
【题目】--- Look! The tennis player LiNa may lose the game.

---________,You know, many people are watching her on TV at the moment.

A.Yes,I have B.I hope not

C.Yes,I’m afraid so. D. I hope so






Global warming will significantly increase the frequency of lightning strikes, according to a US research.

The research, published in Science, was carried out with the help of data from a US network of lightning detectors. The teams says they have calculated how much each extra degree in temperature will raise the frequency of lightning. "For every two lightning strikes in 2000, there will be three lightning strikes in 2100," said David Romps, at the University of California, Berkeley.

As well as triggering more wild fires, he said, this would alter the chemistry of the atmosphere.

The team's work reveals a new method of working out the relationship between temperature and lightning storms, by estimating the heat energy available to "fuel" storm clouds. "As the planet warms, there will be more of this fuel around, so when thunderstorms get triggered, they will be more energetic," said Prof Romps.

He and his colleagues calculated that every 1 rise in global temperature would lead to an increase in the frequency of lightning strikes by 12%.

They validated their calculations against a year of data from the US National Lightning Detector Network, which detects an electromagnetic pulse every time lightning strikes in the US. "The resulting data is exquisite," said Dr Romps. "The position and time of every lightning strike is very accurately recorded."

As well as triggering half of the wildfires in the US, each lightning strike— a powerful electrical discharge— sparks a chemical reaction that produces a "puff" of greenhouse gases called nitrogen oxides." Lightning is the

dominant source of nitrogen oxides in the middle and upper troposphere(对流层)," said Prof Romps.

And by controlling this gas, it indirectly regulates other greenhouse gases including ozone and methane. Prof Romps said that this was an example of a large response to "what sounds like only a few degrees of warming".

A scientist at the UK Met Office said it was important to understand future lightning patterns, but cautioned that there were still uncertainties in the researchers' model that needed to be tested further. The Met Office added that the application of this forecast to other parts of the world could be limited by the fact that rainfall patterns were very uncertain in many regions.

【1】The best title for the passage should be .

A. Global warming causes more wildfires

B. A new research on the effects of global warming

C. Climate change will make lightning strike more

D. The relationship between temperature and lightning

【2】According to Prof. Romps, .

A. it remains to be seen whether the lightning will trigger wildfires

B. the research is working out the causes of the wildfires

C. they detected an electromagnetic pulse every time lightning strikes in the US

D. lightning plays a major role in creating nitrogen oxides in the middle and upper troposphere

【3】What did the UK Met Office think of the result of the research?

A. The researchers’ model was not convincing enough.

B. The rainfall patterns stayed stable in many areas over a long time.

C. The result wouldn’t be applied to other parts/span> of the world.

D. No research would be needed to make sure of the result.

【题目】Joanne Rowling, born on 31 July 1965, is an English fiction writer who writes under the pen name J. K. Rowling. Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series, which has gained international attention, won multiple awards, and sold over 375 million copies worldwide.

JK Rowling's new novel arrives with the high drama and state secrecy of a royal birth. Its due date is announced in February, and in April the disclosure of its title, The Casual Vacancy, makes international news. The release of the cover image in July commands headlines again, and Fleet Street (英国媒体) commissions (委托) a "design guru" to analyze its mysterious artistic beauty, in search of clues as to what might lie within. Waterstones (英国连锁书店) predicts the novel will be " the bestselling fiction title this year". Literary critics begin to publish preliminary (初步的) reviews, revealing what they think they will think about a book they have not yet even read.

I am required to sign more legal documents than would typically be involved in buying a house before I am allowed to read The Casual Vacancy, under tight security in the London offices of Little, Brown. Even the publishers have been forbidden to read it, and they give me the manuscript carefully, religiously, as though handling a priceless Ming vase. Afterwards, I am instructed never to disclose the address of Rowling's Edinburgh office where the interview will take place.

In the 15 years since she published her first Harry Potter, Rowling has become both universally known and almost unrecognizable. The untidy redhair who used to write in the cafes of Leith has slowly transformed into a shiny fashionable lady, one who is beyond recognition behind wealth and control. Once a penniless single mother, she became the first person on earth to make $ 1 billion by writing books, but her rare public appearances suggested a faint ice maiden quality.

