
Pushy parents and teachers who “hothouse” the under-5s risk causing damage to the children’s long term development, a leading education expert said.

       Lilian Katz, Professor of Education at the University of Illinois, said that four-year-olds engaged in reading and writing went on to perform worse academiclly than those engaged in imaginative learning. They scored higher in tests at the age of 5, but children whose first year at school was stimulating outstripped them four years later.

   The findings suggest that the government's structured approach to early years' learning could be storing up problems for children. They also raise serious questions about the plan for all children to be able to read by the age of 6.

   In many countries formal teaching does not start until children are 6 or 7 and have improved their social and manual skills. Children start learning to read and write at 6 in the United States. France and Germany , and at 7 in Finland and Sweden.

   Professor Katz said that in many schools the courses were "boring children to tears". Much academic teaching required children to learn by memorizing pieces of information out of context, she said. Teaching in reception class should instead allow children to develop their intellect by exploring their environments and asking questions.

   "Research suggests the benefits of formal academic insturction for four- and five-year-olds seem to be promising when they are tested early, but considerably less so in the long term. When these children are followed over a period of three or more years, those who had early experience in more intellectually engaging curricula were more likely to do well in school than their peers, who had received early academic instruction." She avocates teaching children through first-hand experience and play, in mixed-aged classes. This can include puppet shows, drawing or running a pretend shop in the classroom.

1.According to the passage, those who “hothouse” the under-5s would probably _________.

       A. prefer a lot of interaction and stimulation while teaching

       B. teach in a lively way to motivate kids’ interest

       C. push the kids to memorize pieces of information

       D. care about the kids’ physical development

2.What does the underlined word “ outstripped” in Paragraph 2 mean?

       A. did better than                                B. looked down upon

       C. caught up with                                      D. performed worse than

3.According to Lilian Katz, the government’s structured approach to early-years learning ______.

       A. is necessary for improving children’s reading and writing ability

       B. needs to be improved to develop children’s academicability

       C. will cause problems to children in their future learning

       D. has more advantages than disadvantages

4.The message the author wants to deliver through the passage is that formal teaching _______.

       A. can start at different times in different countries.

       B. should not be started too early

       C. is best carried out in Finland and Sweden

       D. should include teaching children social and manual skills

5.Which of the following is NOT the opinion of Lilian Katz?

       A. Children should be taught through first-hand experience.

       B. Learning in a mixed-age class is good for children.

       C. Running a shop can help children get good marks.

       D. Puppet shows and drawing are useful easy in teaching children.

1--5   CACBC   



1.C  细节理解题。文章第一段说明这种教育模式会对五岁以下的儿童的长远发展造成危害,而从第五段“….. required children to learn by memorizing pieces of information out of context…..”可知,这种教育模式是侧重于死记硬背。

2.A  词义猜测题。由第一段及第二段中的第一句可知五岁前接受读写训练的孩子在四年后成绩不如那些曾经在一年级接受过启发性教育的同龄人。

3.C  细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知政府的固定教育法会给孩子将来的发展留下许多隐患。

4.B  推理判断题。从第四段我们可知孩子在六、七岁以后,社交技能和动手技能才得到发展,所以正确的做法是让学生在探究环境中和提问的过程中开发智力,而不是过过多的正规教育要求学生死记硬背很多东西(第五段),因此说明了过早实施正规教育对孩子没有益处。

5.C  细节理解题。从文章最后一段的最后两句“She advocates teaching children through…., include puppet shows…”可知A、B和D三项是Lilian Katz所赞成的,C项意思与原文有偏差。



As I had my first child, I promised myself never to be a pushy parent. I was going to be a very 36  and understanding mother.

       Five years later my little boy was about to 37  for his yellow belt in karate(空手道). As a five-year-old child, he wasn’t taking it  38  , because it was Mom trying to help him. I found myself yelling and telling him he would never get the belt acting like that. I was trying to   39  him his back-flip(背摔). He continued to play and I continued to   40  . Finally I had made him feel like he couldn’t  41  anything, just as I promised myself I wouldn’t do.

       Still mad and stubborn I couldn’t  42  . I had to teach him his flip. He was doing fine with it by the time we had to leave to go to karate. While taking the test, he did  43  . His instructor would ask him to do something, and it became  44  for him. He never asked him to do the back-flip. He had passed his yellow belt test.

       We got in the car to  45  when he looked at me and said ”Mom, why did you make me do that back-flip so many times,  46  it wasn’t even on the test.” The words wouldn’t have  47  anything to anyone else, but it was a slap in my face. That night while  48  in bed, I told him I loved him.

       He was  49  and didn’t say anything, just giggled. I said “I really do love you baby.” I was still feeling  50  , and also wondering if he had  51  me. Finally he replied in the  52  voice, “I know you do, but I love you more.”

