
I support your decision, but I should also make it clear that I am not going to be __________ to carry it out.

A. connected          B. fastened               C. bound                  D. stuck





试题分析:考查固定词组。Be bound to do sth一定会做某事;AD项后面都是接介词,再接动名词的形式。句意:我支持你的决定。但是我要说清楚的我不会去执行你的决定。故C正确。


点评:Be bound to do sth一定会做某事;



In Britain, people have different attitudes to the police. Most people generally _1_them and the job they do—although there are certain people who do not believe that the police _2_have the power that they do.

What does a policeman actually do? It is not _3_job to describe. After all, a policeman has a number of jobs in _4_.A policeman often has to control traffic, either _5_ foot in the centre of a town, or in a police car on the roads. Indeed, in Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and spend all, or a lot of, his time _6_up and down main roads and motorways. A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving, stop _7_motorists and help when there is an accident.?

A policeman has to help keep the _8_, too. If there is a fight or some other disturbance, we _9_ the police to come and restore order. And they often have to _10_ situation at great risk to their own _11_.

We expect the police to solve crimes, of course, so an ordinary policeman, _12_ he is not a detective(侦探),will often have to help_13_and arrest criminals.

And _14_ do we call when there is an emergency—an air crash,a_15_,a road accident, or a robbery? We call the police. _16_a policeman has to be _17_to face any unpleasant emergency that may happen in the _18_ world.

The police do an absolutely necessary job, they do it _19_ well and I support them, but I do not envy policemen. I do not think that I could _20_ do the job of a policeman.

1. A. dislike         B. join         C. appreciate      D. admire

2. A. should         B. would       C. could          D. must

3. A. a funny        B. a pleasant    C. an interesting    D. an easy

4. A. it             B. one         C. his             D. them

5A.on              B. by          C. under          D. with

6. A. walking        B. driving      C. wandering      D. searching

7. A. resting         B. tired        C. speeding        D. drunken

8. A. peace          B. silence      C. situation        D. condition

9. A. wait for        B. call         C. think of         D. expect

10. A. turn to        B. avoid       C. deal with        D. treat

11. A. safety         B. families     C. future          D. friends

12. A. although      B. as if         C. however        D. even if

13. A. get rid of      B. question     C. look for         D. sentence

14. A. how          B. where       C. what           D. who

15. A. power failure   B. fire         C. thunder storm   D. thief

16. A. Yet           B. Then        C. As            D. So

17. A. provided       B. promised    C. prepared       D. presented

18. A. future         B. modern      C. real           D. whole

19. A. extremely      B. specially     C. surprisingly    D. particularly

20. A. hardly        B. forever       C. ever          D. never

I returned to Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, after graduation. I had been there before my mother became a minister.  Two weeks later, I told my mother I was bored. She said, “Here’re the car keys. Go and buy some fruit.” ____ 1____, I jumped into the car and speeded off.

Seeing me or rather my ___ 2____, a boy sprang up(跳起来),   3__ to sell his bananas and peanuts. “Banana 50 naira. Peanut 200 naira!” Looking at his black-striped bananas, I    4__ to 200 total for the fruit and nuts. He    5__ . I handed him a 500 naira note. He didn’t have    6__ , so I told him not to worry. He was    7__ and smiled a row of perfect teeth.

When, two weeks later, I    8__ this same boy, I was more aware of my position in Nigerian society. I should    9__ this country as the son of a    10___. But it was hare to find pleasure in a place where it was so    11___ to see a little boy who should have been in school selling fruit.

“What’s up?” I asked. He answered in    12___ English, “I … I no get money o buy book.” I took out two 500 naira notes. He looked around    13___ before sticking his hand into the car    14___ the bills. One thousand naira means a lot to a family that    15___ only 50,000 each year.

