
If humans________nature, they will suffer sooner or later.

A. care about                          B. fight for

C. take up                            D. go against

【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意:如果人类违背自然的规律,迟早会遭受痛苦的。go against违背,相反;care about关心;fight for为……而战;take up 从事。根据句意可知,选D。


A study by St.. Louis University has found that a lovable dog named Sparky and a robotic dog, AIBO, were about equally effective at reducing the loneliness of nursing home residents. The study confirmed previous findings that dogs have a good effect on nursing home residents.
Dr. Andrew Smith led the Stanford University team that built a home-assistance robot. “If humans can feel an emotional tie with robots, some day they could be not just our assistants, but also our companions,” he said.
To test whether residents responded better to Sparky, a trained dog, or the Sony-made robotic dog, researchers divided 38 nursing home residents into three groups at three long-term care centers in St. Louis.
One group had weekly 30-minute one-on-one visits with Sparky; another group had similar visits with AIBO; a control group had no contact with either dog. The groups’ respective levels of loneliness were tested by having them answer a number of questions at the beginning and near the end of the visits.
After two months, both groups that had contact with the dogs were less lonely and more attached. Most of the elderly regarded Sparky, a 9-year-old dog, as an audience for their life stories, said investigator Marian Banks.
“He listened attentively, wagged his tail, and allowed them to pet him,” said Banks, who adopted and trained Sparky after finding him in a street behind her home seven years ago.
Those who were together with AIBO took a little longer to warm to the robotic creature. Over time, however, they grew comfortable with him, and petted and talked to him. He would respond by wagging his tail, vocalizing, and blinking his lights..
“AIBO is charming once you start to interact with him,” said the study’s author, Dr. William Banks, “He’s an attractive sort of guy. He gives a feeling of being personal, not just a robot.”
【小题1】Before the new study, it was known that ____.

A.robots were effective at reducing people’s loneliness
B.robots could build close connection with humans
C.dogs could help get rid of old people’s loneliness
D.dogs and robots were equally effective at reducing loneliness
【小题2】Those who had contact with the robotic dog found that ___.
A.they didn’t feel comfortable with it
B.it was hard for them to interact with it
C.they weren’t comfortable with it at first
D.the robot’s vocalizing and blinking confused them
【小题3】The findings of the researchers tell us that___.
A.robots are better at caring for old people than nurses
B.robots can to some degree replace dogs as companions for old people
C.it’s easy for people to become close with robots
D.every home will have a robot assistant one day
【小题4】What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Robots Serve People Better Than Thought
B.No More Lonely Old Age with Emotional Robots
C.Advanced Technology Used to cheer up the Elderly
D.Robots and Dogs Can Equally Cheer up the Elderly

What weighs 3500 pounds(1600kg)and lived 60 million years ago?Are you thinking of
dinosaurs?Guess again!You don,t have to go to a museum to see these creatures.They are alive
and swimming in the warm coastal waters of Florida.
Manatees(海牛)have lived a peaceful existence in the warm waters  of  Florida  for  60
million years.However,they are now an endangered species.This means that if humans don,t do
something to save them,they will soon go the way of dinosaurs.
Humans have made life very difficult for manatees.One big danger that humans have
introduced is the speedboat.Because manatees are mammals.they need to come to the surface to breathe about every 5 to 6 minutes.This means that they are in constant danger of being caught in the propellers(螺旋桨)of speedboats.And boating aceidents are the greatest cause of death for them.
Manatees are in extra danger when they are in their sleeping or“torpor”state.They still
have to come to the surface for the air,but sometimes they are too sleepy to avoid the danger of approaching boats.
Another danger for manatees is the pollution that humans produce.Due to human pollution,
a deadly plant called red tide had increased greatly in the Gulf of Mexico.The plant,or algae,
t11riVes(繁茂)on pollution.It wiped out nearly 20 percent of the total manatee population on
Humans can help to save manatees。The government has established boating speed limits to
give the manatees.a chance to escape approaching speedlsoats.Everyone can help by cutting
down on waste and pollution to protect the waters for the manatees.
One famous singer,Jimmy Buffet,has helped save the manatees.He co-founded the Save the Manatee Club(SMC).SMC had begun an adoption(收养)program for the manatees.For a fee,sponsors(资助者)can name a manatee.Donations are used to help protect the manatees and their habitat.
45.The manatee is the kind of animal that___________.
A.1ikes living in the cold waters of Florida      B.will die out if not protected in time
C.call dive in the deep sea for hours             D.is the biggest living animal on earth
46.Why is it dangerous for manatees to be in a torpor state?
A.Because they come to the snlface to breathe,and that is when they are hunted.
B.Because they eat deadly algae,and this makes them too sick to avoid danger.
C.Because they live in groups and therefore they are easily hurt by passing boats.
D.Because they are sleepy when they surface,so they can,t avoid approaching boats.
47.The death of the manatees is largely due to__________.
A.human hunting                       B.human pollution
C.speedboat accidents                  D.deadly plants
48.To help protect manatees,people should_________.
A.never go speed boating in their living habitat
B.keep the waters of Florida free from pollution
C.have manatess named by sponsors without a fee
D.wake manatees up from their torpor state

