
Another time five months ago, I __1.____to be upstairs ____2.__when the window was open. I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be _____3._. The dark, the rainy evening, the wind, the __4.______clouds held me ____5.___in their power.

So why has English changed over time? __6._______all languages change and develop when cultures meet and ____7._with each other. At first the English ____8._in England between about AD 450 and 1150 was very different from the English spoken today. It was ___9.___more on German than the English we speak ___10.______.





2.at dusk








10.at present



1.happened to 碰巧,发生,根据five months ago,全文用过去式。句意:我碰巧在楼上。

2.at dusk 傍晚,黄昏。根据The dark 天黑,可知此处是指晚上。句意:傍晚,窗户开着。

3.根据the rainy evening, the wind下雨刮风,所以得关窗户,故此处用shut 。句意:直到所有的窗户都被关上,我才下楼。




7.communicate with each other相互交流

8.the English ______in England与the English spoken today相对应。句意:起初,大约公元450年和1150年之间在英格兰说的英语非常不同于今天的英语。

9.be based on 以······为基础。句意:与目前我们说的英语相比,当时的英语更多的以德语为基础。

10.was 表示过去,与at present“目前,现在”相对应。句意:目前我们说的英语相比,当时的英语更多的以德语为基础。




【小题1】 Most expensive restaurants will add a 10% service charge to the bill.
【小题2】Though tipping is not allowed, people who have served you accept tips in a certain way.
【小题3】Culturally, tipping is unnecessary, but customers sometimes pay service charge when checking out.
【小题4】 If you want to get loyal service, you should give a tip more than 10%.
【小题5】You ae not expected to pay tips at a low class hotel.
Bangkok (曼谷) There are no established rules of tipping in Bangkok, capital of Thailand. Some places expect it; others don’t. In general, the more westernized the place is, the more likely you’ll be expected to leave a tip.
Restaurants: Some expensive restaurants will add a 10% service charge to the bill. If not, waiters will appr eciate your increasing by 10% yourself. However, if you’re eating at a cheap eatery, a ti is not necessary.
Porters: At Bangkok’s many five-star hotels, you’re expected to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht(铢), depending on how many bags you have.
Taxis: Taxis are now metered in Bangkok, so there’s no bargaining over your fare. The local custom is to round the fare up to the nearest five baht.
Jakarta (雅加达)  Tipping is not part of the Indonesian culture, but international influences have turned some westernized palms upward in search of a few extra rupiah (卢比).
Restaurants: A 10% service charge is added at most high-end restaurants. At moderately priced restaurants, 5,000 rupiah should do it---if the service is superb, add an extra 1,000 rupiah or so.
Porters: Pay a few hundred rupiah for each bag.
Taxis: Most drivers will automatically round up to the next 500 rupiah. Some will claim they have no change and will bleed you for more. Don’t accept anything more than a 1,000-rupiah increase.
Kuala Lumpur (吉隆坡)  Like Indonesia, tipping in Malaysia is only common in the expensive westernized joints, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel bill.
Restaurants: If you are at a hotel restaurant, expect a 10% service charge or add the same amount yourself. But at local stalls, there’s no need to add a tip.
Porters: At five-star hotels, one or two ringgit(林吉特) will be enough. At low-end establishments, you are not forced to tip.
Taxis: Many taxis are now metered, so you can just round up to the nearest ringgit. In unmetered taxis, expect a session of hard bargaining for the ride.
Manila (马尼拉)  Tipping is common in Manila, the Philippines, and anything above 10% will gain you long-lasting loyalty.
Restaurants: Even if a service charge is included, it is a custom to add another 5%-10% to the bill.
Porters: Service in top hotels is good and should be rewarded with 20% pesos(比索) per bag.
Taxis: Most taxis are metered, and rounding up to the next five pesos is a good rule of taking taxis.
Seoul  Tipping is not part of the Korean culture, although it has become a rule in international hotels where a 10% service charge is often added.
Restaurants: If you are at a Korean barbecue (烧烤店), there’s no need to add anything extra. But a luxury Italian restaurant may require a 10% service charge.
Porters: If you are at a top-end hotel, international standards apply, so expect to tip 500-1,000 won per bag.
Taxis: Drivers don’t expect a tip, so unless you’re feeling remarkably generous, keep the change for yourself.
Singapore City  According to government rules in the Lion City, tipping is a no-no. It’s basically outlawed at Changi Airport and officials encourage tourists to neglect the 10% service charge that many high-end hotels add to the bill.
Restaurants: Singaporeans tend not to leave tips, especially at the outdoor eateries. Nicer restaurants do sometimes charge a 10% service fee, but there’s no need to supplement that.
Porters: Hotel staff are the one exception to the no-tipping rule. As a general guide, S$1 would be enough for baggage-lugging service.
Taxis: Drivers don’t expect tips, but they won’t refuse if you want to round up the fare to the next Singaporean dollar.


