
There’s a man in the habit of hitting me on the head with an umbrella. At first I couldn’t stand it; now I’m used to it.
I don’t know his name. I know he’s ordinary in appearance, wears a gray suit and has a common face. One hot morning, when 1 was sitting on a tree-shaded bench in Palermo Park, reading the paper, suddenly I felt something touch my head. It was the very same man who now, as I’m writing, keeps striking me with an umbrella.
So I turned around filled with anger. He just kept on hitting me. I asked him if he was crazy. He didn’t even seem to hear me. Then I threatened (威胁) to call a policeman. Calmly cool as a cucumber, he went on hitting me. After a few moments of hesitation (犹豫), and seeing that he was not about to change his attitude, I stood up and hit him on the nose. The man fell down. But he immediately got back on his feet, obviously with great effort, and without a word again began hitting me on the head with the umbrella. His nose was bleeding and, at that moment. I felt sorry for him I regretted having hit him so hard. After all, the man wasn’t exactly hitting me;he was only tapping me lightly with his umbrella, not causing any pain at all. Of course, those taps were extremely upsetting. As we all know, when a fly lands on your forehead, you don’t feel any pain;what you feel is annoyance (烦恼).  Well then, that umbrella was one huge fly that kept landing on my head time after time.
Believing that I was dealing with a madman, I tried to escape. But the man followed me, wordlessly continuing to hit me. So I began to run (I should point out that not many people run as fast as I do). He ran after me, trying to hit me. The man was out of breath so that I thought, if I continued to force him to run at that speed, he would drop dead right then and there.
64. When the man began to strike the author with an umbrella, the author_________
  A. became angry                  B. called the police
    C. turned around and escaped        D. turned around and fought back
65. The author would most probably agree that the man was________.
    A. deaf          B. blind         C. dead         D. mad
66. The author felt sorry for the man because _______.
   A. there was a fly on the man’s head     B. he hit the man so hard that his nose bled
 C. the man couldn’t catch up with him       D. the man formed a bad habit of beating others    
67. It can be learned from the passage that the man__________.
 A. shouted loudly while hitting the author  B. wanted to tell the author something
 C. ran after the author breathlessly        D. acted as if he were a fly

64---67   ADBC 

Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up.The sense of humour is mysteriously(神秘地)connected with national characteristics.A Frenchman ,for instance, might find it hard to laugh at Russian joke.In the same way, a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears.
Most funny stories are based on comic situations.In spite of national differences, certain funny situations have a worldwide request.No matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say ,Charlie Chaplin’s early films.However, a new type of humour, which stems largely from America, has recently come into fashion.It is called “sick humour”.Comedians base their jokes on tragic situations like violent (cause by force)death or serious accidents.Many people find this sort of joke distasteful.The following example of “sick humour” will enable you to judge for yourself.
A man who had broken his right leg was taken to hospital a few weeks before Christmas.From the moment he arrived there, he kept on pestering(纠缠) his doctor tell him when he would be able to go home.He was afraid of having to spend Christmas in hospital .Though the doctor did his best, the patient’s recovery was slow.On Christmas day, however, the doctor consoled(安慰)him by telling him that his chances of being able to leave hospital in time for New Year celebrations were good.The man took heart and, sure enough , on New Year’s Eve he was able to hobble(跛行) along to a party.To compensate(补偿)for his unpleasant experiences in hospital , the man drank a little more than what was good for him.In the process, he enjoyed himself and kept telling everybody how much he hated hospitals.He was still mumbling something about hospitals at the end of the party when he slipped on a piece of ice and broke his left leg.
小题1:Whether you find “sick humour” funny or not will depend on ________.
A.your having been brought up in America
B.the joke being related to a really comic situation
C.your ability to see the funny side of an unpleasant event
D.your ability to laugh until you cry
小题2:The man spent Christmas day feeling miserable because ________.