       He had forgiven me and I had decided that his feeling were more  53  than any test he would  54  take. I made a new  55  to be better mother and to accept that he was only a child.

A.patient   B.good C.polite       D.affectionate

A.look      B.test    C.play  D.practise

A.easy       B.happily    C.seriously   D.fairly

A.help       B.tell    C.make D.teach

A.yell       B.speak C.smile D.teach

A.acplish   B.feel   C.try    D.pass

A.give up  B.give out    C.give away D.give in

A.bad B.worse       C.great D.better

A.quick     B.natural      C.mon  D.normal

A.go shoppingB.go home    C.rest ourselves   D.enjoy ourselves

A.while   B.once  C.when D.if

A.expected      B.meant       C.demanded D.reached

A.reading       B.studying   C.lying D.talking


As I had my first child, I promised myself never to be a pushy parent. I was going to be a very 36 and understanding mother.
Five years later my little boy was about to 37 for his yellow belt in karate(空手道). As a five-year-old child, he wasn’t taking it  38  , because it was Mom trying to help him. I found myself yelling and telling him he would never get the belt acting like that. I was trying to   39  him his back-flip(背摔). He continued to play and I continued to   40 . Finally I had made him feel like he couldn’t  41 anything, just as I promised myself I wouldn’t do.
Still mad and stubborn I couldn’t  42 . I had to teach him his flip. He was doing fine with it by the time we had to leave to go to karate. While taking the test, he did  43 . His instructor would ask him to do something, and it became  44 for him. He never asked him to do the back-flip. He had passed his yellow belt test.
We got in the car to  45 when he looked at me and said ”Mom, why did you make me do that back-flip so many times,  46  it wasn’t even on the test.” The words wouldn’t have  47 anything to anyone else, but it was a slap in my face. That night while  48 in bed, I told him I loved him.
He was  49 and didn’t say anything, just giggled. I said “I really do love you baby.” I was still feeling  50 , and also wondering if he had  51 me. Finally he replied in the  52 voice, “I know you do, but I love you more.”
He had forgiven me and I had decided that his feeling were more  53 than any test he would  54 take. I made a new  55 to be better mother and to accept that he was only a child.

A.give upB.give outC.give awayD.give in
A.go shoppingB.go homeC.rest ourselvesD.enjoy ourselves





As I had my first child, I promised myself never to be a pushy parent. I was going to be a very 36  and understanding mother.

         Five years later my little boy was about to 37  for his yellow belt in karate(空手道). As a five-year-old child, he wasn’t taking it  38  , because it was Mom trying to help him. I found myself yelling and telling him he would never get the belt acting like that. I was trying to   39  him his back-flip(背摔). He continued to play and I continued to   40  . Finally I had made him feel like he couldn’t  41  anything, just as I promised myself I wouldn’t do.

         Still mad and stubborn I couldn’t  42  . I had to teach him his flip. He was doing fine with it by the time we had to leave to go to karate. While taking the test, he did  43  . His instructor would ask him to do something, and it became  44  for him. He never asked him to do the back-flip. He had passed his yellow belt test.

         We got in the car to  45  when he looked at me and said ”Mom, why did you make me do that back-flip so many times,  46  it wasn’t even on the test.” The words wouldn’t have  47  anything to anyone else, but it was a slap in my face. That night while  48  in bed, I told him I loved him.

         He was  49  and didn’t say anything, just giggled. I said “I really do love you baby.” I was still feeling  50  , and also wondering if he had  51  me. Finally he replied in the  52  voice, “I know you do, but I love you more.”

         He had forgiven me and I had decided that his feeling were more  53  than any test he would  54  take. I made a new  55  to be better mother and to accept that he was only a child.

1.A.patient                           B.good                         C.polite                        D.affectionate

2.A.look                                 B.test                           C.play                           D.practise

3.A.easy                                B.happily                     C.seriously                  D.fairly

4.A.help                                B.tell                             C.make                        D.teach

5.A.yell                                  B.speak                        C.smile                         D.teach

6.A.acplish                           B.feel                            C.try                             D.pass

7.A.give up                           B.give out                    C.give away                D.give in

8.A.bad                                 B.worse                       C.great                        D.better

9.A.quick                               B.natural                     C.mon                          D.normal

10.A.go shoppingB.go home                                  C.rest ourselves        D.enjoy ourselves

11.A.while                            B.once                          C.when                        D.if

12.A.expected                     B.meant                      C.demanded               D.reached

13.A.reading                        B.studying                   C.lying                          D.talking

14.A.playing                         B.moving                     C.working                    D.crying

15.A.stubborn                     B.happy                       C.upset                        D.guilty

16.A.forgiven                       B.hated                        C.forgotten                 D.loved

17.A.saddest                       B.biggest                     C.happiest                  D.sweetest

18.A.true                              B.important                C.sincere                     D.faithful

19.A.still                               B.even                          C.ever                          D.never

20.A.gift                                B.plan                           C.experiment             D.promise


As I had my first child,I promised myself never to be a pushy parent.I was going to be a very __1__ and understanding mother.

