
I was 15 months old, a happy carefree kid … until the day I fell. It was a bad fall. I landed on a glass rabbit that cut my eye badly enough to blind it. My mom found a doctor who knew that if the eye were removed entirely, my face would grow up badly shaped, so my scarred (有疤痕的), sightless, cloudy and gray eye lived on with me.

       Sometimes people, even strangers, asked me embarrassing questions or made hurtful remarks. When the kids played games, I was always the “monster”. I grew up imagining that everyone looked down upon me.

       Yet every time Mom would say to me, “Hold your head up high and face the world.” It became what I relied on.

       As a child, I thought Mom meant: “Be careful or you will fall down or bump into something because you are not looking.” As a teenager, even though I often looked down to hide my shame, I found that sometimes when I held my head up high people liked me.

       In high schools I was even elected class president, but on the inside I still felt like a freak (怪物). All I really wanted was to look like everyone else. When things got really bad, I would cry to my mom and she would look at me with loving eyes and say: “Hold your head up high and face the world. Let them see the beauty that is inside.”

       When I met the man who became my partner for life, we looked each other straight in the eye, and he told me I was beautiful inside and out.

       My mom’s love and encouragement was the spark (火花) that gave me the confidence to overcome my doubt. I had faced hardships head-on, and learned not only to appreciate myself but to have deep sympathy for others.

       “Hold your head up high” has been heard many times in my home. Each of my children has felt its invitation. The gift my mom gave me lives on in another generation.

60.   Why did the writer’s mother tell her to hold her head up high and face the world?

       A. Because her mother wanted her to be confident of herself.

       B. Because her mother didn’t want her to be seen as a “monster”.

       C. Because her mother thought the writer looked prettier when she did that.

       D. Because everyone looked down upon her and her mother wanted to show sympathy.

61.   Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?

       A. The writer was always confident after the accident happened.

       B. The writer managed to recover from her disability in high school.

C. In high school the writer was chosen as president of the student’s union.

       D. The writer gave her children encouragement and love, as her mother had done.

62.   The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means ____________.

       A. her children faced the same difficulty as their mother   

       B. her children each received an invitation from her mother

       C. her children didn’t quite understand the meaning of her words

       D. her children benefited from their mother’s encouraging words

63.   Which would be the best title for the article?

       A. My mom’s gift to me

       B. Disability is no shame

       C. How I found my life-partner

D. My terrible childhood accident



    I don’t think there is any one being as interested in food as I. We lived on a farm in Lincolnshire and had a good    36   . She made fantastic English food; her roast beef was out of this world. I used to love going down to the     37 _   and watching her work, and I learned a lot from her. I realized that I wanted to be a cook when I was about 12. When other boys  __ 38    to do sports after school, I helped with cooking at home. By the time I was 15, I had   _39    to be a cook. However, I knew my parents wouldn’t allow me to be a cook. I had to tell them about it    40.

I told them that I wanted to do a cookery course for fun, and stayed for a month in a hotel in Torquay. I enjoyed it so much that I couldn’t put off telling my parents any longer,   41   I brought the subject up one night over dinner.  42   there was silence, and then my father asked me why. I explained that cooking was   43   painting a picture or writing a book. Every meal was a work of creation. I could see that my father disagreed, but he was not   44  . He just looked at me and smiled. My mother kissed me. And now I have my own restaurant, and it goes well. I can see they are   45  me. However, my grandfather thinks I’m mad to give up farming.