    Most people would agree that it would be wonderful if humans could regenerate (再生) limbs. Those who have lost their arms or legs would be complete again. The day is still far off when this might happen. But in the last 10 years, doctors have reported regeneration in smaller parts of the body, most often fingers.
Regeneration is not a newly-discovered process. For centuries, scientists have seen it work in some kinds of animals. Scientists now are looking for a way to turn on this exciting ability in more highly-developed animals, including humans. Their experiments show that nerves (神经), cell chemistry and the natural electric currents in the body all seem to have a part in this process.
The body of every animal contains general purpose cells that change into whatever kind of cells the body needs. These cells collect around the wound. They form a mass called a blastema (芽基). The cells of the blastema begin to change. Some became bone cells, some muscle cells, some skin cells. Slowly, a new part re-grows from the body outward. When completed, the new part is just like the old one.
More than 200 years ago, Italian scientist Luigi Spallanzani showed that younger animals have a greater ability to regenerate lost parts than older animals. So do animals lower on the ladder of evolutionary (进化的) development. The major differences seem to be that less-developed animals have more nerves in their tails and legs than humans do in their arms and legs.
Another helpful piece of information was discovered in the late 1800s. Scientists found that when a creature is injured, an electrical current flows around the wound. The strength of the current depends on how severe the wound is and on how much nerve tissue (组织) is present.
59.According to the passage, limb regeneration ________.
A. will become a reality in the near future
B. has been reported successful in some patients
C. has a long way to go before it works in humans
D. is a branch of study set up by a group of modern doctors
60.What animals are lower on the ladder of evolutionary development ?
A. More-developed animals.                                        B. Less-developed animals.
C. Highly developed animals.                                       D. Fully-developed animals.
61.According to Luigi Spallanzani’s discovery, ________.
A. humans have less nerves in the limbs than animals
B. some animals may not have so much nerve tissue as others
C. an injured animal regenerates masses of cells round the wound
D. electrical current can be found around the would in younger animals
62.The passage is mainly about ________.
A. a newly-discovered process                                     B. research on animal evolution
C. a new medical discovery                                           D. research on regeneration


What weighs 3500 pounds(1600kg)and lived 60 million years ago?Are you thinking of

dinosaurs?Guess again!You don,t have to go to a museum to see these creatures.They are alive

and swimming in the warm coastal waters of Florida.

Manatees(海牛)have lived a peaceful existence in the warm waters  of  Florida  for  60

million years.However,they are now an endangered species.This means that if humans don,t do

something to save them,they will soon go the way of dinosaurs.

Humans have made life very difficult for manatees.One big danger that humans have

introduced is the speedboat.Because manatees are mammals.they need to come to the surface to breathe about every 5 to 6 minutes.This means that they are in constant danger of being caught in the propellers(螺旋桨)of speedboats.And boating aceidents are the greatest cause of death for them.

Manatees are in extra danger when they are in their sleeping or“torpor”state.They still

have to come to the surface for the air,but sometimes they are too sleepy to avoid the danger of approaching boats.

Another danger for manatees is the pollution that humans produce.Due to human pollution,

a deadly plant called red tide had increased greatly in the Gulf of Mexico.The plant,or algae,

t11riVes(繁茂)on pollution.It wiped out nearly 20 percent of the total manatee population on


Humans can help to save manatees。The government has established boating speed limits to

give the manatees.a chance to escape approaching speedlsoats.Everyone can help by cutting

down on waste and pollution to protect the waters for the manatees.

One famous singer,Jimmy Buffet,has helped save the manatees.He co-founded the Save the Manatee Club(SMC).SMC had begun an adoption(收养)program for the manatees.For a fee,sponsors(资助者)can name a manatee.Donations are used to help protect the manatees and their habitat.

45.The manatee is the kind of animal that___________.

A.1ikes living in the cold waters of Florida      B.will die out if not protected in time

C.call dive in the deep sea for hours             D.is the biggest living animal on earth

46.Why is it dangerous for manatees to be in a torpor state?

A.Because they come to the snlface to breathe,and that is when they are hunted.

B.Because they eat deadly algae,and this makes them too sick to avoid danger.

C.Because they live in groups and therefore they are easily hurt by passing boats.

D.Because they are sleepy when they surface,so they can,t avoid approaching boats.

47.The death of the manatees is largely due to__________.

A.human hunting                       B.human pollution

C.speedboat accidents                  D.deadly plants

48.To help protect manatees,people should_________.

A.never go speed boating in their living habitat

B.keep the waters of Florida free from pollution

C.have manatess named by sponsors without a fee

D.wake manatees up from their torpor state


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