A.the doctor had failed to cure him
B.he was not able to be with his friends
C.being unable to walk, he did not enjoy the celebrations at the hospital
D.he thought he might also miss the New Year’s Eve celebration
小题3:The point of the joke taken to explain “sick humour” is that ________.
A.no sooner was the out of hospital than he had to go back in again.
B.the man should not have said how much he hated hospitals
C.the man would be unable to walk for the rest of his life
D.the man had not got a leg to stand on
小题4:What can you learn from this story ?
A.On New Year’s Eve, the man was able to walk properly to the party.
B.At the party , he enjoyed himself but only drank a little.
C.He had to go to hospital again though he hated it.
D.The man got well soon because the doctor took good care of him.

SECTION A(10%)  Directions: Read the following passage.Complete the diagram by using the information from the passage.      Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Internet use appears to cause a decline in psychological well-being, according to research at Carnegie Mellon University.
Even people who spent just a few hours a week on the Internet experienced more depression and loneliness than those who logged on less frequently, the two-year study showed. And it wasn’t that people who were already feeling bad spent more time on the Internet, but that using the Net actually appeared to cause the bad feelings.
Researchers are puzzled over the results, which were completely contrary to their expectations. They expected that the Net would prove socially healthier than television, since the Net allows users to choose their information and to communicate with others.
The fact that Internet use reduces time available for family and friends may account for the drop in well-being, researchers hypothesized. Faceless, bodiless “virtual” communication may be less psychologically satisfying than actual conversation, and the relationships formed through it may be shallow. Another possibility is that exposure to the wider world via the Net makes users less satisfied with their lives.
“But it’s important to remember this is not about the technology itself; it’s about how it is used,” says psychologist Christine Riley of Intel, one of the study’s sponsors.” It really points to the need for considering social factors in terms of how you design applications and services for technology.”
Title 71.________________ 
Internet use causing 73.________________ in psychological well-being
Study showing
People on the Internet feeling 74________________
● Having nothing with the technology itself
● Spending more time on the Internet reducing time available for 76.__________
●Faceless and bodiless virtual communication leading to a lack of 77.___________________
● Exposure to the wider world via the Net making users less satisfied with 78.__________________
 79. ___________ on how to use the Internet
● Time spent on the Internet should be arranged properly .
● 80. ___________should be considered in terms of designing applications and services.
I watched as she led him by the hand to the bathroom in the waiting hall of the airport. Although he looked a little confused, he seemed   31   as long as his hand was in hers.
Returning to their seats at the gate, she   32  his hair and buttoned his jacket. He looked nervous and asked, “Where are we going, Mom? What time is it? When will we get to   33   our plane?”
I wondered about the woman’s patience and love. I   34   her take him by the hand when they were finally   35   to board.
Upon finding my seat, I discovered that the three of us would be   36  . I managed to pass the two of them to my window seat and then told him how handsome he looked in his new coat. He   37  . She helped take off his jacket and   38   his seatbelt. He said that he had to go to the   39  again, and she told him that he could last until the end of the   40  .
As the plane started, he became frightened and   41   for her hand. She calmed him down and began talking to him about whom to visit. He was confused about the different   42   they would be seeing, but she patiently repeated who was who   43   he seemed to understand.
We introduced ourselves and   44   the usual things all mothers like to exchange with one another. I   45   she had four children and was on her way to visit one of them.
The hour passed   46  , and soon we were preparing to land. He became frightened again, and she   47   his arm gently. She smiled and hugged him. “I love you, Honey.”
They   48   the plane before I did, the mother never realizing how deeply she had   49  me. I prayed for this remarkable woman and for myself that I would have enough love and   50  to meet whatever challenges came my way, as this extraordinary mother clearly had.
