
Dogs have long been used to find explosives and drugs.Now,a new study shows that man’s best friend can also help to find lung and breast cancer,researchers report in integrative Cancer Therapies.The findings show that trained ordinary household dogs can detect early—stage lung and breast cancers by smelling the breath samples of patients.
Researchers have found that cancer cells send out molecules different from those of healthy ones,and that might be sensed by smell by the highly sensitive dog’s nose.
For the study,five dogs were trained by a professional instructor to respond differently to breath samples of healthy and cancer patients.“The dogs learned to sit or lie down in front of cancer patient samples and to ignore control samples through the method of food reward,” McCulloch explained.
After a period of training,researchers tested the animals’ability to distinguish cancer patients from controls.The animals were given breath samples from 55 patients with lung cancer,3 1 with breast cancer and 83 healthy controls who were not included in the original training period.
McCulloch’s group found that the dogs were able to correctly distinguish the breath samples of cancer patients from those of the control subjects in about 90 percent of the cases.The dogs were also able to detecting early-stage lung and breast cancers.
“These results show that there is hope for early detection,”McCulloch said.The re-searches are planning to conduct further studies on the breath composition of cancer patients to possibly design an electronic device that can do the dogs’job.“A dog’s nose is so powerful it can detect odors(气味)10 000 to 100 000 times better than a human nose can.I hope people will be interested in doing this research,”McCulloch added,“It shows that there is definitely something out there.”
65.McCulloch and his group used           in their research.
A.10 dogs and 55 people                                B.5 dogs and 86 people
C.10 dogs and 83 people                                 D.5 dogs and 169 people
66.The underlined work “distinguish” means
A.to make somebody feel better                      B.to recognize differences of
C.to remember somebody forever                    D.to discomfort somebody
67.We can infer from the passage that         .
A.dogs can smell signs of other cancers except the above two kinds
B.the final goal of the researchers is to design an electronic dog to detect cancer
C.dogs can detect odors 10 000 to 100 000 times better than humans can
D.dogs will soon be widely used to smell signs of cancers in hospitals
68.Which of the following would be the best title?
A.Special Noses of Dogs                                B.Dogs and Cancer
C.Dogs Smell Signs of Cancer                        D.McCulloch’S New Discovery


The first field season is now over at the hut village of the workmen who built the tombs in the Valley of the Kings.However,the archaeologists working on the excavation(挖掘)have found that they still have a great deal to do.The sun,the wind and tourists have left their mark on the village,originally discovered by Bernard Bruyhre in 1935.
“From our modern perspective,it is upsetting to see how the village was first excavated and then left to be destroyed.Passers-by have used the huts as rubbish dumps and restrooms,”says Jaana Toivari—Viitala,a teacher at the University of Helsinki.“Fortunately,while we still have some surface cleaning to do,conservation are off to a good start.’’
The hut viliage offers rare insight into everyday life in ancient Egypt.
“In the early twentieth century,archaeologists were only interested in the tombs of kings. The workmen’s huts they discovered were seen as a necessary evil in the quest for the real trea sures.’,
“Now several international research groups on different excavations are examining everyday life and work in the Valley of the Kings.This seems to be a trend in archaeology right now.”Toivari-Viitala says.
Her research group wants to find out why the hut village was built on the slope of a mountain,halfway between the construction site and Deir-el-Medina.They are also interested in how many workers lived in the village at a time,when they lived there,and what their role was in the construction work.
“Comparing the names found in the village and in Deir-el-Medina provides useful information.Judging from the construction methods,settlement in the village can be divided into two separate periods:the initial settlement and a later one.”
For the time being,much is up to guessing,but Toivari-Viitala believes that the coming four field seasons,three months each,will see results.
“The working conditions are not nearly as difficult as I thought they would be. The cool winds in the mountains nicely alleviate the heat.”
The research group working on the“Workmen’s huts in the Theban mountains”project is planning to return to the Valley of the Kings in October.
71.What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.The hut village in the Valley of the Kings.