The next morning, security officers told me, “In this place, when you give a little, people think you’re a fountain of opportunity(机会).”    16__ it’s right, but this happens everywhere in the world. I wondered if my little friend had actually used the money for    17___. After six months’ work in northern Nigeria, I returned and saw him again standing on the road.  “Are you in school now?” He nodded. A silence fell as we looked at each other, then I    18___ what he wanted. I held out a 500 naira note. “Take this.”  He shook his head fiercely and stepped back    19__ hurt.  “It’s a gift.” I said. Shaking his head again, he handed me a basket of bananas and peanuts. “I’ve been waiting to     20___ these to you.”

A. Encouraged     B. Disappointed  C. Delighted   D. confused

A. car   B. mother   C. driver   D. keys

A. willing   B. afraid   C. eager   D. ashamed

A. got down  B. bargained down  C. put down  D. took down

A. explained   B. promised   C. agreed   D. admitted

A. change   B. notes   C. checks   D. bills

A. troubled  B. regretful  C. comfortable  D. grateful

A. ran after  B. ran into  C. ran over  D. ran to

A. protect  B. enjoy  C. help   D. support

A. minister  B. headmaster  C. manager  D. president

A. lucky  B. amazing  C. funny   D. common

A. old  B. broken   C. traditional  D. modern

A. proudly  B. madly   C. curiously  D. nervously

A. for   B. with   C. at   D. upon

A. spends   B. pays   C. makes   D. affords

A. possibly  B. actually  C. certainly  D. fortunately

A. joys   B. nuts   C. books   D. bananas

A. asked   B. imagined  C. reminded  D. realized

A. when   B. as if   C. even if   D. after

A. send   B. provide   C. sell    D. give

For medical students, real experience begins not in a classroom but at a teaching hospital. These doctors in training are guided. But sometimes accidents happen and the students get injured.

For example, they might stick themselves with a needle while treating patients. Such needle sticks are common. But a recent study found that medical students often fail to report them. Failing to report an injury like this can be dangerous if a patient, or a medical worker, has an infectious disease.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, did the study, which involved a survey answered by almost 700 surgeons in training in the United States.

Almost 60% said they had suffered needle stick injuries when they were in medical school. Many said they were stuck more than once. Yet nearly half of those whose most recent incident happened in school did not report it to a health office. If they had, they would have been tested to see if they needed treatment to prevent an infection like HIV or hepatitis.

Most known cases of HIV or hepatitis are reported, but other possible infections often are not. Martin Makary, the lead author of the study, says medical students who are stuck put themselves and others in danger from infectious diseases.

Doctor Makary said, "A needle that goes through the skin needs to be as sharp as possible.” Doctors in training may have to do hundreds of stitches (缝线) in some cases to close the skin after an operation.

Doctor Makary said, “I support using blunt tip needles which are considered safer. This needle is still sharp enough to go through body tissue, but it does have a blunt tip, so that if it accidentally goes into my finger, it's much less likely to hurt me."

How common are needle sticks among health care workers? An estimated 600,000 to 800,000 of these and similar injuries are reported each year in the United States. But Doctor Makary says the real number may be much higher.

The study advises doctors to protect their hands by wearing two sets of gloves. It also urges hospitals to establish a special telephone number for medical workers and students to call if they are injured. The idea is for hospitals to send a clear message that there is no reason not to report this kind of accident.

1.It is dangerous for medical students not to report needle stick injuries because _________.

A. they don’t know how to treat themselves.

B. they may meet more needle sticks

C. it may cause some diseases

D. it may make patients sad.

2.If they report needle stick injuries, medical students will __________.

A. receive treatment                 B. be forbidden to use sharp needles

C. spend more time on training         D. receive tests

3.The underlined word “blunt” in Paragraph 7 is the closest in meaning to “__________”.

A. not sharp          B. not safe          C. not long         D. not thick

4.What do we know from the passage?

A. Doctors who don’t report needle stick injuries will be punished.

B. Needle sticks among health care workers will reduce sharply in the future.

C. Most needle stick injuries happen in the United States.

D. Two suggestions are given to protect medical workers and students.

5.Where can this passage most probably be found?

A. In an entertainment magazine               B. In a science magazine 

C. In a storybook                           D. In science fiction


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