Some places in the world have strange laws. It’s important for you to know about them before going there.

   Whoever likes to chew gum(口香糖) may have to leave Singapore. The government really wants to keep the city clean and will fine you for chewing gum.

   Before you leave for the United Arab Emirates you’d better make sure you aren’t visiting during Ramadan(斋月). During that time you aren’t allowed to eat or drink in public. Tourists have been fined up to $275 for drinking in public.

   Lovers spend so much time kissing each other goodbye at train stations that trains often start late. This law — no kissing your lover goodbye at train stations – is rather old, and isn’t in use today in France.

   In Thailand it’s against the law to drive a car or motorcycle without a shirt on, no matter how hot it is. Punishments are different in different areas and can include warnings and tickets costing about $10. No joke -- the local police will stop you.

  Studies in Denmark have shown that cars with their headlights on are more noticeable by other drivers than those with their headlights off. Drivers there are required to leave their headlights on even during the day, or they may face a fine up to $100.

   Do you often buy things using coins? Don’t do it in Canada. The Currency Law of 1985 doesn’t allow using only coins to buy things. Even the use of the dollar-coin is limited (受限制的). The shop owner has the right to choose whether to take your coins or not.

   Make sure you know about these laws before your next trip. Better safe than sorry.

What is mainly talked about in the text?

A. How to make your trip around the world safe.

B. Why there are strange laws in the world.

C. Interesting places you can go to around the world.

D. Some strange laws you should know about for your trip.

If you are driving a car in Thailand, _____.

A. the police will play a joke on you

B. you should wear your shirt even though it’s hot

C. the police will give you tickets costing about $10

D. you should always keep your headlights on

What can we learn from the text?

A. Kissing goodbye at train stations isn’t allowed in France today.

B. The Singaporean government cares a lot about its environment.

C. Tourists in the United Arab Emirates shouldn’t eat in public.

D. You can turn your headlights off in daytime in Denmark.

What do we know about the strange law in Canada?

A. It is a newly invented law.           B. You aren’t allowed to use dollar-coins.

C. You will be fined if you use coins.     D. Shop owners can decide if you can use coins.

My husband had just bought a new washing machine for me. I decided to use it the very day and I washed a lot of things. Everything worked  31, but I couldn't find one of my husband's socks though I had looked  32 for it.

   The next morning, I got ready for 33 as usual, when the bell rang , the students came in. I greeted them and told them 34 we were going to do that day. .When I 35 back to write on the blackboard, the class burst out 36 . They laughed and laughed. They laughed so much, in fact, that I was 37the headmaster would come and see all this. I asked the class to stop ,but the more I talked, the more they laughed. 38I thought I had better pay 39attention to them and 40 to write on the blackboard. As I did this, they laughed even harder. Before long, the teacher who had the room next to 41came to see what all the laughter was about. When he came in, he started laughing, too. "Good Heavens! "I said," Will 42 please tell me what is so 43 ?"  "Oh, God, "said the teacher," You have a brown 44stuck to the back of your shirt." So that's 45 I found my husband's missing sock. "Oh, well," I said to the class, "Let' s just say you have had an unforgettable lesson on static electricity (静电)。"

A. hard           B. well             C. fast               D. slowly

A. nowhere        B. somewhere       C. anywhere          D. everywhere

A. breakfast        B. clothes          C. school            D. books

A. that            B. what            C. how              D. why

A. turned          B. looked          C. came              D. walked

A. smiling         B. laughing         C. shouting           D. quarrelling

A. afraid          B. angry            C. sure              D. surprised

A. But            B. And             C. However          D. Finally

A. further          B. more            C. hardly            D. no

A. want           B. continue          C. begin             D. go

A. me             B. mine            C. us                D. his

A. everyone        B. all              C. someone           D. he

A. funny           B. wrong           C. pleasant           D. unforgettable

A. handkerchief     B. sock             C. paper             D. leaf

A. why            B. when            C. how              D. what

It’s 2035.You have a job, a family, and you’re about 40 years old. Welcome to your future life.
Getting ready for work, you pause in front of the mirror, “Turn red,” you say. Your shirt changes from sky blue to deep red. Tiny preprogrammed electronic are rearranged(重新设置) in your shirt to change its color. Looking into the mirror, you find it hard to believe that you are 40. You look much younger. With amazing advances in medicine, people in your generation may live to be 150 years old. You’re not even middle-aged.
As you go into the kitchen and prepare to pour cereal(谷类) breakfast into a bowl, you hear: “To lose weight, you shouldn’t eat that,” from your shoes. They read the tiny electronic code on the cereal box to find out the nutrition details. You decide to listen to your shoes. “Kitchen, what can I have for breakfast?” A list of possible foods appear on the counter as kitchen checks its food supplies. 
“Ready for your trip to space. You ask your son and daughter.” In 2005 only specially trained astronauts went into space—and very few of them. Today anyone can go to space for day trips or longer vacation. Your best friend even works in space. Handing your children three strawberries each, you add, “The doctor said you need these for space travel.” Thanks to medical advices, vaccination shots(注射疫苗) are a thing of the past. Ordinary foods contain specific vaccines. With the berries in their mouths, the kids head for the front door.
It’s time for you to go to work. Your car checks your fingerprints and unlocks the doors. “My office. Autopilot(自动驾驶).” You command. Your car drives itself down the road and moves smoothly into traffic on the highway. You sit back and unroll your e-newspaper. The latest news downloads and fills the viewer. Looking through the pages, you watch the news as video films rather than read it.
54.What changes the color of your shirt?
A. The mirror     B. The shirt itself    C. The counter    D. The medicine
55.The strawberries the children eat serve as _____?
A. breakfast  B. lunch  C. vaccines  D. nutrition
56.How is the text organized?
A. In order of time        B. In order of character
C. In order of preference    D. In order of importance

