
Four Questions to Ask Before Choosing a Travel Agent

While online booking engines have made it easier for travelers to buy their own flights or hotel rooms, travel agents still offer a level of service.1.

Have you visited my destinations?

Whether you’re traveling to Paris or Puerto Rico, ask if your agent has been there.2.But they don’t always measure up to being there in person. “Book knowledge or online training seminars by suppliers is totally different from experiencing it firsthand,” Flagg says.

What is your response time?

If waiting several days for a response to an emailed question is going to make you anxious, ask potential agents when they’re available and how quickly you should expect a response. “Some agents are part-time agents, and they work in the evenings,” Griswold says. “3.Others do this full time. It’s definitely smart to find out if your schedule can adjust with what your agent can provide.”


Agents provide varying levels of service. Some will only book hotels and flights and leave you to fill in the other details, so if you’re expecting help with dinner reservations or ground transportation, ask if he can handle those. “A good agent is going to help you with any details that you want,” Griswold says.

What fees should I expect?

Some agents charge a flat fee or an hourly fee for travel consulting, while others earn commission from the airline or hotel booked. “ 5.”Griswold says.

A. What services do you offer?

B. How do you find a right service?

C. Some are available during the school day

D. Guidebooks and websites offer lots of advertisements

E. Ask about fees, whether there are booking fees or any other fee.

F. Guidebooks and websites offer lots of details on given destination

G. Here are some questions that can help you choose the right travel agent.


Here are a few practical apps that can help you with your studies, and beyond.


Price: Free

Platform: iOS and Android

As you star your new term, let the planning app MyHomework create a personalized study schedule. Rank as one for the best homework management apps by USA Today, this app allows you to prioritize(排序)assignments by color-coding subjects. It also reminds you of every single deadline and upcoming test you have. MyHomework is not only for smart phones but also for Apple Watch.


Price: 18 yuan

Platform: iOS

Taking good notes is important to good results. As a result, one note-taking app, Notability, is gaining popularity among students. This app allows users to take handwritten notes on touch screens and type essays. Plus, Notability users can easily share files with classmates through e-mail or cloud services like iCloud.

Sleep Cycle

Price: 6 yuan

Platform: iOS and Android

For students struggling to wake up on time during school days, Sleep Cycle can be your lifesaver. It cleverly records your sleep. After you wake up, the app shows your sleep quality through easy-to-read graphics(图表). Even better, Sleep Cycle has an intelligent wake-up mode. It wakes you up when you are in your lightest sleep state with the help of soft music. This stress-free wake-up call can potentially improve your daily productivity.


Price: Free

Platform: iOS and Android

MyMoney, a Chinese money management app, can help you achieve financial independence. This popular app allows you to add up all your accounts including campus(校园)cards and transportation cards. And it tracks your every expense(开支)to help you understand your spending habits. If any of your accounts is low, MyMoney will alarm you.

1.What can we know about Notability?

A. It’s a drawing app B. It can run on Apple Watch

C. It can be used to share notes D. It helps users organize homework

2.Which of the following helps to improve users’ spending habits?

A. MyHomework B. Notability

C. Sleep Cycle D. MyMoney

3.What do the four apps have in common?

A. They are all free of charge B. They are intended for students

C. They require Android platform D. They all help users with studies

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