A. farmer         B. painter          C. cook             D. nurse

A. restaurant      B. hotel            C. farm             D. kitchen

A. chose         B. refused          C. hated             D. failed

A. decided       B. agreed           C. managed          D. turned

A. easily         B. softly           C. slowly            D. quietly

A. but           B. so              C. or                D. for

A. At first        B. At last           C. At least            D. At times

A. with          B. like             C. about              D. above

A. patient        B. satisfied         C. quiet              D. angry

A. proud of       B. sorry for         C. friendly to         D. strict with

I don’t think there is any one being as interested in food as I. We lived on a farm in Lincolnshire and had a good    36  . She made fantastic English food; her roast beef was out of this world. I used to love going down to the     37 _  and watching her work, and I learned a lot from her. I realized that I wanted to be a cook when I was about 12. When other boys  __ 38   to do sports after school, I helped with cooking at home. By the time I was 15, I had   _39   to be a cook. However, I knew my parents wouldn’t allow me to be a cook. I had to tell them about it    40.
I told them that I wanted to do a cookery course for fun, and stayed for a month in a hotel in Torquay. I enjoyed it so much that I couldn’t put off telling my parents any longer,   41  I brought the subject up one night over dinner.  42  there was silence, and then my father asked me why. I explained that cooking was   43  painting a picture or writing a book. Every meal was a work of creation. I could see that my father disagreed, but he was not   44 . He just looked at me and smiled. My mother kissed me. And now I have my own restaurant, and it goes well. I can see they are   45 me. However, my grandfather thinks I’m mad to give up farming.

A.At firstB.At lastC.At leastD.At times
A.proud ofB.sorry forC.friendly toD.strict with

For the 17 years my life was very happy. Then the first sad thing happened. My mother became very ill, and soon she knew that she was dying. Just before she died, she asked Elizabeth and me to go to her room. She held our hands and said, “Victor and Elizabeth, my children, I’m very happy because you love each other, and because one day you’ll get married. Everyone in the family loves you, Elizabeth. Will you take my place in the family, my dear? I can die happy if you look after them when I have gone.”
My mother died and we were very sad, because we loved her dearly. Elizabeth was brave and helped us; her sweet smile gave us some happiness in the unhappy days after my mother’s death. The time came for me to go to university. I didn’t want to leave my sad family, but we all knew that I should go. It was hard to leave, too, because the parents of my good friend Henry would not let him go to university with me. So I had gone alone.
On my first day at university I met my teacher, Professor Waldman, who was one of the greatest scientists in the world. He gave a wonderful talk to all the students who were starting at the university. He ended his talk by saying, “Some of you will become the greatest scientists of tomorrow. You must study hard and discover everything that you can. This is why God made you intelligent—to help other people.”
After the professor’s talk, I thought very carefully. I remembered the storm when I was 15; I remembered how the lightning had destroyed the tree. From then on, I wanted to use electricity to help people, and I wanted to discover the secrets of life. I decided to work on these two things.
I started to work the next day. I worked very hard and soon Professor Waldman and I realized that I could learn to be a very good scientist.
The professor helped me very much, and other important scientists who were his friends helped me, too. I was interested in my work and I did not take one day’s holiday during the next two years, I did not go home, and my letters to my family were very short.
After two years, I had discovered many things and I built a scientific machine that was the best in the university. My machine would help me answer the most important question of all. How does life begin? Is it possible to put life into dead things? To answer these questions about life I had to learn first about death. I had to watch bodies from the moment when they died and the warm life left them. In the hospital and in the university, I watched the dying and the dead. Day after day, month after month, I followed death, so it was a dark and terrible time.
I built a tall mast about 150 meters high, which is higher than the tallest building in the city, to catch lightning and send the electricity down to my machine in the lab. I believed I could use that electricity to give life to things that were dead.
Then one day, the answer came to me. Suddenly I was sure that I knew the secret of life.
【小题1】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Elizabeth married shortly after Victor’s mother died.
B.Elizabeth was a brave girl who loved Victor and gave him much help.
C.Victor’s mother was very angry when she knew he loved Elizabeth.
D.Victor did not want to leave his family because his mother died not long before.
【小题2】Victor did all the following during his research in the university EXCEPT that       .
A.he discovered many things and built a scientific machine
B.he learnt much about death both in the hospitals and in the university
C.he worked hard and took only one day’s holiday during the next two years
D.he built a tall mast to catch lightning and send the electricity down to the lab
【小题3】According to the author, the secret of life is to        .
A.give life to things that were dead
B.use electricity to help others
C.build the best machine to learn about death
D.become the greatest scientist of tomorrow
【小题4】Which is the correct order about the life of Victor?
① Victor’s mother passed away.
② Victor got help from the professor and other scientists.
③ Victor went to university and attended the professor’s talk.
④ Victor found the answer to giving life to things that were dead.
⑤ Victor experienced a storm, seeing the lightning destroying the tree.


