
Anne Sanders was practicing soccer moves, which was not normal. Usually, Anne only plays basketball. She wins every basketball game she plays, and she loses at any other game. "Anne", I waved to her. "Why are you playing soccer?"

"Well, the gym teacher is doing something different," she said. "There are teams of four and partners of two.We get to pick our partners, and I want someone to pick me. "Anne held up a list.

"It looks like I'm on a team with you, Stacey, and Paul," I said. "Stacey is my best friend.Maybe we can be together: " Just then, Stacey and Paul came over. They had heard of the teams.

"Do you want to be partners, Stacey?" I asked.

"Well, I was going to be partners with Paul," she claimed. I didn't blame her. Paul was as fast as a rocket, and my nickname was "Snail". "But we are best friends," said Stacey. “So I guess I'II be with you. "

It was our first game. Stacey went to talk to some other friends afterwards, and Paul and Anne were talking about winning their game. I was sipping on my water, when I overheard Stacey, "She's worse than I thought; if I played the team alone,, I would have won easily. She's worse than a snail. She's more like a statue. "

That night, I felt terrible for losing and mad at Stacey for calling me a statue. After all, she was my best friend and my only friend. Anyway, the phone rang, and it was Stacey. At first, I thought she might apologize, but no such luck.

“Allison, the game tomorrow is canceled, " she said.

"Okay," I replied. "Sorry about the game today", Stacey hung up on me.

The next day, I went over to the soccer field. I knew the game was canceled, but maybe I could help clean up.But instead of a mess, I saw a soccer game in progress. Stacey and were playing, and Anne was hiding in the corner. "Paul made me pretend to be sick, " she whispered. “He wants to play with Stacey because she's so fast. "

So Anne and I went to get ice cream. Even if I lost Stacey ,I just created a lifelong friendship.

1.Why did Anne practice playing soccer?

A. Because she wanted to win in all games.

B. Because she didn't want to be left out.

C. Because she intended to be a normal student.

D. Because she hoped to do something different.

2.What did Stacey complain about Allison?

A. Allison called her nickname.

B. Allison was as fast as a rocket.

C. Allison didn't treat her as a best friend

D. Allison moved too slowly in the game.

3.Stacey phoned Allison in order to

A. get rid of Allison as a partner

B. apologize for calling Allison a statue

C. tell Allison there was no game tomorrow

D. encourage Allison to fight in the next game

4.Allison went to the soccer field to________

A. watch a soccer game

B. keep the soccer field clean

C. find out Why the game was cancelled

D. make preparations for another game

5.What conclusion can we draw from this passage?

A. Allison wanted to be partners with Anne.

B. Stacey called Allison to show real concern.

C. Allison and Anne would be friends forever.

D. Anne was hiding in the corner because she was sick.


1. B

2. D

3. A

4. B

5. C



1.We get to pick our partners, and I want someone to pick me.说明Anne希望别人能挑选她,也就是说她不希望别人把她排除在外。故B正确

2."She's worse than I thought; if I played the team alone,, I would have won easily. She's worse than a snail. She's more like a statue. "可知Stacey抱怨Allison在比赛中很慢。故选D

3.Allison 告诉作者比赛取消,而自己却与Paul 搭档参赛,说明是为了不想让作者做搭档拖后腿。故A正确

4.I knew the game was canceled, but maybe I could help clean up.可知Allison 是来打扫赛场的。故B正确

5.Even if I lost Stacey ,I just created a lifelong friendship.可知答案C正确



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