Some people call her innovative, others say she’s simply a copycat--- a Chinese version of US singer Lady Gaga---or just an attention seeker who tries too hard. But whatever labels fans and critics pin on her, Shang Wenjie, whose English name is Laure, keeps herself cool.

As she sings in her song The way I am: “Whether you like it or not, it has nothing to do with me.”

Shang, 30, first rose to fame in 2006 as the champion of Hunan TV’s talent contest Supergirls. However, she didn’t enjoy much popularity until she changed her girl-next–door image into a more shocking style four years later. 

While her fashion taste caught public attention, criticism came just as quickly, with many saying her rebellious look was only meant to get more media exposure.

“My styling goes with the music,” Shang told Yancheng Evening News. “I don’t need to be known as the Chinese Lady Gaga. I just want to be known as Laure Shang.”

She’s recently made that a reality thanks to I’m a Singer, another talent show produced by Hunan TV, which gathers famous singers to compete and an audience of 500 to decide who goes to the next round,

The show gave Shang an opportunity to display her musical abilities. She tried out a wide range of styles including pop, hip-hop, rock’n’roll, punk and electro. The highlights of her time on the show were when she chose tunes which are lesser-known than other contestants’ choices. For example, she sang her own versions of American pop star Michael Jackson’s Man in the “Shang has shown an international flavor which is just as inspiring as her fashion sense,” commented “She has become a trail blazer on the Mandopop scene, creating a music style bearing her own mark.”

Shang was eliminated (淘汰) on March 8, but “thanks to the show, her popularity has grown rapidly,” People’s Daily wrote.

“I love Shang, the youngest singer on the show,” said 16-year-old Guo Chen, a Senior 1 student from Daqing Shiyan High School in Heilongjiang. “Shang is quite international. She not only introduces European and US fashion, but also creatively combines Western music with Mandopop.”

Shang owes her international style to her educational background. She graduated from Fudan University as a French major. “The advantage of learning foreign languages is intangible. For example, it helps me communicate well with foreign musicians and broaden my horizons of music styles,” she said.

Topic: Shang Wenjie


She first rose to 2. _______in 2006 as the champion of Hunan TV’s Supergirls; After she changed her girl-next-door image into a 3. _____style, she started to enjoy 4. ______; She wanted to be known as Laure Shang and made it a reality thanks to I’m a singer 5._______she was eliminated on March 8.

Others’ comments about her

Some say she’s simply a copycat, others consider her a(n) 6. _______seeker---her rebellious look was only 7.________to get more media exposure; Supporters say she is international and introduces European and US fashion and 8. _________ combines Western music with Mandopop.

Her responses

She keeps herself cool no matter how fans and critics comment on her; she thinks her styling 9.________ with her music; She owes her international style to her educational background because learning a foreign language helps her 10. ________ well with foreign musicians and broaden her horizons of music styles.



You can find language pollution whenever you open a newspaper or turn on your TV set, listen to a popular song at various advertisements. Language pollution exists almost everywhere and can be seen in the following places:

1. Chinese characters are written in the complex (复杂的 ) form. Although simplified Chinese characters were accepted for use many years ago, it seems that more and more people like Chinese characters written in the complex form.

2. Many goods are produced in China but carry foreign names, which sound strange and have no meaning at all.

3. Words and expressions being used have a bad meaning. "Ba"(霸), which means bully in Chinese, is one example. Now there are a lot of goods, restaurants, even factories or firms, with "Ba" in their names.

4. There are too many incorrect grammatical expressions. Some films have strange names and incorrect grammatical structures. "Ai ni mei shang liang', which means "I love you without consulting", is grammatically incorrect and this kind of expression is now becoming popular.

Some language experts point out that language pollution must be done away with, which is an idea shared by myself and many others.       


1.The writer of the letter suggests that ______.

A.something be done to make our language pure (纯正)

B.the Chinese language not have the word "ba"

C.everything have a good name and a good meaning

D.everybody try their best to stop pollution

2.What the writer wants to say is that ____.

