

Worker: Customer Service, Anthony Grant speaking. 1. can I help you?

Customer: I can’t believe this is happening! I called and ordered a 32-inch bag last Friday, 2. today I found that you sent a 24-inch one. I was planning to use that bag during our vacation in Mexico, but it doesn’t seem possible any more because we’re taking off on Saturday. It’s only three days away. What am I 3. (suppose) to do?

Worker: I’m really sorry, madam. I 4. (check) it right away. Would you please tell me your order 5. ?

Customer: 6. is CE29.

Worker: Er, just a moment. I do apologize, madam. There does seem to be a mistake. I’ll have the correct size bag 7. (send) to you by over-night mail right away. It shall arrive by this Friday. It will be 8. time for your Saturday trip. Again I apologize for any 9. (convenient) caused by out mistake. I promise it won’t happen again.

Customer: OK. Well, thank you.

Worker: Thank you, madam, for choosing Linch Mail Order Company. I hope you have 10. wonderful vacation.


George Gershwin, born in 1898, was one of America’s greatest composers. He published his first song when he was eighteen years old. During the next twenty years he wrote more than five hundred songs. Many of Gershwin’s songs were first written for musical plays performed in theatres in New York City. These plays were a popular form of entertainment in the 1920s and 1930s. Many of his songs have remained popular as ever. Over the years they have been sung and played in every possible way—from jazz to country.

In the 1920s there was a debate in the United States about jazz music. Could jazz, some people asked, be considered serious music? In 1924 jazz musician and orchestra leader Paul Whiteman decided to organize a special concert to show that jazz was serious music. Gershwin agreed to compose something for the concert before he realized he had just a few weeks to do it. And in that short time, he composed a piece for piano and orchestra which he called Rhapsody in Blue. Gershwin himself played the piano at the concert. The audience were thrilled when they heard his music. It made him world-­famous and showed that jazz music could be both serious and popular.

In 1928, Gershwin went to Paris. He applied to study composition with the well-known musician Nadia Boulanger, but she rejected him. She was afraid that classical study would ruin his jazz-­influenced style. While there, Gershwin wrote An American in Paris. When it was first performed, critics were divided over the music. Some called it happy and full of life, to others it was silly and boring. But it quickly became popular in Europe and the United States. It still remains one of his most famous works.

George Gershwin died in 1937, just days after doctors learned he had brain cancer. He was only thirty ­nine years old. Newspapers all over the world reported his death on their front pages. People mourned the loss of the man and all the music he might have still written.

1.Many of Gershwin’s musical works were________.

A. written about New Yorkers

B. composed for Paul Whiteman

C. performed in various ways

D. played mainly in the countryside

2.What do we know about the concert organized by Whiteman?

A. It proved jazz could be serious music.

B. It attracted more people to theatres.

C. It made Gershwin leader of the orchestra.

D. It caused a debate among jazz musicians.

3.What do we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Many of Gershwin’s works were lost.

B. A concert was held in memory of Gershwin.

C. The death of Gershwin was widely reported.

D. Brain cancer research started after Gershwin’s death.

4.Which of the following best describes Gershwin?

A. Serious and boring. B. Talented and productive.

C. Popular and unhappy. D. Friendly and honest.


Can birds understand people’s love and even express their appreciation?

Gabi Mann,an 8-year-old teenager,has some very ________ “friends”who shower her with gifts almost every day.Ever since she started feeding her neighborhood crows(乌鸦),they began returning the ________ and bringing back all kinds of ________

Gabi’s________ relationship with the neighborhood crows ________ in 2011 when she was four and she was ________o drop food to them.Soon,the crows were always watching for her,________ to get a bite of the food she dropped.________ she got older,she began to ________ them consciously—she would share her________ with them on the way to the bus stop.It wasn’t long before crows were lining up in the afternoon to ________ her at the stop.

In2013,Gabi started feeding the birds ________ ,instead of sharing her lunch with them.Along with her family,she ________ fill the bowl in the backyard with water every day,cover the bird feeder platforms with peanuts and throw handfuls of dog food on to the grass.Soon,the crows ________ line up on the telephone lines in the backyard, ________ for their treats.

________,once Gabi adopted this routine,she ________ something wonderful—the crows started ________ her with gifts! Gabi has ________every small gift that the crows have given her,including a tiny silver ball,a blue plastic brick,a small piece of colored glass,and other such things.Each item is individually wrapped and,they’re obviously of great________ to Gabi.