B.The excavation of the tombs in the Valley.
C.The archaeologists working on the excavation.
D.Everyday life and work in the Valley of the Kings.
72.Which of the following is NOT true of the hut village according to the passage?
A.It has been damaged a lot.
B.It can tell us a lot about ancient Egypt.
C.It has attracted archaeologists’attention.
D.It has a lot of real treasures somewhere in it.
73.What’s the new trend in archaeology right now according to Toivari-Viitala?
A.Being interested in the tombs of kings.
B.Examining everyday life and work in the Valley of the Kings.
C.Using the huts as rubbish dumps and restrooms.
D.Guessing what the result will be beforehand.
74.From the passage we know that the author is one of   
A.the workmen who built the tombs in the Valley of the Kings
B.the archaeologists working on the excavation of the village
C.those in favour of Toivari-Viitala’s ideas and plans
D.the passers-by who used the huts as dumps and restrooms
75.We can infer from the passage that    
A.people know little about the hut village by now
B.the workmen’s huts were not discovered until very recently
C.the research group working on the workmen’s huts will suffer a lot
D.the hut village is much more valued by archaeologists than the tombs

The car, running along the well-lit road now sank in darkness. I broke the   36   on purpose,   37   that the driver was too tired to drive. “When do you go back home in the evening?”“9 o’clock after this    38  .”“Then when do you come out in the morning?”I    39   another question. “9 o’ clock, too—just as if I worked at an office.” His   40   surprised me, because every time I ride a taxi, what I   41   from the driver are only complaints that they have to work from morning till night, it’s hard to earn money, they’re often   42   by the police, or that their leaders are seated lazy,   43   the fruits. But this driver told me, “ I find it   44  to be a section chief as I was before. I like driving just for    45  . It’s fortunate that I hardly drive   46   a passenger. So I earn two or three thousand Yuan a month with ease. Yes, I never   47  an empty taxi. If it goes southward, I go northward. If it goes along a    48  , I turn into a narrow street…”
His words showed his    49   with his life and the pride he   50   in his job Such feelings are so rare among people nowadays as oxygen in high    51  。As an
ancient saying goes,“Neither joy in material   52   nor grieve(痛苦) over Personal setbacks.”How many people nowadays can show high ideals by  53   living and go far
with a calm mind? I couldn’t help feeling  54   when finding such a state of mind
in a stranger on a cold    55  .
36.A.window     B.stillness       C.silence      D. quietness
37.A.on condition  B.for fear       C.in belief     D. in order
38.A. night         B.trip          C.cycle       D. process
39.A.threw out    B.gave away     C.made up     D. led to
40.A.character    B.confidence     C.attitude      D. easiness
41.A.suffer       B.request       C.benefit       D.hear
42.A.detected    B.ordered       C.fined        D.seized
43.A.keeping     B.tasting        C. enjoying      D.choosing
44.A.exciting     B.disappointing  C.tiring        D. amazing
45.A.freedom     B.pleasure      C.hobby        D. company
46.A.without     B. with          C.behind       D.beside
47.A .follow       B. admire         C.envy         D. meet
48.A.route       B.path          C.railway       D.highway
49.A.intelligence  B.satisfaction    C.competition   D.honesty
50.A.made       B.held          C.caught      D.took
51.A.buildings    B.mountains     C.standard      D.heaven
52.A.gains       B.concerns      C.supports      D. loss
53.A.special      B.happy        C.simple        D. original
54.A.angry       B.content       C.dangerous     D. curious
55.A.morning     B.night         C.moment      D.season

Decisions, decisions! Our lives are full of them, from the small ones to the life-changing. The right to choose is central to everyone. Yet sometimes we make bad decisions that leave us unhappy or full of regret. Can science help?
Most of us know little about the mental processes that lie behind our decisions. Luckily, what psychologists are finding may help us all make better choices. Here are some of their amazing discoveries to help you make up your mind.
