his health. To see how each of these affected his life please visit the Important Figures,Artistic Influences and Health sections. For information about how Van Gogh's art has influenced our society today,view the Impact on Art,Cultural References,or News section.

If you are interested in adding more Van Gogh to your life,the Van Gogh Gal?lery has plenty to offer. Download Van Gogh images of some of his most famous paintings as wallpaper for your computer,shop for Van Gogh posters or prints,or check out some of the additional resources available including links to Van Gogh must'imis and shows. There are even l (、sson plans from mullidiscipliruareas for those interested in educating others about Van Gogh's art and life.

Van Gogh has influenced generations of young artists worldwide since his time. Today we can see his influence in painting,in poetry and in video. We are happy to display new examples of art that were influenced by Van Gogh in our Van Gogh Community Art section.

Tragically,Van Gogh died not knowing the praise his art would receive. He will be forever known as one of the greatest artists of the modern era. Through this website,the Van Gogh Gallery aims to share his life and heritage with the world.

5. What's the function of the Van Gogh Gallery?

   A. To collect the artworks of Van Gogh.

   B.To recall people's memory of Van Gogh.

   C. To collect experts' opinions on Van Gogh.

   D. To provide information about the artist's life and works.

6. What information can you get at the Cultural References?

   A. How he began his career as a pastor.

   B. How those around Van Gogh affected his life.

   C.How he influenced his family and his friends.

   D. How Van Gogh has influenced today's society.

7.What can we infer about Van Gogh from the passage?

   A. His artworks weren't well received during his lifetime.

   B.He once worked as a model for painters to make a living.

   C.His paintings were widely used as wallpapers for computers.

   D. People widely appreciated his artworks during his lifetime.

8. What would be the best title for the passage?

   A. Learn about Van Gogh's life

   B.Welcome to the Van Gogh Gallery

   C. Van Gogh's information on younger artists

   D. Welcome to an unbelievable collection of artworks

As we all know,sleep is very important and necessary. I would love everyone to form the habits below to have bet?ter sleep without needing the alarm wakeup call.

27       If you eat much food an hour before you go to bed,your body will hate you. Your body needs time to di?gest (消化) while you are still awake.

28       Something that makes me very angry is that people just need 30-minute exercise a week when I hear on TV. That's funny. Every person should be getting 30-mi?nute exercise daily along with a healthy diet. When you do exercise,you use energy that your body has to recover from. 29       The more you exercise,the faster you fall to sleep and the better you sleep.

Turn the TV off. There are a few shows I watch still,but they will never get in my way of (妨碍) sleep. The bedroom is only for sleeping and a place of rest. 30      

31      A question to ask yourself; If I haven't an alarm,what time would I get up? If that time is the time you need to get up,you should probably throw away the alarm. If the time you actually get up is much later than the time you do get up,make great changes to your way of life and the time you go to sleep. No one should need an alarm.

   A. Take the TV out of your bedroom.

   B. Exercise for at least 30 minutes every day.

   C. Eat right and no meals within 4 hours of rest.

   D. Throw away the alarm.

   E. Sleep is one of the most important things in our lives.

   F. Try to get up as early as you can.

   G. Your body recovers when you are sleeping.

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