


1£®Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A£®In a bookstore£®

B£®In a bank£®

C£®In a restaurant£®

2£®What does the man mean?

A£®Susan should see a doctor£®

B£®Susan shouldn't see a doctor£®

C£®Susan should take some pills£®

3£®What time is it now?




4£®What is the man's reaction?

A£®He is surprised£®

B£®He is excited£®

C£®He is worried£®

5£®What does the woman mean?

A£®The new apartment is not better than the last one£®

B£®The new apartment is better than the last one£®

C£®Neither of the two apartments is good£®




6£®How much was the table's original price?

A£®200 yuan£®

B£®220 yuan£®

C£®180 yuan£®

7£®When will the woman pay for the table?



C£®The day after tomorrow£®


8£®What is their relationship?

A£®They used to be classmates£®

B£®They are colleagues£®

C£®They are neighbors£®

9£®What do we know about Jane?

A£®She studied law at university£®

B£®She is a sales manager now£®

C£®She doesn't feel tired about the job at all£®

10£®What is the man doing now?

A£®He is a lawyer£®

B£®He is a teacher£®

C£®He is a sales manager£®


11£®Where does the conversation take place?

A£®In a restaurant£®

B£®In a gym£®

C£®In a museum£®

12£®What is the woman going to sign up for?




13£®Why is the man building up his biceps(¶þÍ·¼¡)?

A£®To make him strong£®

B£®To lose some weight£®

C£®To kill time£®


14£®Who is the man?

A£®Professor White£®

B£®A student£®

C£®An assistant£®

15£®Which of the following numbers is NOT Professor White's number?








1£®What is the man?

A£®A waiter£®

B£®A farmer£®

C£®A salesman£®

2£®How is the woman losing weight?

A£®By walking£®

B£®By running£®

C£®By going on a diet£®

3£®What are the speakers talking about?

A£®A class£®

B£®A paper£®

C£®A speech£®

4£®Where did the man go last night?

A£®To a cinema£®

B£®To a library£®

C£®To a bookstore£®

5£®What does the girl suggest doing?

A£®Playing football£®

B£®Staying in the classroom£®

C£®Watching a football match£®




6£®What does the woman think of working on movies?

A£®It¡¯s exciting£®

B£®It¡¯s exhausting£®

C£®It¡¯s interesting£®

7£®How many shots are usually taken for each scene?





8£®What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A£®Manager and secretary£®



9£®Why was the man late this time?

A£®His child was ill£®

B£®He had a meeting£®

C£®He didn¡¯t set the clock£®

10£®What will the man do this evening?

A£®Attend a meeting£®

B£®Go out with his wife£®

C£®Telephone his manager£®


11£®Who influenced the girl most?

A£®Her friend£®

B£®Her teacher£®

C£®Her relative£®

12£®What usually are the girl¡¯s goals?

A£®Something difficult£®

B£®Little things£®

C£®Something ambitious£®

13£®What does the girl think of setting goals for herself?

A£®It¡¯s useful£®

B£®It¡¯s boring£®

C£®It¡¯s challenging£®


14£®How long will the man¡¯s trip be?

A£®About one week£®

B£®About two weeks£®

C£®About three weeks£®

15£®How will the man send his application?

A£®By mail£®

B£®By fax£®

C£®By e-mail£®

16£®Where is the man going?

A£®To Chicago£®

B£®To Bangkok£®

C£®To Chiang Mai£®

17£®What does the woman suggest the man do earlier?

A£®Apply for a visa£®

B£®Buy a plane ticket£®

C£®Book a room in hotel£®


18£®Where is the speaker?

A£®In a restaurant£®

B£®In a TV studio£®

C£®In a radio studio£®

19£®Why do people go to Giant Kingdom?

A£®To have healthier meals£®

B£®To enjoy heavy meals£®

C£®To have fast food£®

20£®What is the most popular food in Giant Kingdom?