Rowling is completely relaxed about this arrangement. Warm and energetic, quick to laugh, she chatters so freely that her publicist gets nervous and tells her to lower her voice. " Am I speaking too loud?" She doesn't look a bit concerned. "Well, I can't get passionate and whisper!" When I tell her I loved the book, her arms shoot up in celebration. "Oh my God! I'm so happy! That's so amazing to hear. Thank you so much! You've made me incredibly happy. Oh my God!" Anyone listening would take her for a debut author, meeting her first ever fan.

In a way, that's what she is. Rowling has written seven Harry Potter books, and sold more than 450m copies, but her first novel for adults is unlike them in every respect.

"Obviously I need to be in some form of vehicle to have a decent idea, " she laughs. Having dreamed up Potter on a train, "This time I was on a plane. And I thought: local election! And I just knew. I had that totally physical response you get to an idea that you know will work. It's a rush of adrenaline (肾上腺素), it's chemical. I had it with Harry Potter and I had it with this. So that's how I know. "

【1】The "design guru" in Paragraph 2 is probably __________.

A. a publisher B. a reader C. a writer D. an expert

【2】Why was the author required to sign so many legal documents before reading the book?

A. Because it's a commercial secret before the book is published.

B. Because publishers are afraid the author is a commercial spy.

C. Because the author is so dishonest that publishers can't

trust him.

D. Because the author is involved in buying a house.

【3】From the passage, we can learn the following facts about Rowling EXCEPT that __________.

A. she used to write stories in the cafes.

B. she often makes public appearance after she is famous.

C. she was very poor before she became well-known.

D. she has become a wealthy lady with good quality.

【4】According to the interview with Rowling, we can infer that she is __________.

A. aggressive and energetic B. quiet and easygoing

C. enthusiastic and lovely D. modest and shy

【5】The author writes the passage mainly to __________.

A. introduce JK Rowling and her new book

B. describe great changes in JK Rowling

C. advocate readers to buy Harry Potter

D. tell readers the contents of the new book

【题目】We're so well educated—but we're useless students who have lost the ability to do anything practical. The only thing we've mastered is consumption.

Large numbers of students have entered higher education in the past 10 years, but despite being the most educated generation in history, it seems that we've grown increasingly ignorant when it comes to basic life skills.

Looking back on my first couple of weeks of living in student halls, I consider myself lucky to still be alive. Unfamiliar to fresher's, there are many hidden dangers in the dirty corners of students accommodation.

I have survived a couple of serious boiling egg incidents and lots of cases of food-poisoning, probably from dirty kitchen counters. Although some of my clothes have fallen victim to ironing experimentation, I think I have now finally acquired all the domestic (居家的) skills I missed out in my modern education.

In 2006 and 2010, the charming educationist Sir Ken Robinson gave two very amusing talks in which he discussed the importance of creativity in education. Robinson's main viewpoint is that our current education system dislocates people from their natural talents. I would like to go a step further and propose that besides our talents, the system takes away what used to be passed from generation to generation—a working knowledge of basic life skills.

Today's graduates may have earned themselves honor in history, law or economies, but when it comes to simple things like putting up a shelf to hold all their academic books, or fixing a hole in their on-trend clothes, they have to call for help from a professional handyman or tailor.

Since the invention of the Internet, it has never been easier for people to access information, but our highly specialized education has made us more one-sided than ever.

I suggest that we start with the immediate reintroduction of some of the most vital aspects of "domestic science" education, before the current lack leads to serious accidents in student halls.

【1】People call us useless students for the reason that __________.

A. what we've learned is beyond consumption

B. we are educated generation

C. we've entered higher education

D. our living skills are so poor

【2】Which is NOT the incident the writer had during the first few weeks in student halls?

A. He was seriously burnt by boiled eggs.

B. He was accidentally poisoned by food.

C. He damaged his clothes while ironing.

D. He was severely beaten by freshers.

【3】According to Robinson's opinion, our current education __________.

A. focuses on the importance of creativity

B. dislocates people from their natural talents

C. has equipped students with basic life skills

D. has followed the tradition properly

【4】Why are the graduates poor at basic life skills?

A. Because they are not interested in them.

B. Because they have little relevant practice.

C. Because they are affected by the Internet.

D. Because they are easy to be one-sided.

【5】The main purpose of writing the passage is that __________.

A. there is no need to introduce "domestic science"

B. it's time we did something to current education

C. more attention should be paid to natural science

D. accidents should be prevented in student halls

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