A.great difference exists between the Chinese characters written in the complex form and simplified form

B.many people agree with the experts on language pollution in China

C.our newspapers, TV programs, pop songs and advertisements are getting polluted

D.some film writers haven't studied Chinese grammar

3.What do you guess Fan Yongqian is? He or she probably is _____.

A.a reader                              B.a singer of pop songs

C.a language expert              expert of grammar


You can find language pollution whenever you open a newspaper or turn on your TV set, listen to a popular song at various advertisements. Language pollution exists almost everywhere and can be seen in the following places;

1. Chinese character are written in the complex(复杂的)form. Although simplified(简单的) Chinese characters were accepted for use many years ago, it seems that more and more people like Chinese characters written in the complex form.

2. Many goods are produced in China but carry foreign names, which sound strange and have no meaning at all.

3. Words and expressions being used have a bad meaning. “Ba”(霸), which means bully(巨大的)in Chinese, is one example. Now there are a lot of goods, restaurants, even factories or firms, with “Ba” in their names.

4. There are too many incorrect grammatical expressions. Some films have strange names and incorrect grammatical structures(结构). “Ai ni mei shang liang”, which means “I love you without consulting”, is grammatically incorrect and this kind of expression is now becoming popular.

Some language experts point out that language pollution must be done away with, which is an idea shared by many others and myself.

1..The writer of the passage suggests that______.

A.something be done to make our language pure

B.the Chinese language not have the word “Ba”

C.everything have a good name and a good meaning

D.everybody try their best to stop language pollution

2.. What the writer wants to say is that_______.

A.great difference exists between the Chinese characters written in the complex form and simplified form

B.language used by our newspapers, TV programs, pop songs and advertisements are getting polluted

C.many people agree with the experts on language pollution in China

D.some film writers haven’t studied Chinese grammar

3..The underlined expression “done away with” in the last paragraph means______. away




4.. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.More Attention to Grammar.

B.Experts’ Good Advice.

C.Films with Strange Names.

D.Pollution of our Language.


       Consumers at the Whale Inside Dark Restaurant are led by a waiter with night vision Goggles(夜视镜). Inside Dark Restaurant in Beijing, a table of 30 diners was getting quarrelsome. “I’m touching your head!”said one, like a talkative child. “Who just said that?”another replied. Such voices floated across the 90-plus-seat restaurant, but no one could see who was talking, except the waiters, who were equipped with military-grade night-vision goggles.

       In the new conceptual dining, restaurants are turning off the lights to focus attention on the food. The trend seems to have started in Zurich and has since spread all over the world, with diners sitting in unlit rooms and, lately, being served by waiters in night-vision goggles. The idea is that by depriving(剥夺) one sense (sight), other senses are heightened.

       Darkness has other benefits. ''Chinese people tend to be shy,'' said Chen Long, who owns Whale Inside Dark, which opened in January. ''People have found it easy to break the ice here.''

       The first dark restaurant, which opened in Zurich in 1999, had a simple intention. The goal ''was creating jobs for the blind and handicapped people,'' said the manager. The concept has been popular in Paris, London, Sydney and elsewhere, offering new variations on sight deprivation, by which people can experience a lot in a completely dark condition.

       In Beijing, the Whale Inside Dark Restaurant is not only about heightening the sense of taste, but lowering social inhibitions(压抑). It is popular with Internet daters, who met on matchmaking Web sites that are spreading throughout China. Diner for two is about 225 yuan, or $29 at 7.76 yuan to the dollar.

       Eating in the dark is not without its troubles. Instead of family-style dining, food is served on single-serving plates. When each dish arrives, the server guides your hand to the plate and offers helpful tips like, ''This course is eaten with a spoon.''

       The style seems to be working . ''People feel a lot more comfortable when they can't be seen by others,'' said Mr. Chen, who is opening a second branch in Shang-hai, ''Couples get to know each other without seeing other's faces.''


56.What’s the best title of the passage?

