



Some people have the feeling that nothing can be done about their poor reading ability. They feel hopeless about it. Can you learn to read better, or must you agree that nothing can be done about it?

To be sure, people are different. You cannot expect to do everything as well as certain other people

do. If all the students in a class tried out for basketball, some would be very good players; others would be very poor; and many would be in between. But even the very poor players can become much better players if they are guided in the right way, and with plenty of practice. It is the same with reading. Some seem to enjoy reading and to read well without any special help. Others find reading a slow and tiring job. In between, there are all degrees of reading ability.

Many experiments have shown that just about every poor reader can improve his reading ability. In these experiments, the poor readers were given tests of reading ability. After some of the causes of their reading were discovered, they were given special instruction and practice in reading. After a few months, another test of the same kind was given. In nearly all cases, these people had raised their reading scores.

41.   With the example of basketball players, the author shows ________.

       A. why certain people are poor readers        B. that there are differences in people’s abilities

       C. why some people are good basketball players

D. that good basketball players can be good readers

42.   To improve their reading ability, people should ________.

       A. work long and hard                               B. take different forms of tests

       C. have special help and practice                 D. try different reading materials

43.   The experiments mentioned in the text show that ________.

       A. good readers seem to enjoy reading        

       B. almost all poor readers can make progress

       C. causes of poor reading were difficult to find out

       D. tests help people improve their reading ability

44.   What does the underlined sentence “many would be in between” mean?

       A. It means that many are the best basket players.

       B. It means that many are the worst basket players.

       C. It means that many are standing in the middle of the line.

       D. It means that there are several levels of players in many students.

45.   What’s the purpose of the author’s writing this passage?

       A. To encourage people to improve their reading ability.

       B. To suggest that readers should do practice only in reading.

C. To tell us that readers can’t improve their reading ability without special help.

D. To tell us that to be a good reader, one should be guided in the right way.










1.How does the man feel about his job?

A.It is very boring

B.He doesn’t think it is boring

C.He doesn’t like it all

2.What does the man mean?

A.He is very shy now

B.He is of the same age as Michelle

C.He was also shy when he was Michelle’s age.

3.How many chairs are needed?




4.Where is Mr.Baker now?

A.In his house

B.In a restaurant

C.At his company.

5.What is the man’s phone number?







6.What is the matter with the boy?

A.He has got a headache.

B.He has got a fever.

C.He has got a heart problem.

7.What does the boy want to do?

A.Watch TV.

B.See the doctor.

C.Go to school.


8.Where is the bank?

A.Beside the supermarker.

B.Opposite the supermarker.

C.Next to the bookstore.

9.Which bus can the man take?

A.Buy No.98.

B.Bus No.88

C.Bus No.90


10.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a railway station.

B.At a lunch party.

C.On the phone.

11.What’s the man looking for?

A.A room.

B.A Vacancy.

C.His money.

12.What is the rent?

A.40 pounds a week including laudry.

B.30 pounds a week including laudry.

C.40 pounds a week excluding laudry.


13.What film are the spakers going to see?

A.Let the bullets fly.

B.If you are the one П

C.The love story.

14.When will the film begin?

A.On Saturday at 3∶30 pm.

B.On Saturday at 6∶15 pm.

C.On Sunday at 6∶15 pm.

15.Why does the woman want to go and see the film?

A.She doesn’t want to stay home alone.

B.She is very interested in it.

C.She hasn’t seen a film for a long time.

16.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?


B.A couple.



17.What did Dorothy train German dogs for at the beginning?

A.To help in movies.

B.To help the police.

C.To help the blind.

18.Who is Morris?

A.A young blind American

B.A young writer.

C.A trainer of dogs.

19.In what way did Morris first learn about the guiding dogs?

A.Indirectly from Dorothy’ article.

B.From reading newspapers.

C.By writing a letter to Dorothy.

20.Which one is true about Buddy?

A.Buddy was frightened by the heavy traffic of New York.

B.Buddy was trained by Morris.

C.Buddy came from Germany.




1.What does Cindy think of herself and Peter?

A.They are good friends.

B.They are good matches.

C.They are both handsome.

2.Black Eye Li must be Eve's ________.




3.How is Nate now?

A.He's recovering.

B.He's fully recovered.

C.He's still in danger.

4.What have they just finished?

A.The decoration.

B.Setting up a company.

C.Setting the table.

5.According to Grace, the report ________.

A.is perfect

B.is terrible

C.has room for important



第二节 听第六段材料,回答第6至8题。

6.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.A visit to their relatives.

B.A call to their close friends.

C.A plan for the party.

7.Why was the woman thinking of calling on Ann?

A.Because Ann just got out of hospital.

B.Because she wanted to invite Ann to the party.

C.Because Ann just got a new house.

8.They will have a little party at Rick's, won't they?

A.Yes, as they are very happy together

B.No, as Rick doesn't feel well.

C.We don't know.


9.Where is the manager now?

A.He is in the shop serving the woman.

B.He has gone to have lunch.

C.He is on the way home.

10.When did the woman bring the watch in?

A.This morning.

B.A moment ago.

C.one week ago.

11.Why was the receipt(收据)still there when the woman came back?

A.She thought she didn't need it.

B.The manager didn't give it to her.

C.She dropped it when she left.


12.What's wrong with Mr.Wonder's trousers?

A.A dirty spot on the pants.

B.A button is loose on the pants.

C.Some stains on the pants.

13.What does the woman get from the man?

A.Trousers, pants and a vest.

B.Pants and a vest.

C.Pants, slippers and vest

14.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.At a laundry shop

B.At a clothing mending shop

C.At a clothing shop


15.Where are they talking?

A.At the Atangan Associates.

B.In the company

C.On the phone

16.What is the man going to do first after the talk?

A.Going to his aunt's for lunch.

B.Waiting for his cousin's call.

C.Leaving for his home.

17.How can Mr.Atangan reach the man?

A.Call 474-6561.

B.Meet his in his office.

C.In the hotel after work.


18.How was news sent in the past?

A.By telegraph.

B.From mouth to mouth.

C.By letter

19.What do newspapers give us besides important events?

A.Product information.

B.Weather forecast.


20.What effect do advertisements have on newspapers?

A.Advertisements make the price of product higher.

B.Advertisements make the price of newspaper lower.

C.Advertisements make newspapers more popular.

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