
New data from NASA's Curiosity rover indicate Mars Crater once held an enormous lake. This discovery suggests that the red planet may have been much wetter than scientists thought and raises the possibility that the planet was once habitable.

“The size of the lake and the length of time and series that water was showing up implies that there may have been sufficient time for life to develop.” NASA's Mars Exploration Program scientist Dr. Michael Meyer told Reuters.

Curiosity collected the new data on its five-mile drive to Mount Sharp, the prime destination on its mission to study Mars' climate and geography. The rover landed in Gale Crater in August 2012.

After reaching Mount Sharp in September, the rover spent two months studying rocks at the base of the three-mile-high mountain, discovering fine layers of mudstone--which tend to collect at the bottom of lakes. This shows how a mountain inside a Mars' Gale Crater might have formed.

“If our assumption for Mount Sharp holds up, it challenges the idea that warm and wet conditions were passing, local, or only underground on Mars,” Dr. Ashwin Vasavada said in a written statement. “A more radical explanation is that Mars' ancient, thicker atmosphere raised temperatures above freezing globally, but so far we don't know how the atmosphere did that.”

Vasavada said Curiosity will continue to study changes in the rock formation as it climbs Mount Sharp in the next few months, which should test the team's hypothesis.

“We'll also look at the chemistry of the rocks to see if the water that was once present would've been of the kind that could support microbial life, if it ever was present,” he said in a video released by NASA. “With only 30 vertical feet of the mountain behind us, we're sure there's a lot more to discover.”

1.What does this text mainly talk about?

A. How scientists explored Mars.

B. The ways Curiosity used to explore Mount Sharp.

C. Some data about Gale Crater.

D. The discovery of Curiosity rover on Mars.

2.The discovery of the lake proves that _____.

A. early Mars was ripe and ready for life

B. the climate on early Mars was hot

C. life once existed on Mars

D. humans can live on Mars

3. What is the height of Mount Sharp?

A. 5 miles B. 30 miles C. 3 miles D. 22miles

4.Where does this text probably come from?

A. A science fiction. B. A science report.

C. An environment report. D. An official announcement.




It has often been said that a person’s life is the sum total of their experiences. That seems like a simple ________,but if one accepts this, then why do so many of us engage in practices and activities which are negative and actually ________ us?

________ the family of four who decided to each clean a different area. They each took a sponge(海绵), did the ________ , and then placed them back in the kitchen.

A visitor came along who was ________about what was cleaned in the home, but couldn’t tell by ________since the sponges all looked the same. So, in order to ________ his curiosity, he decided to squeeze each sponge to see what came out.

When the first sponge was squeezed, some cola came out, so the visitor ________ someone cleaned the kitchen with that one. Upon squeezing the second, he found motor oil, so________ , someone was cleaning the garage. In the third, baby powder came out when it was squeezed, which________that the baby’s nursery was done. And ________ ,in the last one was wax, which was ________ on the floor.

As the visitor laid the last sponge down, he again remarked on their similarity. They all looked the same ________ they were squeezed.

The ________ here is that as individuals we are not different from a sponge. We can only squeeze out what is ________ .As babies, we are born into this world________ . We are like a new sponge. As we go through ________ , our“sponge”is filled with things we________ through experiences.

If we look for the good in others and ________ to adopt a positive attitude around, then as life squeezes us we will have a better chance of coping. If we are constantly finding ________ with others and look for excuses for our behavior, when life squeezes us we may not like what comes out.















15.A.put awayB.handed outC.taken backD.put in






China’s new buzzword, tuhao, may be in next year’s Oxford English Dictionary.

“If its influence continues, it is very likely to appear on our updated list of words, ” said Julie Kleeman, project manager with the editing team.

In Chinese, tu means uncouth(粗野的) and hao means rich. It has traditionally been referred to rich people who throw their weight around in China’s rural areas. In recent years, people borrowed the term to describe those who spend money in an unreasonable manner. The word gained acceptance in September with the launch(上市) of Apple’s new gold-colored iPhone, an item loved by China’s rich people. The color became known as “tuhao gold”. The word is now often used by the online community to refer to people who have the cash but lack the class to go with it.

Kleeman also mentioned two other Chinese words—dama and hukou—which may also be taken in the dictionary. Hukou means household registration(登记) in Chinese and has been widely used.

Dama, meaning middle-aged women, was first used in the Western media by the Wall Street Journal in May when thousands of Chinese women were buying up record number of gold. They were the driving force in the global gold market between April and June when the gold prices had gone down.