31.A.nervous    B.secure       C.strong        D.confident
32.A.washed     B.dried     C.combed     D.cut
33.A.ride      B.leave     C.see         D.land
34.A.found       B.noticed     C.made       D.watched
35.A.allowed    B.expected   C.announced        D.believed
36.A.apart     B.together    C.upset       D.different
37.A.cried     B.shook       C.responded   D.smiled
38.A.search      B.loosen      C.fasten        D.set
39.A.cafe     B.shop     C.bathroom   D.airport
40.A.day      B.flight     C.life         D.patience
41.A.struggled  B.prayed      C.looked       D.reached
42.A.relatives   B.books       C.places        D.children
43.A.until     B.when     C.after       D.since
44.A.explained  B.had      C.shared       D.enjoyed
45.A.heard          B.proved      C.knew       D.learned
46.A.slowly      B.quickly     C.silently      D.senselessly
47.A.seized       B.held     C.struck        D.beat
48.A.walked around B.wandered about        C.left for  D.got off
49.A.calmed     B.excited     C.touched     D.confused
50.A.strength    B.quality      C.energy       D.advantage

YOUR mom might cook a bowl of noodle for you on birthday. But in the US, a mom makes a cupcake for her children on their birthday.
Cupcakes are small, round cakes topped with frosting. It has been an American tradition that moms bring cupcakes to celebrate their child’s birthday.
But recently some doctors have called for this to be banned. They believe cupcakes contribute to child obesity.
Despite their good intentions, however, some people believe that experts are interfering with American culture. The cupcakes is seen as American as apple pie only prettier.
According to Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition at New York university, the cupcakes is the most democratic of desserts. As they are small enough for one person, you don’t have go share your cupcake with anyone –it’s all yours. They are also all the same size, so there can’t be any cries of “she got the bigger piece!”
Each bite can taste different depending on how much icing you have. It is a lesson in self determination. Some people eat only a little of the frosting every time, other have it all in just one bite.
In recent years, eating a cupcake has become as trendy as having a cup of Starbucks coffee.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton jokingly promised on a talk show that if she was elected president, a he would give everyone a cupcake on her birthday.
Ruth Reichl, editor---in----chief of gourmet magazine, explains that the rise of the cupcake is very much about going buck to American national identity in food, which is all about comfort. “People want to about when they and their country were innocent,” she said.
1. According to the passage, it has been an American tradition that_______.
A. a party for children is held on their birthday
B. A mom cooks a bowl of noodles for her children on their birthday
C. A mom makes a cupcake for her children on their birthday and brings it to the classroom
D. parents go traveling with their children on their birthday
2. Why do doctors ask people to ban cupcake on children’s birthday?
A. Because they themselves don’t like cupcake
B. Because they think cupcakes are not so delicious
C. Because they believe cupcakes will cause cries of “she got the bigger piece”.
D. Because they believe cupcakes are one of the causes to make children become fat.
3. The following are true according to Marion Nestle expect that ______
A. the cupcake is more democratic than any other deserts in the US
B. the cupcake is too small to share with others
C. the sizes of cupcakes are the same so it is equal to everyone
D. cupcakes will lead to child obesity so they should be banned
4. Why did the writer mention Hillary Clinton and Ruth Reichl?
A. To arouse the readers’ attention  
B. To show that cupcakes are becoming a popular to show kindness and comfort.
C. To make a comparison between them
D. To give readers a general idea of cupcakes

U.S. airlines are seeing a major interruption because of hundreds of flights canceled due to the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano, but European flight companies will face the biggest losses.
The airline business has been tough: The decline dramatically slowed traffic; February heavy snow forced U.S. airlines to cancel thousands of flights; and now the ashes from the volcano stopped all traffic in and out of northern Europe for days.
"For U.S. flight companies, it'll be a relatively short-term hit," said Michael Boyd, president of Boyd Group International, an aviation (航空学) consulting firm. "We think right now they're down about $80 million in terms of lost income, and they're down domestically about 80,000 passengers that would have been flying domestically but aren't because they can't get here."
Delta announced that volcano-related interruption grounded about 400 flights until Monday at a cost of $20 million in lost revenues. But compare that to the recent snowstorms, when the airline canceled 7,000 flights and lost $65 million in revenue.