Some places in the world have strange laws. It’s important for you to know about them before going there.
People who like to chew gum(口香糖) may have to leave Singapore. The government really wants to keep the city clean and will fine you for chewing gum.
Before you leave for the United Arab Emirates you’d better make sure you aren’t visiting during Ramadan(斋月). During that time you aren’t allowed to eat or drink in public. Tourists have been fined up to $275 for drinking in public.
Lovers spend so much time kissing each other goodbye at train stations that trains often start late. This law — no kissing your lover goodbye at train stations – is rather old, and isn’t in use today in France.
In Thailand it’s against the law to drive a car or motorcycle without a shirt on, no matter how hot it is. Punishments are different in different areas and can include warnings and tickets costing about $10. No joke -- the local police will stop you.
Studies in Denmark have shown that cars with their headlights on are more noticeable by other drivers than those with their headlights off. Drivers there are required to leave their headlights on even during the day, or they may face a fine up to $100.
Do you often buy things using coins? Don’t do it in Canada. The Currency Law of 1985 doesn’t allow using only coins to buy things. Even the use of the dollar-coin is limited (受限制的). The shop owner has the right to choose whether to take your coins or not.
Make sure you know about these laws before your next trip. Better safe than sorry.
【小题1】What is mainly talked about in the text?

A.How to make your trip around the world safe.
B.Why there are strange laws in the world.
C.Some strange laws you should know about for your trip.
D.interesting places you can go to around the world.
【小题2】If you are driving a car in Thailand, _____.
A.the police will play a joke on you should wear your shirt even though it’s hot
C.the police will give you tickets costing about $10 should always keep your headlights on
【小题3】 What can we learn from the text?
A.The Singaporean government cares a lot about its environment.
B.Kissing goodbye at train stations isn’t allowed in France today.
C.Tourists in the United Arab Emirates shouldn’t eat in public.
D.You can turn your headlights off in daytime in Denmark.
【小题4】What do we know about the strange law in Canada?
A.It is a newly invented law.B.You aren’t allowed to use dollar-coins.
C.You will be fined if you use coins.D.Shop owners can decide if you can use coins.

Some places in the world have strange laws. It’s important for you to know about them before going there.

   People who like to chew gum(口香糖) may have to leave Singapore. The government really wants to keep the city clean and will fine you for chewing gum.

   Before you leave for the United Arab Emirates you’d better make sure you aren’t visiting during Ramadan(斋月). During that time you aren’t allowed to eat or drink in public. Tourists have been fined up to $275 for drinking in public.

   Lovers spend so much time kissing each other goodbye at train stations that trains often start late. This law — no kissing your lover goodbye at train stations – is rather old, and isn’t in use today in France.

   In Thailand it’s against the law to drive a car or motorcycle without a shirt on, no matter how hot it is. Punishments are different in different areas and can include warnings and tickets costing about $10. No joke -- the local police will stop you.

  Studies in Denmark have shown that cars with their headlights on are more noticeable by other drivers than those with their headlights off. Drivers there are required to leave their headlights on even during the day, or they may face a fine up to $100.

   Do you often buy things using coins? Don’t do it in Canada. The Currency Law of 1985 doesn’t allow using only coins to buy things. Even the use of the dollar-coin is limited (受限制的). The shop owner has the right to choose whether to take your coins or not.

   Make sure you know about these laws before your next trip. Better safe than sorry.

1.What is mainly talked about in the text?

A. How to make your trip around the world safe.

B. Why there are strange laws in the world.

C. Some strange laws you should know about for your trip.

D. interesting places you can go to around the world.

2.If you are driving a car in Thailand, _____.

A. the police will play a joke on you

B. you should wear your shirt even though it’s hot

C. the police will give you tickets costing about $10

D. you should always keep your headlights on

3. What can we learn from the text?

A. The Singaporean government cares a lot about its environment.

B. Kissing goodbye at train stations isn’t allowed in France today.

C. Tourists in the United Arab Emirates shouldn’t eat in public.

D. You can turn your headlights off in daytime in Denmark.

4.What do we know about the strange law in Canada?

A. It is a newly invented law.           B. You aren’t allowed to use dollar-coins.

C. You will be fined if you use coins.     D. Shop owners can decide if you can use coins.


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