Consider your emotions. You might think that emotions are the enemy of decision-making, but in fact they are a part of it. Whenever you make up your mind, your brain’s emotional centre is active. University of Southern California scientist, Antonio Damasia, has studied people with damage to only the emotional parts of their brains, and found that they were unable to make basic choices about what to wear or eat. Damasia thinks this may be because our brains store emotional memories of past choice, which we use to help the present decision-making.
However, making choices under the influence of an emotion can greatly affect the result. Take anger for example. A study by Nitika Garg of the University of Mississippi and other scientists found the angry shoppers were more likely to choose the first thing they were offered rather than considering other choices. It seems that anger can lead us to make quick decisions without much thinking.
All emotions affect our thinking and motivation,so it may be best to avoid making important decisions under their influence. Yet strangely there is one emotion that seems to help us make good choices. The American researchers found that sad people took time to consider the various choices on offer, and ended up making the best choices. In fact many studies show that people who feel unhappy have the most reasonable view of the world.
1. What does the underlined word “central” mean?
A. in the middle    B. easy to reach          C. important      D. having power
2. Damasia’s study suggests that ________.
A. emotions are the enemy of decision-making.
B. our brain has nothing to do with decision-making.
C. people with physical damage find it hard to make up their minds.
D. our emotional memories of past choices can affect present decisions.
3. According to the text, what may help us make better decisions?
A. To think about happy times.                  
B. To make many decisions at a time.
C. To stop feeling regretful about the past.
D. To learn about the process of decision-making.
4. Why are angry shoppers more likely to choose the first thing they are offered?
A. They often forget their past choices.         B. They make decisions without much thinking.
C. They tend to save time when shopping.  D. They are too angry to bargain.
5. What do we learn from the text?
A. Emotions are a part of decision-making.
B. Sad people always make worse choices.
C. No emotion seems to help us make good choices.
D. Only sad feelings affect our thinking and motivation.
Normally, kids have curiosity(好奇) about everything around them including animals. As a parent you are willing to teach everything to our children because you want to develop their EQ and IQ. But a few people have some troubles in how to introduce animals to their kids. Here I have some advice on how to do that.
1. Visiting a zoo.
This way must be the best choice to choose. If you have free time or maybe on holiday you can take your children to the zoo. Kids usually are excited to see live animals and feed them if possible. It can be an unforgettable moment for your children when they visit so many animals in a place. Parents can describe an animal to their children so they can learn something about that animal.
2. Doing a coloring activity.
If you have not free time or just have a short time, you can choose this. Actually doing animal coloring activity is mostly used by parents and teachers to tell children about an animal. You can download free animal coloring pages through the internet or you can buy your children an animal coloring book.
3. Doing a paper craft.
If it sounds difficult you can skip this method. Just forget it. Generally, the difficulty level depends on your paper craft models. You can find free animal paper crafts on the internet but make sure of the difficulty level. Remember your purpose is not about how beautiful your paper crafts are but to describe an animal to your children.
4. Story telling.
Have you heard about an animal story when you were a child? You still remember it? How about the character of those animals? Yeah! It is still in your mind. You can buy a story book of animals and read it for your children.
There are also many other ways and everything needed here is just the creativity to connect it with the children and make them enjoy and have fun with your activities.
59. What’s the purpose of this passage?
A. To satisfy the curiosity of the kids.
B. To develop children’s EQ and IQ.
C. To give parents and teachers advice on how to introduce animals to kids.
D. To introduce some activities to let parents know more about their kids.
60. In the author’s opinion, which is the best way to let a kid know something about an animal?
A. Visiting a zoo                                                      B. Doing a coloring activity
C. Doing a paper craft                                           D. Telling a story
61. If you are busy, which activity can you choose?
A. Download some beautiful paper crafts on the internet.
B. Buy your kid an animal coloring book.
C. Give your kid an unforgettable moment to visit many animals in a place.
D. Buy your kid a story book.
62. According to the author, what matters most in whatever activities you design for your children?
A. fun                                    B. joy                  C. imagination                   D. creativity

If your life feels like it is lacking the power that you want and the motivation that you need, sometimes all you have to do is shift your point of view.
