
【题目】Do Cyber Schools Make the Grade?

Students in Caldwell, Idaho, can attend class in their pajamas!

At Vallivue Virtual Academy, courses are taught online. Students work at home with parents, who serve as learning coaches. A certified teacher oversees the students' progress.

The cyber school was launched as a free option for students in kindergarten through grade 8 who have trouble succeeding in the district's traditional public school. Supporters of the program say that virtual learning can help students work at their own pace. If students struggle with subjects, they can take those courses online and spend more time on them. Valerie VanSelous, a teacher from Hopewell Township, N.Jagrees. "Teachers, students, and parents need to accept new technology and not be afraid of it. Offering different teaching aids just might be the key to unlocking a student' s potential. "

Some also believe that attending virtual school can prepare students for college and for work after graduation. "We need to be responsible for working on our own,” says Angela Goscilo, a senior from Pound Ridge, N.Y. "We need to develop technology skills that will help us in whatever we do. Getting an early start is a good idea."

Not everyone gives cyber schools a passing grade however. Some educators argue that online learning makes it hard for students to make friends. Payton Mcdonough, 13, a seventh grader from Glencoe, m., agrees. " I don't know how I could sit at a computer all day without actually interacting with my peers and teachers," he says.

In addition, virtual schools don’t have enough structure. Students who take online courses can set their own schedules, which will cause problems for students who have trouble staying motivated.

Many parents also feel that cyber schools put unrealistic time demands on them because they have to oversee their kids' daily work. Many of them have full-time jobs. How are they going to run their children's education, excel in their jobs, and take care of their other responsibilities at home?

1What is the cyber school intended for?

A.Reducing the time students spend online.

B.Helping those who struggle in traditional schools.

C.Allowing teachers to work at their own pace.

D.Encouraging students to learn about technology.

2What does the underlined sentence mean in paragraph 5?

A.Not everyone approves of cyber schools.

B.Not everyone has attended a cyber school.

C.Not everyone has given cyber schools a test.

D.Not everyone cares about students in cyber schools.

3How do working parents feel about overseeing their kids' daily work?

A.It's worthwhile.

B.It's unnecessary.

C.It's demanding.

D.It's discouraging.

4What is the main idea of the text?

A.Students in Caldwell can attend class at home every day.

B.There are various arguments for and against virtual schools.

C.It's important for students to learn to work in the virtual world.

D.Cyber schools are better than traditional schools in many ways.








1推理判断题。由第三段“The cyber school was launched as a free option for students in kindergarten through grade 8 who have trouble succeeding in the district's traditional public school.”可知,网络学校是为幼儿园到8年级的学生提供的一种免费选择,这些学生在当地传统的公立学校中很难取得成功。由此可以判断,网络学校是为了帮助在传统学校里苦苦奋斗的那些学生。故选B项。

2词义猜测题。 根据下文Some educators argue that online learning makes it hard for students to make friends. Payton Mcdonough, 13, a seventh grader from Glencoe, m., agrees. " I don't know how I could sit at a computer all day without actually interacting with my peers and teachers," he says.(一些教育工作者认为,在线学习让学生很难交朋友。13岁的佩顿·麦克多诺(Payton Mcdonough)是密歇根州格兰科市(Glencoe)的一名七年级学生。他说:“我不知道我怎么能整天坐在电脑前而不与我的同学和老师互动。”)这是对网校的否定。由此可知,划线的句子意思是并非所有人都赞成网络学校。故选A项。

3推理判断题。由最后一段“Many parents also feel that cyber schools put unrealistic time demands on them because they have to oversee their kids' daily work. Many of them have full-time jobs. How are they going to run their children's education, excel in their jobs, and take care of their other responsibilities at home?”可知,许多家长还认为,网络学校对他们的时间要求不切实际,因为他们必须监督孩子的日常学业。他们中的许多人都有全职工作。她们将如何管理孩子的教育,如何在工作中出类拔萃,如何照顾好家里的其他责任?由此可见,对于那些有工作的家长而言,监督孩子的日常这件事要求太高,他们无暇顾及。故选C项。

4主旨大意题。由标题“Do Cyber Schools Make the Grade?”可知,网络学校合格吗?同时结合本文的第三段以及第四段和第五段的首句,我们可以看出来这篇文章主要就网校是否合格这个主题,分别从正面和反面阐述了观点。故选B项。

主旨大意题可以通过看文章的标题去推知答案,比如第四小题,让考生选择本文的大意。由标题“Do Cyber Schools Make the Grade?”可知,网络学校合格吗?同时结合本文的第三段以及第四段和第五段的首句,我们可以看出来这篇文章主要就网校是否合格这个主题,分别从正面和反面阐述了观点。故选B项。


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