A£®Tomato salad£®

B£®Cheese sandwich£®

C£®Fish and egg sandwich£®




1£®Why are Ted and Tyler still there?

A£®They planned to stay there for another day£®

B£®The weather had kept them there£®

C£®They were too busy to leave yesterday£®

2£®What does the man take finally?

A£®The blue tie£®

B£®The yellow tie£®

C£®Both ties£®

3£®What is Jenny learning to use?

A£®A public telephone£®

B£®A copying machine£®

C£®A washing machine£®

4£®What is the total cost of the two tickets?

A£®90 yuan£®

B£®135 yuan£®

C£®125 yuan£®

5£®What can we learn from the conversation?

A£®The man will be too busy this afternoon£®

B£®The man doesn't like basketball£®

C£®The man likes football very much£®




6£®Where did the man see Todd's new car?

A£®On the way to the shop£®

B£®In front of Todd's house£®

C£®In front of the man's house£®

7£®Why did Todd and Cathy invite their friends to their house?

A£®They wanted them to see their new car£®

B£®They wanted to see their friends' children£®

C£®They wanted to show them the movies taken back from China£®


8£®What is the time that the conversation is going on?

A£®8¡Ã25 p£®m£®

B£®9¡Ã25 p£®m£®

C£®7¡Ã25 p£®m£®

9£®What are the two speakers talking about?

A£®A football game on TV£®

B£®Things that they are going to do tonight£®

C£®The TV program Discovery£®

10£®What are the two speakers going to do after talking?

A£®Go back home for sleep£®

B£®Take a walk£®

C£®Watch the program Discovery£®


11£®What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?




12£®What can we learn from the conversation?

A£®Tim will stay in China for seven more days£®

B£®Tim has come to Beijing No£®101 Middle School to learn Chinese£®

C£®Zhang Lan doesn't like to make friends with foreigners£®

13£®What does Tim especially like about China?

A£®High mountains£®

B£®Long rivers£®



14£®How long have the two speakers known each other?

A£®For about ten years£®

B£®For seven years£®

C£®For several terms£®

15£®What does the man suggest doing?

A£®Having a class get-together£®

B£®Going to see their classmates£®

C£®Having dinner with the woman£®

16£®How will they get in touch with their friends?

A£®By e-mail£®

B£®By letter£®

C£®By telephone£®


17£®What do the posters say?

A£®They can teach people to speak English better£®

B£®They can teach people to speak a foreign language within a short time£®

C£®They can teach people to speak a foreign language about everything£®

18£®What language is easy to learn?

A£®The mother tongue£®

B£®A foreign language£®


19£®As to most people, what's the purpose for learning a foreign language?

A£®To travel to that country£®

B£®To work better£®

C£®To do business£®

20£®How many ways do some people learn English?







1£®Does the woman like her life in England?

A£®Yes, she does£®

B£®No, she doesn't£®

C£®We don't know£®

2£®Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A£®In a garage£®

B£®In a motel£®

C£®In a shop£®

3£®What does the man ask the woman to do?

A£®He asks the woman for some change£®

B£®He asks the woman to allow him to use her telephone£®

C£®He asks the woman to give him some money£®

4£®What's the woman?

A£®She is a cashier£®

B£®She is a policewoman£®

C£®She is an accountant£®

5£®According to the conversation, what is the book about?

A£®It is about building bridges£®

B£®It is about hot cakes£®

C£®It is a best seller£®




6£®Where are the boy and the girl planning to invite some friends to?

A£®A dinner party£®

B£®A pub£®

C£®The cinema£®

7£®Who does the girl forget to invite?





8£®Where did the thief steal the woman's money?

A£®At the bus stop£®

B£®In a university£®

C£®In a park£®

9£®Which of the following is right?

A£®The woman likes to be alone£®

B£®The woman likes to stay with others£®

C£®The woman lives alone£®


10£®What's the man calling about?

A£®He is calling about a bill£®

B£®He is calling about a credit card£®

C£®He is calling about something else£®

11£®When should he have got the bill?