The disruption has created uncertainty for customers, but analysts say U.S. airlines won't face as many costs as you might think. They are not flying in extra planes to handle the passengers in trouble because, airline analyst Robert Mann said, companies simply don't have them.
"Airlines run a very lean operation now," Mann said. "So, since there are no spare aircraft or crews, the airlines will attempt to maximize loads on every one of their aircraft that do fly. But it may take days, or in some cases a week or so, to get some of these customers to where they want to go."
46. Which negative consequences mentioned in the passage did the disasters cause?
A. coldness, pollution and airlines’ losses    
B. airport damage, pollution and slow traffic
C. passenger delay, coldness and airport damage   
D. passenger delay, airlines’ losses and slow traffic
47. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. The fewest airplanes will fly the trapped passengers to their destinations.
B. All the customers are sure to be sent to their destinations in time.
C. The U.S. and U.K. airlines suffered the same losses in the natural disasters.
D. The volcano eruption reduced the traffic to and from northern Europe.  
48. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?
A. the troubles that the airlines will face after the ash cloud disappears
B. the measures that the airlines will take to maximize their profit
C. the present situation of the airlines and their plan to deliver the passengers
D. the reasons why the airlines run a fine operation
49. Why will it take a long time for airlines to send the passengers to their different destinations?
A. Because the passengers enjoy staying in airports to talk with one another.
B. Because the airlines don’t have spare planes or employees to serve.
C. Because the airlines don't have enough financial support after the disaster.
D. Because the passengers are asking for full refund from the airlines.
50. The passage is most probably from_______.
A.a novel                                  B.a news report        
C.a magazine                               D.a thesis

In summer, millions of people will head for the beach. And while the ocean can be a great place to swim and play, it may also be useful in another way. Some scientists think that waves could help make electricity.
“Have you ever been on a surfboard or boat and felt yourself being lifted up by a wave? Or have you jumped in the water and felt the energy as waves crashed over you?” asked Jamie Taylor of the Wave Energy Group at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.“There is certainly a lot of energy in waves.”
Scientists are working on using that energy to make electricity.
Most waves are created when winds blow across the ocean.“The winds start out by making little ripples (波纹) in the water, but if they keep on blowing , those ripples get bigger and bigger and turn into waves, ”Taylor said.“Waves are one of nature’s ways of picking up energy and then sending it off on a journey.”
When waves come towards the shore, people can set up dams or other barricades to block the water and send it through a large wheel called a turbine (涡轮) .The turbine can then power an electrical generator (发电机) .
The United States and a few other countries have started doing research on wave energy , and it is already being used in Scotland.
The resource is huge.We will never run out of wave power, besides, wave energy does not create the same pollution as other energy sources, such as oil and coal.
Oceans cover three quarters of the earth’s surface.That would make wave power seem perfect for creating energy around the world.There are some drawbacks, however.
Jamie Taylor said that wave power still cost too much money.He said that its effects on animals in the sea were still unknown.Plus, wave power would get in the way of fishing and boat traffic.
With more research, however, “many of these problems might be overcome,” Taylor said.“Demand for energy to power our TVs and computers, drive our cars, and heat and cool our homes is growing quickly throughout the world.Finding more energy sources is very important, for traditional sources of energy like oil and gas may run out some day.”
In the future, when you turn on a light switch, an ocean wave could be providing the electricity!
68.Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Wave power costs too much money.
B.Wave energy creates the same amount of pollution as other energy sources.
C.Wave power affects fishing and boat traffic.
D.Wave power may affect marine animals.
69.We can infer from the passage that ______.
A.finding more new energy sources is not necessary because of wave energy
B.wave energy is a resource that will never run out and is used all over the world
C.wave power is perfect for creating energy around the world
D.wave power doesn’t create any pollution
70.The underlined word “drawbacks” probably means ______.
A.regrets      B.adventures       C.disadvantages          D.difficulties
71.What can be the best title for the passage? 
