
In a sense, no country, big or small, should object to the trend of peace and development, ______ creating trouble to others.



解析试题分析:A.不断地B.最终C.最终D.立即   句意:在某种意义上说,没有国家,不管是大的还是小的,会反对和平发展的趋势,会去不断的向别国制造麻烦。故选A
点评:同样本题重在理解意思,需要注意的是题中creating作非谓语动词,其逻辑主语应是no country,理解为“没有哪个国家会不断地给别国制造麻烦”。


A lot of us lose life's tough battles by starting a frontal attack--when a touch of humor might well enable us to win. Consider the case of a young friend of mine, who was on his trapped way to work shortly after receiving an ultimatum(最后通牒) about the job. Although there was a good reason for Sam's being late--serious illness at home--he decided that this by-now-familiar excuse wouldn't work any longer. His supervisor was probably already pacing up and down preparing a dismissal speech.
Yes, the boss was, Sam entered the office at 9:35. The place was as quiet as a locker room(更衣室); everyone was hard at work. Sam's supervisor came up to him. Suddenly, Sam forced a grin and stretched out his hand. "How do you do!" he said. "I'm Sam Maynard. I'm applying for a job, which, I understand, became available just 35 minutes ago. Does the early bird get the worm?"
The room exploded in laughter, except that the supervisor had to clamp off a smile and walked back to his office. Sam Maynard had saved his job--with the only tool that could win, a laugh.
Humor is a most effective, yet frequently neglected, means of handling the difficult situations in our lives. It can be used for patching up differences, apologizing, saying "no", criticizing, getting the other fellow to do what you want without his losing face. For some jobs, it's the only tool that can succeed. It is a way to discuss subjects so sensitive that serious dialog may start a quarrel. For example, many believe that comedians on television are doing more today for racial and religious tolerance than people in any other forum.
1. Why was Sam late for his job?
A. Because he was seriously ill at home.    B. Because he received an ultimatum.
C. Because he was caught in a traffic jam.   D. Because he was busy applying for a new job.
2. What is the main idea of this passage?
A. Sam Maynard saved his job with humor     B. Humor is important in our lives
C. Early bird can get the worm               D. Humor can solve racial discriminations
3. The phrase "clamp off" in Paragraph 3 means__________.
A. try to hold back    B. pretend to set      C. send off         D. give out
4. Which of the following statements can we infer from the passage?
A. Many lose life's battles for they are lacking in a sense of humor.
B. It wasn't the first time that Sam came late for his work.
C. Sam was supposed to come to his office at 8:30.
D. Humor is the most effective way of solving problems.

第一节(共15题, 每小题2分,满分30分)
Most people know that a wedding ring is symbolic of the bond of love and commitment between two people.But not everyone knows about the history behind this small yet powerful symbol.The history of the wedding ring goes back not just hundreds but thousands of years.No other currently practiced wedding tradition has been around as long.
The Egyptians were the first recorded civilization to use the wedding ring.In Egyptian hieroglyphics(象形文字) a circle represented eternity.Once a woman accepted the ring she became the “property” of the person who gave it to her and she was in a sense “his.” The first wedding ring could have been made of braided grass or hay (which would have been changed often), ivory, bone, or leather.Eventually, metal was used, but the first wedding bands were crude(未加工的) and rough.However, the sentiment remained the same-eternal commitment and love.
The Egyptians wore the wedding ring on the left hand because it was believed that a vein in the left hand went straight to the heart.This tradition is still commonly practiced today in most parts of the world largely for practical purposes (most people are right handed.) It is worn on the fourth finger of the left hand.But there are some countries and groups which do not follow this tradition.In the Jewish faith, the wedding ring is put on the index finger.Roman Catholics traditionally wore their wedding band on the right hand, and in many countries and regions in Europe some people still follow this tradition.
It is interesting to note that in the long history of the wedding ring that it is only in the last century that men have begun to wear them.However, now both men and women show their love and commitment by exchanging rings on their wedding day.
Once you begin shopping for rings you may be amazed by the choices that await you.There are several different types of metals: traditional gold, white gold, platinum, and titanium.You can have an inscription put on the inside of the band if you like.Some people are even choosing a tattoo band.The styles vary from a simple, yet elegant band to an elaborate ring covered with jewels.If you do not buy the wedding and engagement rings as a set you will want to be sure the styles are compatible.Choose carefully because this choice will need to stand the test of eternity.
56.What’s the best title for this passage?
A.History of rings                      B.Interesting facts about rings 
C.Different beliefs about rings               D.The meaning of the rings.
57.What may the word “eternity” in paragraph 2 probably mean?
A.Elegance     B.Marriage     C.Wedding      D.Foreverness
58.Which is NOT true according to the passage?
A.The meaning of the rings remained unchanged.
B.One should be careful of choosing a ring in a shop from different kinds.
C.Jewish are so faithful to their beliefs to wear rings on the fourth finger.
D.Now most people in the world still follow Roman Catholics traditionally.
59.What can we infer from the passage?
A.Men were looked upon by women for thousands years.
B.Only women have the right to make themselves beautiful.
C.women wore rings thousands of years earlier than men.
D.You can have an inscription put on the inside the band.