A£®One week ago£®

B£®Three weeks ago£®

C£®Two weeks ago£®

12£®What will the man do next?

A£®He will call the post office£®

B£®He will send them proof of the mistake of the post office£®

C£®He will enjoy the rest of his day£®


13£®What did the boy get from his parents on his birthday?

A£®A leather jacket£®

B£®A raincoat£®

C£®A tape£®

14£®Among a raincoat, a leather jacket, and a pair of jeans, which is the most expensive according to the conversation?

A£®A leather jacket£®

B£®A pair of jeans£®

C£®A raincoat£®

15£®How is the boy feeling now?

A£®He is very happy to get a birthday gift£®

B£®He is satisfied with the gift£®

C£®He is angry with his parents£®

16£®What will the boy do next?

A£®He will give the raincoat to his sister£®

B£®He will return the raincoat and buy a leather jacket£®

C£®He will borrow from his classmates to buy a leather jacket£®


17£®Why do so many people come to visit Chicago's Grand Park every year?

A£®Because the park is very beautiful£®

B£®Because there is a musical festival held there£®

C£®Because there is a food festival held there£®

18£®How many most popular restaurants set up booths in the park?£®

A£®Over 70£®


C£®Below 70£®

19£®What always draw a crowd?

A£®Free concerts by popular local and national artists£®

B£®Cooking demonstrations£®

C£®Barbecued ribs£®

20£®What makes The Taste of Chicago a festival that shouldn't be missed?

A£®The wonderful food£®

B£®The great attractions£®

C£®Both A and B£®



1£®What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A£®An exam£®

B£®Language study£®

C£®A hard life£®

2£®What will the woman do?

A£®Show the man a map£®

B£®Tell the man the direction£®

C£®Go to the Black's with the man£®

3£®How much did the woman pay for each book?




4£®Where does the conversation probably take place?

A£®In a hospital£®

B£®In a cinema£®

C£®In a restaurant£®

5£®What is the man doing?

A£®Boarding the plane to Shanghai£®

B£®Answering a passenger's question£®

C£®Waiting for his wife£®

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6£®Where does the conversation probably take place?

A£®In the hotel£®

B£®At the airport£®

C£®At the post office£®

7£®What does the man ask the woman to do for him?

A£®Take care of his letter£®

B£®Take a photo of him£®

C£®Open the window£®


8£®When did the woman come to Canada?

A£®Last weekend£®

B£®At the end of August£®

C£®Last September£®

9£®Why does the man drive a taxi?

A£®To take a driving course£®

B£®To earn extra money£®

C£®To travel around£®


10£®Why does the man invite the woman to go to New York?

A£®Because the weather in New York is nice£®

B£®Because the spring break is coming£®

C£®Because he wants to visit a friend£®

11£®How will the speakers go to New York?

A£®By bus£®

B£®By air£®

C£®By car£®

12£®What does the man tell the woman to take?

A£®A jacket and some snacks£®

B£®An umbrella and some snacks£®

C£®A jacket and some fruits£®


13£®With whom is the woman going to the Science Museum?

A£®The man£®

B£®Her classmates£®

C£®Her roommates£®

14£®What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A£®Strangers on the street£®

B£®Classmates in a new city£®

C£®Roommates in the school£®

15£®What does the woman like best?




16£®What is the man's last suggestion?

A£®Walking along the seashore at night£®

B£®Trying some seafood in the local restaurants£®

C£®Buying some seafood for her family£®


17£®Why do some foreign language learners give up halfway?

A£®Because they doubt whether studies will be useful£®

B£®Because they don't think it is that important£®

C£®Because they have no talent for language learning£®

18£®What is most important for language learning?

A£®Memorizing words and meanings£®

B£®Remembering some rules£®

C£®Learning by using the language£®

19£®How many suggestions does the speaker mention about language learning?




20£®Which of the following is the speaker's weblog site?




Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
