
3. It is early spring,but most of the trees here have already been with colourful flowers.

   A. full   B. loaded   C. heavy   D. filled

3. C

3. C解析:句意:虽是早春,但这儿的树上大 都绽放出了美丽的花朵。

be heavy with意 为“有大量的……”,符合句意。

be full of 意为“充满……”;be loaded with意为“装 着……”;be filled with意为“充满……”。



Russian police have launched a novel attempt to get drivers to slow down at zebra crossings by having stripe-painted horses as zebras walk across on the busiest streets in some of the big cities in an attempt to improve road safety and raise awareness among Russia's notoriously careless drivers.

The light grey horses,painted with black stripes,carried signs on their backs reading: Careful,children are on their way to school. The police dispatched (派遣) the fake zebras to several different locations in the Russian capital,where officials in orange vests walked them over zebra crossings and handed out flyers to passing drivers.

Some held up rainbow-coloured umbrellas over the painted animals to protect them from rain,footage aired on television showed.

Russian roads are notoriously dangerous and drivers still rarely take the initiative to avoid pedestrians. Nearly half of all traffic accidents in the country5s big cities are caused by cars hitting pedestrians,and a third of those occur on crossings,according to traffic police figures published last month.

In the first six months of this year,378 people were killed and more than 6 ,600 injured on pedestrian crossings in Russia,according to police. In Moscow alone,43 people were killed,including two children. Though police officials said that only safe paints would be used on the animals,animal rights activists still disagreed with the idea,accusing the police of “treating animals like garbage”.

“Children understand that paints are bad for animals: they can cause internal swelling”’ the Interfax news agency quoted president of Vita animal rights group Irina Novozhilova as saying.

41. Why do Moscow police have stripe-painted horses as zebras walk across on the busiest streets?

   A. Tb raise people's awareness of protecting animals.

   B. Tb inform people zebras are in danger of extinction.

   C. To make drivers better aware of road safety.

   D. To tell people it is dangerous to cross the streets.

42. What does the underlined word “them” refer to?

   A. The zebras. B. The horses.

   C. The policemen. D. The drivers.

43. From the passage we can see that .

   A. most of the Russian drivers are careless

   B. the driving skills of Russian drivers are bad

   C. Russian drivers often ignore traffic lights

   D. Russian drivers seldom give way to pedestrians

44. According to the police,pedestrian crossings.

   A. are where people can cross the streets safely

   B. offer animals the best place to cross the streets

   C. are not safe for people to cross the streets

   D. are the most dangerous place for people to cross the streets

45. What do animal rights activists think?

   A. Road safety should be improved.

   B. Drivers must slow down at pedestrian crossings.

   C. The paints used on the horses are safe.

   D. These animals are badly treated by the police.


When my son was 11 years old,he got a small job helping out with a travelling carnival (狂欢节) while it was in our town. 51 Instead he told me he was fine and had found a few days’ work helping out at an exhibit. He turned up for supper as usual after he finished work.

I asked him how he had managed at lunch and he told me he had made some new friends at the carnival,some young men who were twin brothers,and their mum and dad. They had paid him a few dollars,and invited him for lunch in return for helping them set up their exhibit. 52

I was glad he had found new friends but a little worried about the type of people that might be travelling in a carnival.

“Oh,Mum,these are just normal everyday people like anyone else. 53 Come down tomorrow and meet them yourself,” he said. So the next day I went to the carnival and to the exhibif he had directed me to. The twin brothers turned out to be Siamese twins (连体双胞胎) ,joined at the chest.

54 When I brought it to him,he said ,“Yes ,

I noticed that too. Do you know that their mum has to make all their clothes because it's so difficult to find anything to fit them? They’re also really good cooks. Today,Joe,the one on the right,made me spaghetti for lunch.

What others see first in a person is not what a child considers important. Where I saw Siamese twins,he saw people having difficulty buying clothes that fit,and young men who were good cooks. 55

   A. He didn't come home at lunchtime.

   B. He told me he could make much money.

   C. They just work at a carnival instead of in a store.

   D. I asked him why he didn't come back home for lunch.

   E. He hadn’t thought this fact was worthy enough to mention.

   F. It was a lesson that I have thought about many times over the years.

   G. They wanted him to return the next day to help them with other chores (杂事) .

51. 52.  53.

54.  55.

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