   Five years later my little boy was about to  __2__  for his yellow belt in karate.As a five?year?old child,he wasn't taking it  __3__,because it was mom trying to help him.He  __4__  the whole time.I found myself yelling and telling him he would never get the belt acting like that.I was trying to teach him his backflip(背摔).He continued to play and I  __5__  to yell.Finally I had made him feel like he couldn't accomplish  __6__,just as I promised myself I wouldn't do.

   Still mad and stubborn I couldn't __7__.I had to teach him this flip.He was doing fine with it __8__ we had to leave to go to karate.While taking the test,he did great.His instructor would ask him to do something,and it came  __9__  for him.He never  __10__  him to do the back?flip.He passed his yellow belt test.

   We got in the car to go home,when he looked at me and said,“Mom,__11__  did you make me do that back?flip so many times,when it wasn't  __12__  on the test?”The words wouldn't have  __13__  anything to anyone else,but it was a slap in my face.That night while lying in bed,I told him I  __14__  him.

   He was playing and didn't __15__  anything,just giggled(咯咯地笑).I said“I really do love you baby.”I was still feeling __16__,and also wondering if he had  __17__  me.Finally he replied in the  __18__ voice,“I know you do,but I love you more.”

   He had forgiven me and I had decided that his __19__  was more important than any test he would ever take.I made a new  __20__  to be a better mother and to accept that he was only a child.

1.A.patient          B.energetic      

C.polite          D.brave

2.A.search        B.practise       

C.play           D.test

3.A.easily          B.happily       

C.seriously        D.fairly

4.A.smiled        B.played       

C.prepared          D.slept

5.A.stopped       B.continued      

C.tried            D.liked

6.A.something      B.nothing       

C.everything         D.anything

7.A.give back        B.give in       

C.give away        D.give out

8.A.by the time         B.at the time     

C.in no time        D.at a time

9.A.quick        B.normal       

C.common         D.natural

10.A.demanded      B.reminded      

C.asked          D.allowed

11.A.where        B.when        

C.why          D.how

12.A.even           B.ever         

C.still           D.never

13.A.shared       B.raised       

C.allowed           D.meant

14.A.hated        B.loved        

C.admired        D.missed

15.A.accept       B.take        

C.add          D.say

16.A.guilty          B.excited       

C.upset           D.proud

17.A.remembered     B.forgiven      

C.noticed           D.deserted

18.A.saddest         B.sweetest      

C.happiest          D.biggest

19.A.attitude         B.expression     

C.feeling         D.suggestion

20.A.design       B.difference     

C.experiment         D.promise


China was to reform school curriculum(课程) to ease the burden put on children by pushy teachers and parents eager to see them succeed in an increasingly competitive society.

Chinese pupils were suffering from poor eyesight in increasing numbers and at a younger age. Tiring homework and increasing exam pressure were to blame. The primary reason is the traditional East Asian culture in which all parents want their kids to become dragons or and phoenixes. Too much emphasis is placed on "diplomas" (文凭)and exam scores.

That was exacerbated by the fact that China is a developing nation with 1.3 billion people and its one-child policy. Yuan, a government staff, said, "The competition in employment is fierce and that pressure has been cascaded back to schools. Every parent expects his child to outperform peers. "

The Education Ministry would cut the difficulty of the textbooks, reduce homework, make classes more interesting and limit the number of tests. Another problem the government had to deal with was the education of 13 million rural children who swarmed(涌入)into the cities with their parents working as migrant workers. More than 100 million peasants across the country migrate to the booming cities every year for manual labor and small-time businesses.

But policy hurdles for them to settle in the cities abound, including those that prevent their children from receiving a good education. An estimated 23 million "left-behind children" of migrant workers stay in the countryside

"The government has ordered urban public schools to open up to the 7. 88 million  migrant children of school age," Yuan said, adding private schools are also allowed to accommodate(接纳) some of them.


73. What makes Chinese pupils become nearsighted at a younger age?

A. Exam scores are not regarded to be valuable

B. Parents expect their children to become dragons and phoenixes

C. Dragons and phoenixes are part of traditional Chinese culture.

D. Pupils are asked to do homework more and more.

74. The underlined word "exacerbated" in Paragraph 3 may mean     

A. improved.                     B. proved.

C. worsened.                     D. lightened.

75. How can Chinese government solve the education problem of migrant children?

A. By allowing them to take fewer exams.

B. By making textbooks easier for them.

C. By setting up more private schools for them.

D. By asking urban public schools to admit them

76. What's the main idea of this passage?

A. China will reduce burden on school children.

B. Left-behind children in the countryside receive no education.

C. Children of migrant workers will have a better education.

D. The education of the migrant children receives attention.

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