
13.玛丽在报纸上了解到相关信息,这才意识到粮食浪费的问题有多严重.(Not until…)Not until she knew about the relevant information in thenewspaper did she realize how serious the problem of food waste was..

分析 Not until she knew about the relevant information in the newspaper did she realize how serious the problem of food waste was.

解答 Not until she knew about the relevant information in the newspaper did she realize how serious the problem of food waste was.
根据所给的提示词not until可知,可使用not until引导的时间状语从句位于句首,后面的主句用倒装的结构,how引导一个宾语从句.

点评 对于翻译句子要做到忠于原文,恰当选用词汇、短语和句型很重要.本句中的倒装句型非常能体现出原文的意思.另外注意宾语从句的使用.

1.Hardly did I imagine that I was about to see something I would never forget in the concert held in Kentucky University.
They introduced the young musician-Mr.Patrick Henry.He was rolled onto the stage in his wheelchair and began to play the piano.His fingers danced across the keys as he made beautiful music.
About ten minutes into Patrick'performance,someone came on the stage and said,"I'd like to share a seven-minute video about Patrick Henry."Then the lights were turned down.
Patrick Henry was born with no eyes and a tightening of the joint(关节),which left him disabled for life.However,he was fitted with artificial eyes and placed in a wheelchair.Before his first birthday,he discovered the piano.His mom said,"I could hit any note on the piano,and within one or two tries,he'd get it."By his second birthday,he was playing records people asked for.His father was ecstatic."We might not play baseball,but we can play music together."
Today,Patrick is a junior.His father attends classes with him and he's made nearly all A's.He's also a part of 214-member marching band.He's a blind,wheelchair-bound trumpet(小号) player,he and his father do it together.In order to attend Patrick's classes and every band practice,his father worked the night shift(轮班)at United Parcel Service.Patrick says,"My dad is my hero."
On stage,between songs,Patrick talked to the audience about his life and about how blessed he was,"God made me musical gifts and the great opportunity to meet new people."
When the performance was over,the crowd rose to their feet and cheered for over five minutes.

49.What does the underlined word"ecstatic"in Paragraph 4probably mean?B
50.We can know from the passage thatC.
A.Patrick's father taught him to play the piano
B.Patrick's father does part-time jobs in the daytime
C.Patrick's father accompanies him in class and practice
D.Patrick's father expects him to become a famous musician
51.What do we learn from the passage about Patrick Henry?B
A.He began to play the piano at the age of two
B.He admires his father greatly
C.He is now a high school student
D.He is in charge of a marching band
52.The story of Patrick Henry mainly teaches us toA.
A.be grateful for what we have
B.develop an interest in music
C.be ready to help people in trouble
D.work hard to achieve great success.
8.I don't know much about Shirley Temple's home life or background except that I have been almost in her shoes.I know that that little girl worked hours and hours.Every mother wanted their daughter to be Shirley Temple then.I had very straight hair and my mother used to drive me crazy curling my hair so that I could look like Shirley Temple.Didn't work!
    I started working at 7 as an extra in Somebody up There Likes Me.It was exciting!Over my career,I've worked with people spanning five generations,including Laurence Olivier and Richard Burton.They are very kind to child actors and give me a lot of love.
I used to say I'd never put a kid in show business.Child actors get very over-proud because they are paid special kind of attention,and then the kid grows up and that goes away.They are too young to adjust to that.Luckily for me,I may be an exception.But sometimes I really hoped that I had not started my career young.
The child stars who are in their early 20s break my heart.I've followed just as a viewer what has been happening with them and I understand their pressures.Faced with gossips of all kinds on Facebook or Twitters,we like to say"We don't pay any attention to any of that,''but that's not true.We're people.When somebody says something about you,it hurts.
As a child,I idolized Shirley the movie star.My favorite Shirley Temple movies were the ones that had her incredible singing and dancing,but then she'd do a scene that was serious and I would be sobbing for days.The mold had been broken.There was only one Shirley Temple.But look,she'll live on:when we go to a restaurant,my grandchildren order a Shirley Temple.

51.How did the author react to her mother's curling her hair?D
A.She was excited.   
B.She loved her new look.
C.She hated her mother.
D.She felt disturbed.
52.From the passage we can infer that the author used to beA
A.a child star           
B.a friend of Shirley Temple
C.a famous film director 
D.a fan of film stars
53.According to Paragraph 3,the problem with child stars lies in thatA
A.they start their career much too young
B.their talents are not paid special attention to
C.they have trouble adapting to modern life
D.they don't like the show business at all
54.When the author was young,she felt Shirley Temple wasB
A.sympathetic    B.admirable    C.reliable   D.guilty
55.The"Shirley Temple"in the last sentence of the passage refers toC
A.a famous child star           
B.someone also named Shirley Temple
C.a drink named Shirley Temple   
D.a popular game for kids.
5.It was a dangerous period for Nancy where her own fortunes were concerned.She had to rely on freelance(自由撰稿) work for six months after Quality Weekly Magazine folded.The regular salary cheque had always seemed very small,but now it-was like lost riches.She sent many articles to other magazines.Sometimes she struck it lucky and got a task.She once wrote a short article of a politician who appreciated her fair-minded approach and gave her some secret information.Her article was noticed by an editor in search of something sharp and fresh.And Nancy was getting a name for sharp comment.In this trade,she saw,you didn't need so much to be up to date with things as ahead of them,lying in wait for circumstance,ready to jump.
Then one day she walked into the offices of National Daily.It had taken her article and its editor had looked kindly upon her.Having handed over a piece on the latest educational theories she'd written,she fell into conversation with a woman she had known'before.She learned that one of the paper's regular columnists( 专栏作家) had quitted the job.So Nancy made the necessary phone call to apply for the job.
And then,the phone call came.She'd have a weekly column with her photograph next to it.There'd be a salary cheque,and perhaps fame and success to follow that.She realized that the job presented her with a wonderful opportunity.
Later,when she was alone.Nancy thought that her appointment had probably been a piece of good fortune.However,she refused to allow the word'"luck".She must have got the job because she was good and experienced.What she never knew was that in fact the editor had been at the point of offering the column to another writer,Alex.When he was about to pick up the phone to call Alex,the colleague he most disliked walked into his office,and spoke with satisfaction of the possibility of closer association with this old friend of his.As soon as the colleague was out of the room,he reached for the phone,and rang Nancy.
63.Why did Nancy spend a dangerous period?D
A.Because freelance work was difficult to do.
B.Because she reported some secret information.
C.Because her regular salary cheque was too small.
D.Because she lost the job in Quality Weekly Magazine.
64.Nancy thought the secret of success as a journalist was toB.
A.make positive comments               B.wait and grasp the chance
C.get along well with editors      D.keep up with the latest information
65.In the last paragraph,the underlined part"this old friend of his"refers toC.
A.the colleague       B.the editor
C.Alex             D.Nancy
66.What can we inter from the passage?B
A.The new job presented Nancy with pressure.
B.Nancy got the job in National Daily by chance.
C.Regular columnists are better than freelance writers.
D.Working hard is the key to gaining popularity for a writer.

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