       A.The fun in the dark restaurant

       B.Dining in the dark

       C.The troubles in the dark restaurant

       D.The advantages in the dark restaurant

57.The advantages of the dark restaurant include the following except       .

       A.lowering social inhibitions

       B.heightening the sense of taste

       C.breaking the ice easily for some shy persons

       D.becoming an Internet daters’ centre

58.What does the underlined word “unlit”mean in the second paragraph?

       A.dark                    B.crowded              C.quiet                   D.colorful

59.It is implied but not stated that           .

       A.only Internet daters like to eat in the dark restaurant

       B.people can understand the blind people’s world better after visiting the dark restaurant

       C.only the waiters with military grade night vision goggles can see what happens there

       D.consumers are easy to get angry in the dark restaurant

60.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

       A.Consumers go to the dark restaurant in order to focus their attention on the food.

       B.Eating in the dark is fun and has some advantages as well.

       C.The waiters working in the dark restaurant have got used to the dark environment.

       D.In the dark restaurant, you can still have the dinner as in your family.

       Consumers at the Whale Inside Dark Restaurant are led by a waiter with night – vision Goggles(夜视镜). Inside Dark Restaurant in Beijing, a table of 30 diners was getting quarrelsome. “I’m touching your head!”said one, like a talkative child. “Who just said that?”another replied. Such voices floated across the 90-plus-seat restaurant, but no one could see who was talking, except the waiters, who were equipped with military-grade night-vision goggles.

       In the new conceptual dining, restaurants are turning off the lights to focus attention on the food. The trend seems to have started in Zurich and has since spread all over the world, with diners sitting in unlit rooms and, lately, being served by waiters in night-vision goggles. The idea is that by depriving(剥夺) one sense (sight), other senses are heightened.

       Darkness has other benefits. ''Chinese people tend to be shy,'' said Chen Long, who owns Whale Inside Dark, which opened in January. ''People have found it easy to break the ice here.''

       The first dark restaurant, which opened in Zurich in 1999, had a simple intention. The goal ''was creating jobs for the blind and handicapped people,'' said the manager. The concept has been popular in Paris, London, Sydney and elsewhere, offering new variations on sight deprivation, by which people can experience a lot in a completely dark condition.

       In Beijing, the Whale Inside Dark Restaurant is not only about heightening the sense of taste, but lowering social inhibitions(压抑). It is popular with Internet daters, who met on matchmaking Web sites that are spreading throughout China. Diner for two is about 225 yuan, or $29 at 7.76 yuan to the dollar.

       Eating in the dark is not without its troubles. Instead of family-style dining, food is served on single-serving plates. When each dish arrives, the server guides your hand to the plate and offers helpful tips like, ''This course is eaten with a spoon.''

       The style seems to be working . ''People feel a lot more comfortable when they can't be seen by others,'' said Mr. Chen, who is opening a second branch in Shang-hai, ''Couples get to know each other without seeing other's faces.''

1.What’s the best title of the passage?

       A.The fun in the dark restaurant

       B.Dining in the dark

       C.The troubles in the dark restaurant

       D.The advantages in the dark restaurant

2.The advantages of the dark restaurant include the following except       .

       A.lowering social inhibitions

       B.heightening the sense of taste

       C.breaking the ice easily for some shy persons

       D.becoming an Internet daters’ centre

3.What does the underlined word “unlit”mean in the second paragraph?

       A.dark                    B.crowded              C.quiet                   D.colorful

4.It is implied but not stated that           .

       A.only Internet daters like to eat in the dark restaurant

       B.people can understand the blind people’s world better after visiting the dark restaurant

       C.only the waiters with military – grade night – vision goggles can see what happens there

       D.consumers are easy to get angry in the dark restaurant

5.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

       A.Consumers go to the dark restaurant in order to focus their attention on the food.

       B.Eating in the dark is fun and has some advantages as well.

       C.The waiters working in the dark restaurant have got used to the dark environment.

       D.In the dark restaurant, you can still have the dinner as in your family.

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