1.A.patient B.unusual C.common D.impolite

2.A.favor B.duty C.service D.profit

3.A.food B.gifts C.birds D.fruit

4.A.unique B.difficult C.serious D.formal

5.A.continued B.existed C.began D.failed

6.A.afraid B.nervous C.careful D.willing

7.A.deciding B.hoping C.promising D.pretending

8.A.Although B.Because C.As D.Since

9.A.feed B.observe C.catch D.choose

10.A.time B.supper C.experience D.1unch

11.A.attract B.greet C.disturb D.inform

12.A.properly B.regularly C.casually D.easily

13.A.must B.should C.would D.might

14.A.deliberately B.particularly C.firmly D.automatically

15.A.preparing B.1earing C.waiting D.heading

16.A.Believe it or not B.For example C.Sooner or later D.As usual

17.A.understood B.remembered C.created D.witnessed

18.A.honoring B.thanking C.awarding D.reminding

19.A.bought B.exchanged C.collected D.offered

20.A.help B.value C.care D.grief


Homework is a major part of going to school: It’s your teachers’ way of evaluating how much you understand what's going on in class. 1. Luckily, you can do a few things to make homework less burden.

Be sure you understand the homework.

Write your homework down in your notebook or day planner if you need to. 2. It’s much easier to take a minute to ask the teacher during or after class than to struggle to remember later that night!

Use any extra time in school.

Many schools have study halls that are specifically designed to allow students to study. It’s tempting(诱惑人的) to hang out with friends during study periods or unstructured (松散的) time. 3. .

Take a break.

4. So take some breaks while doing your homework. Sitting for too long without stretching or relaxing will make you less productive than if you stop every so often. Taking a 15-minute break every hour is a good idea for most people.

5. .

If you don't finish your homework during school, think about how much you have left and what else is going on that day, and then budget your time. Most high-school students have between 1 and 3 hours of homework a night. If it’s a heavy homework day and it seems like you’ve got an assignment in every subject but gym and lunch, you’ll need to devote more time to homework. It’s a good idea to come up with some kind of homework schedule, especially if you are involved in sports or activities or have an after-school job.

A. And it helps digest important concepts.

B. Once your homework is done, you can check over it if you have extra time.

C. Plan yourself.

D. But the more work you can get done in school, the less you'll have to do that night.

E. Don't be afraid to ask questions about what's expected in your homework.

F. Settle down to homework.

G. Most people's attention spans (跨度) aren't very long.


At the end of 2014, Tulsa, Oklahoma, sixth?grade teacher Melissa Bour received a friend ____ on Facebook from one of her students. She didn’t accept the request, but a quick browse through the girl’s friends list revealed the names of dozens of kids from her ____. Many of the students’ Facebook pages were completely ____, meaning even strangers could ____ the kids’ personal photos and messages.

“I saw middle fingers, students dressed inappropriately, and extremely ____ language,” Melissa says. “It was ____.” When she brought up her ____ in class, the students were not ____ at all. So she created a ____ of her own. With a bright green marker pen, she wrote on a piece of paper: “Dear Facebook: my 12?year?old students think it is ‘no ____’ that they are posting pictures of themselves... Please help me show them how ____ their images can get around.” She put a picture of the letter on her Facebook page and asked people to ____ it.

In hours, it was shared 108,000 times across dozens of states and four countries. She ____ it after eight hours, but it continued to spread. “I wanted to ____ them that it’s on the Internet forever,” she says.

As she explained the results of her ____ in class, the students’ eyes got bigger and bigger. “It scared a few of them into deleting their pages ____,” she says. Others have removed inappropriate posts and used privacy settings to ____ their pages.

Her ____ wasn’t to scare them off social media but to push them to be ____ of what they post. Melissa says, “I tell them, ‘It doesn’t ____ you have to just because everyone else is sharing.’”

1.A. invitation B. demand C. order D. request

2.A. family B. college C. classroom D. company

3.A. public B. famous C. secret D. unknown

4.A. watch over B. search through C. hold back D. hand in

5.A. proper B. polite C. simple D. rude

6.A. despairing B. comforting C. disturbing D. exciting

7.A. result B. discovery C. suggestion D. wish

8.A. worried B. satisfied C. pleased D. disappointed

9.A. post B. picture C. article D. news

10.A. need B. big idea C. wonder D. big deal

11.A. urgently B. quickly C. slowly D. badly

12.A. know B. deliver C. share D. say

13.A. prevented B. kept C. copied D. deleted

14.A. promise B. persuade C. show D. ask

15.A. experiment B. lesson C. study D. research

16.A. only B. completely C. recently D. hardly

17.A. display B. create C. manage D. print

18.A. mention B. intention C. question D. imagination

19.A. mindful B. fearful C. skilful D. thoughtful

20.A. matter B. work C. count D. mean

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