






  A strange encounter

  Cast of characters

  Jane, a teenage girl

  Jane 2(“girl”), Jane’s clone

  J=Jane; G=Girl

  (Jane is walking down the street.She is on her way to school and is carrying a schoolbag.She is smiling and singing a song.Suddenly another girl comes towards her.Jane looks at her and seems surprised.)

  J:(to herself)Hmm, that’s strange.That girl looks familiar.

  (The girl comes closer.Both girls stare at each other.They look shocked.After a brief silence, they start speaking at the same time.)

  J and G:Oh! It’s me!

  J:You look just like me!

  G:No, you look like me!

  J:I’m Jane.What is your name?

  G:My name is Jane 2.

  J:We have the same name!

  G:No, my name is Jane 2, you know, the number two.

  J:What do you mean?

  G:I’m not sure, but I think that I must be your clone.

  J:Your what?

  G:Your clone.You know, like a twin, or a copy.

  J:I don’t know I have a twin.

  G:Well, I only found out yesterday.That’s why I came here, to find you and try to find the scientists that made me.We must find him.

  J:This can’t be true! There are no human clones.They must have been lying to you.

  G:Think about it.Look at us.We are the same.We must be clones.

  J:If you are right, then why didn’t my parents tell me about you?

  G:They must not have known.But we can’t keep it a secret any more.We must go and tell them at once.

  J:OK.Let’s go.(Girl moves towards exit.)No, wait.I have a better idea.If we are the same, and since nobody knows it, maybe we should try to have some fun before we tell people.Let’s go to my school and play a trick on my classmates.

  (They laugh and walk off stage.)


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