1. Most expensive restaurants will add a 10% service charge to the bill.

2.Though tipping is not allowed, people who have served you accept tips in a certain way.

3.Culturally, tipping is unnecessary, but customers sometimes pay service charge when checking out.

4. If you want to get loyal service, you should give a tip more than 10%.

5.You ae not expected to pay tips at a low class hotel.


Bangkok (曼谷) There are no established rules of tipping in Bangkok, capital of Thailand. Some places expect it; others don’t. In general, the more westernized the place is, the more likely you’ll be expected to leave a tip.

   Restaurants: Some expensive restaurants will add a 10% service charge to the bill. If not, waiters will appr eciate your increasing by 10% yourself. However, if you’re eating at a cheap eatery, a ti is not necessary.

   Porters: At Bangkok’s many five-star hotels, you’re expected to tip the porter 20 to 50 baht(铢), depending on how many bags you have.

   Taxis: Taxis are now metered in Bangkok, so there’s no bargaining over your fare. The local custom is to round the fare up to the nearest five baht.


Jakarta (雅加达)  Tipping is not part of the Indonesian culture, but international influences have turned some westernized palms upward in search of a few extra rupiah (卢比).

   Restaurants: A 10% service charge is added at most high-end restaurants. At moderately priced restaurants, 5,000 rupiah should do it---if the service is superb, add an extra 1,000 rupiah or so.

   Porters: Pay a few hundred rupiah for each bag.

   Taxis: Most drivers will automatically round up to the next 500 rupiah. Some will claim they have no change and will bleed you for more. Don’t accept anything more than a 1,000-rupiah increase.


Kuala Lumpur (吉隆坡)  Like Indonesia, tipping in Malaysia is only common in the expensive westernized joints, which often add a 10% service charge to your meal or hotel bill.

   Restaurants: If you are at a hotel restaurant, expect a 10% service charge or add the same amount yourself. But at local stalls, there’s no need to add a tip.

   Porters: At five-star hotels, one or two ringgit(林吉特) will be enough. At low-end establishments, you are not forced to tip.

   Taxis: Many taxis are now metered, so you can just round up to the nearest ringgit. In unmetered taxis, expect a session of hard bargaining for the ride.


Manila (马尼拉)  Tipping is common in Manila, the Philippines, and anything above 10% will gain you long-lasting loyalty.

   Restaurants: Even if a service charge is included, it is a custom to add another 5%-10% to the bill.

   Porters: Service in top hotels is good and should be rewarded with 20% pesos(比索) per bag.

   Taxis: Most taxis are metered, and rounding up to the next five pesos is a good rule of taking taxis.


Seoul   Tipping is not part of the Korean culture, although it has become a rule in international hotels where a 10% service charge is often added.

   Restaurants: If you are at a Korean barbecue (烧烤店), there’s no need to add anything extra. But a luxury Italian restaurant may require a 10% service charge.

   Porters: If you are at a top-end hotel, international standards apply, so expect to tip 500-1,000 won per bag.

   Taxis: Drivers don’t expect a tip, so unless you’re feeling remarkably generous, keep the change for yourself.


Singapore City   According to government rules in the Lion City, tipping is a no-no. It’s basically outlawed at Changi Airport and officials encourage tourists to neglect the 10% service charge that many high-end hotels add to the bill.

   Restaurants: Singaporeans tend not to leave tips, especially at the outdoor eateries. Nicer restaurants do sometimes charge a 10% service fee, but there’s no need to supplement that.

   Porters: Hotel staff are the one exception to the no-tipping rule. As a general guide, S$1 would be enough for baggage-lugging service.

   Taxis: Drivers don’t expect tips, but they won’t refuse if you want to round up the fare to the next Singaporean dollar.


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