“We have nearly 120 Chinese-linked words now in Oxford English Dictionary, ” she said. Some of them are: Guanxi, literally meaning “connection”, is the system of social networks and influential relationships which promote business and other dealings. Taikonaut is a mix of taikong, meaning outer space, and astronaut.

The new words will be first uploaded on the official website before the dictionaries arrive. The online version is also renewed every three months. “It at least broke our old rules. It used to take 10 years to include a new word but now we keep the pace with the era, ” according to John Simpson.

1.What does “Tuhao” mean now?

A. The rich who like iPhone made of gold.

B. The people who have power in the countryside.

C. The people who spend money reasonably.

D. The rich who find no class to belong to.

2.Why is the word “Dama” popular now?

A. They bought gold in the global market.

B. They are wealthy middle-aged women.

C. They brought the gold prices down.

D. They worked on the Wall Street.

3.According to John, the Oxford English Dictionary__________.

A. updates its new version every three months

B. takes 10 years to include a new word now

C. speeds up its acceptance of new words

D. has its online version to collect new words


Ways to create calm in your daily life

Most of us need some space for calm in our lives. A few simple minutes can create much needed moments of calm. __1.___You can use these skills to create calm in your busy schedule.

Go walking. Walking is perfect and you can do it well anywhere. Simply walking and taking in the view is stress reducing. __2.__ It makes room for new ideas to take root.

Appreciate nature. When we think of nature we think of getting out into the open, and that’s great if you can. ___3._ Actually, nature is everywhere. Find a park or a small patch(小块地)of green, or just stick your head out of the window! You have many ways to appreciate nature.

Listening to music. Many people listen to music to calm themselves down. Music actually lifts us out of ourselves. Discover what music works for you. ___4.___

Do some activities .Certain activities like yoga and tai chi need quiet focus . __5.__They are good for the body, mind and spirit. Classes are a good place to begin, but once you learn the skills, you can practice anywhere: home, school or even on the road.

Try out some of these ways and you’ll soon be practicing “moments of calm.”

A. Notice the animals around you.

B. But what if you are in the city?

C. They are perfect for active calming.

D. It’s a time to get stressful thoughts out of your head.

E. Music is a way to express the way that they are feeling.

F. With enjoyable music even work can be “music to your ears”.

G. You don’t have to find a mountain to sit on, or empty your mind of all thoughts for hours.


Dad had a green comb. He bought it when he married Mum. Every night, he would hand me his _________ and say, “Good girl, help Daddy clean it, OK?”

I was ________ to do it. At age five, this dull task brought me such ________. I would excitedly turn the tap ________ and brush the comb carefully. Satisfied that I’d done a good job, I would happily return the comb to Dad. He would ________ affectionately at me and place the comb on his wallet.

Two years later, Dad started his own ________ , which wasn’t doing so well. That was when things started to ________. Dad didn’t come home as early and as much as he used to. Mum and I became ________ with him for placing our family in trouble. With________ , an uncomfortable silence grew between us.

After my graduation, Dad’s business was getting back on track. On my 28th birthday, Dad came home ________ . As usually I helped him carry his bags into his study. When I turned to leave, he said ,“Hey, would you help me ________ my comb?” I looked at him a while, then ________ the comb and headed to the sink.

It hit me then: why, as a child, ________Dad clean his comb was such a pleasure. That routine(习惯) meant Dad was home early to ________ the evening with Mum and me. It ________ a happy and loving family.

I passed the clean comb back to Dad. He smiled at me and________ placed his comb on his wallet. But this time , I noticed something ________. Dad had aged. He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled, ________ his smile was still as ________ as before, the smile of a father who just wanted a good ________ for his family.

1.A. bag B. wallet C. comb D. brush

2.A. annoyed B. relieved C. ashamed D. pleased

3.A. joy B. sadness C. courage D. pain

4.A. out B. over C. on D. in

5.A. stare B. laugh C. shout D. smile

6.A. family B. task C. business D. journey

7.A. progress B. improve C. change D. form

8.A .satisfied B. delighted C. strict D. mad

9.A. patience B. time C. speed D. ease

10.A. early B. occasionally C. frequently D. rarely

11.A. sharply B. repair C. clean D. keep

12.A. dropped B. handed C. took D. threw

13.A. watching B. letting C. hearing D. helping

14.A. find B. lose C. waste D. spend

15.A. meant B. broke C. affected D. supported

16.A. carefully B. hurriedly C. casually D. firmly

17.A. exciting B. different C. interesting D. urgent

18.A. for B. or C. so D. yet

19.A. convincing B. cautious C. heartwarming D. innocent

20.A. origin B. reputation C. life D. education

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