

W:Hi, Mike! How are you(1)f________ now?

B:How did you know I was here in the(2)h________? Is it Tom?

W:I was(3)t________ with Bob yesterday and I learnt your right leg had been(4)i________.How did it happen?

B:Their right back Tom(5)k________ me down when I rushed to their goal with the ball.

W:Wow! He must have hit you hard.

B:Of(6)c_________.He hit me from the back and sent me rolling over here and there.At the time I had a lot of(7)p_________.Anyway, they brought me to the hospital?.

W:Nothing(8)s________, I hope.

B:The doctor said there weren’t any internal(内部的)injuries, but I’d better stay here a(9)c________ of days.

W:Well, Mike.Take it easy.

B:Thank you for your coming.And(10)t________ for the flowers.


  1.feeling 通读全文之后可知,是在医院探望对方的,所以此处应该问感觉怎么样了,助动词用的是are,所以动词的形式为feeling。

  2.hospital 问对方怎么知道自己住院一事的,他现在是在医院里,所以这里应该是hospital。

  3.talking 知道对方住院的原因当然是和Tom谈起过这件事,而且要填的动词的后面用的是介词with,所以可以联想起是talking。

  4.injured 以i开头的动词,此处有时谈因为腿而住院的事情,所以应该想到动词是:受伤,那么要用过去分词injured,表示被动。

  5.knocked 当对方带球准备破门的时候,对方后卫Tom过来拦截,把他撞倒在地,me的后面是down,所以应该想到knocked。

  6.course 当对方推测肯定撞得很厉害时,作出的应该是肯定的答复,结合介词of,可以想到短语of course,所以用course。

  7.pain 被撞得滚了还几个滚,当然很疼了,所以要用a lot of pain,答案为pain。pain这里是不可数名词,不能加-s。

  8.serious 此处应该是安慰对方的话,所以问的是:不严重吧,那么用serious作后置定语,修饰something。

  9.couple 此处应该表达:医生让我在这里住几天,要用数量词短语,那么应该是a couple of days,所以答案为couple。

  10.thanks 对别人来医院探视表示感谢,那么又送花来,当然也要表示谢意了,但是要填词的后面没有宾语you,所以不能填动词thank,而要用名词,根据习惯用法可知,应该用,所以答案为thanks。


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