A.How to Get Electricity by Waves.       B.The Advantages of Wave Energy.
C.Can Waves Make Electricity?  D.The Disadvantages of Wave Energy.
       71  It is divided into two types: short term memory and long term memory. Short term memory helps the brain to remember the information from a few seconds to a few minutes, for example, searching a phone number in the phone directory. This type of information is not stored for a long time, and slips from the brain.    72   
      73   There is no exact definition of brain exercises. The key to brain exercises is to stimulate(刺激) the gray cells of our mind. For example, trying out different problem solving exercises can be a good practice for improving the analytical skills of brain.   74  If you regularly exercise it, you will develop a good body, or else you will have an unfit body, and thus, our brain needs exercises regularly. Here are some memory improvement tips for adults:
●Regular exercises help to keep away diseases that are harmful to the memory. Besides, regular exercising improves the feeling of well-being and improves blood circulation to the brain.
●Don't be stressed, as stress holds back the ability of the mind to concentrate. A stress-free mind will collect and store more information that a stressed mind, so avoid being over-stressed. But in modern times people have great pressure from work and life.    75  . Sleep is necessary for keeping the mind and body fit and the side effects of lack of sleep include a lack of concentration.
A.Ask your doctors for advice on memory.
B.Developing good sleeping habits helps a lot.
C.The memory is just like our body in some way.
D.Memory is the remembering of any information taken in by the brain.
E.Not all people have the power to recite so many things at a time.
F.Long term memory, on the other hand, is the memory where we make conscious efforts to keep the information for a long time.
G.Brain exercises are one of the simplest ways of improving memory power.
Major Cities Take Steps to Protect Water Resources
Faced with the threat of water shortages, Beijing and Shanghai will take effective measures to save water and protect water resources.
Beijing will stick more strictly to water-saving policies through the readjustment of industrial structures. Beijing is expected to be short of 1.185 billion cubic meters of water by 2020. Beijing will shut down factories with high water consumption and pollution including electric power, steel and paper manufacturing equipments. Advanced water-saving technology will be introduced to new industrial projects in the capital city.
Grain-growing areas will be reduced to save ground water and more trees will be planted. Animal breeding and other “highly efficient” agriculture with modern water-saving irrigation methods will be developed.
It is said that water used in agriculture will drop to 35 percent of the city’s water consumption in 2010 from 43 percent in 1998, and the figure will continue to drop to 28-30 percent in 2020. Beijing will increase the speed of renovation of its urban water supply equipments. It’s reported that more than 15 percent of water is lost during distribution(分发). Water-saving equipment and efficient management can save Beijing more than 537 million cubic meters by 2010.
Shanghai still faces key problems connected with its water resources and environment. Since 1998, the city has invested nearly US$169 million to treat its rivers, especially Suzhou Creek. The city’s rivers have become noticeably clearer since putting it into action.
The government will provide a further US$24 million for the treatment of rivers and US$12 million to treat sewage(污物).
This year’s task is to improve the water quality at the three ports of Longhua, Yang-shupu and Hongkou. Another emphasis to raise the water system in Songjiang New Area with a project worth US$4.8 million. Efforts will be made to improve public awareness about the need to protect water resources.
53. How many measures has Beijing taken to save water and protect water resources?
A. three   B. four   C. five   D. six
54.Grain-growing areas in Beijing will be reduced because _____.
A. grains can’t fetch a good price in China.
B. a lot of ground water will be saved by this area.
C. Beijing helps to develop advanced technology.
D. highly effective agriculture needs fewer farmland.
55. From the passage, we know Shanghai will invest _____ million dollars on the treatment of river and sewage.
A. 169   B. 36   C. 40.8   D. 201.7
56. The author wrote the passage to tell us _____.
A. Beijing and Shanghai are short of water
B. to save every drop of water in our daily life
C. big cities like Beijing and Shanghai are trying their best to protect water resources
D. water shortages have become one of the most important problems that China has to deal with

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