She always wore a flower in her hair.Mostly I thought it looked    16  .A flower to work? But no one questioned the young woman why a flower _17   her to work each day.In fact, we probably would have been more curious if she had    18   without it.

She did so one day _19  she delivered a project to my office.“I _20  there is no flower in your hair today," I said  _21  ."I'm so used to seeing you wear one  _22  it almost seems as if something is _23.” “Oh, yes," she replied quietly, in a rather sad voice.This was far from her _24_ bright personality.I knew l had questioned something _25   than a lost flower.

“Today is the anniversary of my mother's death.I__26  her so much that I'm very sad.When I was a little girl, my mother would often _27_ flowers in my hair.But when I was 15 she died of cancer.I've just always worn a flower in my hair since then and _28  made me feel as though she__29  with me.Today, however, I think she would like a   30  that I am becoming self-dependent, after ten years of her death.And it seems that it is the flower that has to__31   .”

She met my eyes and then smiled sadly.“I needn't wear a flower to be _32   of her.It was just an outward sign of my treasured _33    they're still there even with the flower gone…Oh, here's the 34  I hope it meets with your agreement." She  _35  me the neatly prepared document, signed with a hand-drawn flower below her name.

1.A.stupid                     B.childish             C.strange                      D.ugly

2.A.accompanied          B.brought            C.allowed           D.encouraged

3.A.shown up      B.gone up            C.jumped up       D.dressed up

4.A.before                    B.after         C.when                D.until

5.A.sense                      B.discover           C.doubt                D.notice

6.A.freely                     B.firmly       C.calmly               D.worriedly

7.A.as                   B.that          C.which                D.what

8.A.missing                   B.going        C.happening        D.changing

9.A.normal                   B.general             C.common           D.usual

10.A.prettier                B.better      C.bigger               D.earlier

11.A.appreciate           B.want         C.respect                      D.miss

12.A.put             B.sent          C.handed                      D.took

13.A. this                 B.it      C.at              D.one

14.A.stayed                  B.studied             C.worked                      D.slept

15.A.word                    B.sign          C.pattern                      D.model

16.A.melt                      B.die            C.go                      D.pass

17.A.informed             B.reminded         C.told                   D.remembered

18.A.impressions         B.memories         C.secrets                       D.wishes

19.A.story                     B.ending    C.project                       D.gift

20.A.lent                       B.sent          C.posted             D.handed



I don’t think there is any one being as interested in food as I. We lived on a farm in Lincolnshire and had a good    36  . She made fantastic English food; her roast beef was out of this world. I used to love going down to the     37 _  and watching her work, and I learned a lot from her. I realized that I wanted to be a cook when I was about 12. When other boys  __ 38   to do sports after school, I helped with cooking at home. By the time I was 15, I had   _39   to be a cook. However, I knew my parents wouldn’t allow me to be a cook. I had to tell them about it    40.

I told them that I wanted to do a cookery course for fun, and stayed for a month in a hotel in Torquay. I enjoyed it so much that I couldn’t put off telling my parents any longer,   41  I brought the subject up one night over dinner.  42  there was silence, and then my father asked me why. I explained that cooking was   43  painting a picture or writing a book. Every meal was a work of creation. I could see that my father disagreed, but he was not   44 . He just looked at me and smiled. My mother kissed me. And now I have my own restaurant, and it goes well. I can see they are   45 me. However, my grandfather thinks I’m mad to give up farming.






































A.At first

B.At last

C.At least

D.At times















A.proud of

B.sorry for

C.friendly to

D.strict with


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