The malls were filled with people seeking gifts for their loved ones. Some of the malls remained open around the clock, partly to satisfy our needs to buy gifts.
Behind the materialistic aspect of shopping for gifts lies the idea of caring, being attentive to the desires of special people in our lives. However, to use a well-worn play on words: it is our presence, not our presents, that truly counts. Many of us, unfortunately, can be so inattentive, even in the presence of our loved ones, that we might as well not be there at all.
Attention is one of the greatest gifts we can give each other. Companies around the globe spend billions every year on advertising to catch our attention for just a short moment at a time. Whole industries – media, entertainment, education – rely on the precious gift of our attention for their continued existence. A baby lacking attention for a long time is likely to he psychologically unhealthy.
In earlier times, both diet and attention could be left unregulated without major cause for concern. There were natural checks and balances: limited availability of food meant few got fat, for example. Similarly, in bygone times we might have spent a few hours communicating with the village storyteller, today, watching an entire TV series, while speaking to nobody, is common. In traditional societies, with smaller population, everyone would get a fair deal of attention. On many issues we might go to see Grandma or Grandpa; now we have Google and Wikipedia.
“She just wants attention.” people tend to think little of those doing things simply for attention. But the truth is that human beings need attention, and giving attention to each other is, to a large extent, what human civilization is based upon. This perhaps explains the runaway success(一举成功)of social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. While we use such sites for “micro blogging”, “idea voicing” and “status updates” – the reality is that we are often doing no more or less than fulfilling our basic human drive for attention exchange.
I friend you, you friend me, I retweet you, you retweet me. The charming case with which we can now get and give attention is why many people appear overly attached to their smartphones. It is also a vicious(恶性)circle. As ever more people are busy exchanging attention online, there is increasingly less attention to be paid in the real world, which forces more people to seek their attention exchange online, or else risk attention-starvation.
The very nature of attention exchange is being rapidly transformed, and there is a danger that some of us will develop unhealthy practices. Just as eating red meat every day is a bad idea, so it is with too much attention exchange. The biological consequences of our technological advancement in food production are highly visible; heart disease, diabetes and obesity. The consequences of our transformed attention exchanges will be psychological and social, and so may take longer to identify, but they will be equally damaging.
Face-to-face attention is becoming rarer, and therefore more valuable. In a sense it is priceless. And it is a gift that can be given all-year-round.
【小题1】In the first two paragraphs the author        .

A.offers advice to attention giversB.analyses the present problems
C.states the necessity of presentsD.puts forward his point of view
【小题2】People use social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook to     .
A.obtain informationB.give attention to others
C.voice their opinions D.notice and get noticed
【小题3】Attention exchange was not a major concern in traditional societies because of      .
A.limited availability of food B.natural checks and balances
C.a much smaller populationD.the guidance from old people
【小题4】What can we infer from Paragraph 6-7?
A.More people will risk attention-starvation in future.
B.The nature of attention exchange is rarely changed.
C.Technological advancement contributes to all diseases.
D.Transformed attention exchanges do harm to society.
【小题5】The writer’s purpose for writing the passage is to      .
A.advocate more focus on real life attention
B.analyze the necessity of attention giving
C.give practical tips on attention exchange
D.recommend some social networking sites

What’s that smell? Do you hear that noise? Taste this! Look at me! Feel this, isn’t it soft? When you hear, or even use these phrases, you probably don’t stop to think about why we use them. Well, it’s because of our senses. Without us even knowing, our sense organs (nose, eyes, ears, tongue, and skin) are taking in information and sending it to the brain for processing. If we didn’t have them, we would not be able to smell, see, hear, taste, or touch anything!

Senses are the physical means by which all living things see, hear, smell, taste, and touch. Each sense collects information about the world and detects changes within the body. Both people and animals get all of their knowledge from their senses, and that is why senses are so important.

All senses depend on the working nerve system. Our sense organs start to work when something stimulates(刺激) special nerve cells, called receptors, in a sense organ. Once stimulated, the receptors send nerve impulses along sensory nerves to the brain. Your brain then tells you what to do. For example, your sound receptors are often attacked by billions of sound waves. When these signals reach the part of the brain called the cerebral cortex(大脑皮层), we become conscious of the sounds.

Our group really learned a lot about the senses while creating this website. We hope that you are able to get just as much out of it. Please feel free to comment about anything on the site by e-mailing us. Also, don’t forget to sign the guest book! Thanks for visiting our site. Come back soon!

60. This article is most probably taken from a _____.

A. newspaper                B. magazine                      C. website                      D. novel

61. Senses are very important because _____.

A. both people and animals get all of their knowledge from them

B. they are used to communicate with others

C. they can prevent the organs from being attacked

D. they can tell you what the stimulus is

62. Which of the following tells you what stimulate you?

A. The nerve cell.         B. The receptor.             C. The nerve impulse.   D. The brain.

63. According to this article, the following are all functions of the senses, EXCEPT _____.

A. collecting information about the world  

B. detecting changes within the body

C. sending nerve impulses to the brain 

D. serving the brain when needed


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