By training your thoughts to concentrate on the bright side of things, you are more likely to have the incentive(刺激,诱因) to follow through on your goals. You are less likely to be held back by negative ideas that might limit your performance.
Your life can be enhanced(增强的), and your happiness enriched, when you choose to change your perspective(远景、希望). Don't leave your future to chance, or wait for things to get better mysteriously on their own. You must go in the direction of your hopes and aspirations. Begin to build your confidence, and work through problems rather than avoid them. Remember that power is not necessarily control over situations, but the ability to deal with whatever comes your way.
Always believe that good things are possible, and remember that mistakes can be lessons that lead to discoveries. Take your fear and transform it into trust; learn to rise above anxiety and doubt. Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours". Take the energy that you have wasted and direct it toward every worthwhile effort that you can be involved in. You will see beautiful things happen when you allow yourself to experience the joys of life. You will find happiness when you adopt positive thinking into your daily routine and make it an important part of your world.
64. What is the best title for the passage?                                 
A. Live every day                                                           B.Treat every day actively                        
C. Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours"       D. How to live      
65. ______ is the most likely to prevent your being successful?
A. Positive thinking                               B. Negative ideas      
C. Worry hours                                  D. Productive hours
66. What does the word “aspirations” mean in the passage?                      
A. ambition        B. expectation        C.wish        D. desire
67. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?                  
A.Change your opinion, and change your dream.  
B. Negative ideas will limit your life.
C.Turn your "worry hours" into "productive hours".
D. Positive thinking will make you successful. 

I hired a plumber(水管工) to help me restore an old farmhouse, and he just finished a rough first day on the job: a  41 tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric drill quit and his ancient one ton truck refused to  42  .
   43  I drove him home, he sat in stony silence.    44  arriving, he invited me in to meet his   45 . As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small   46 , touching the tips of the branches with both   47 .
When   48 the door he passed through an amazing transformation. His brown face was in all smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his   49 a kiss.  50 he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my   51 got the better of me. I asked him about what I had   52 him do earlier.
"Oh, that's my   53 tree," he replied. "I know I can't help having troubles on the job, but one thing's   54 :those troubles don't   55 the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them up on the tree    56  when I come home and ask God to    57 them. Then in the morning I   58 
them up again." "And the   59 thing is," he smiled, "when I come out in the morning to pick them up, there aren't   60 as many as I remember hanging up the night before."
41. A. smooth                  B. broken                  C. failed                     D. flat
42. A. begin                     B. start                       C. set                         D. launch
43. A. While                    B. During                   C. As soon as              D. Though
44. A. In                         B. For                        C. On                         D. At
45. A. friends                   B. parents                   C. family                    D. home
46. A. room                     B. tree                       C. flower                    D. wood
47. A. arms                      B. hands                     C. fingers                   D. feet
48. A. opening                 B. closing                   C. knocking                D. covering
49. A. wife                      B. daughter                C. son                        D. baby
50. A. Meanwhile             B. Afterwards             C. Previously              D. Consequently
51. A. satisfaction             B. responsibility          C. occupation              D. curiosity
52. A. heard                     B. made                     C. seen                       D. let
53. A. comfort                 B. pain                       C. suffering                D. trouble
54. A. at length                B. for sure                  C. at risk                   D. straight away
55. A. belong in               B. hold back               C. fit in                      D. bring to
56. A. one day                 B. every morning        C. one night                D. every night
57. A. take note of            B. take care of            C. look for                 D. focus on
58. A. pick                      B. take                       C. bring                     D. choose
59. A. flexible                  B. funny                    C. casual                    D. humorous
60. A. almost                   B. roughly                  C. nearly                    D. approximately
How clean are the nation’s homes?
According to a survey by CIF, there’s room for improvement all over Britain.
Love or hate it — cleaning your home is one job you simply can’t ignore(忽视). But that’s not to say everyone spends the same amount of time or effort on making their places spotless. A new survey by CIF— experts on making tough cleaning jobs easier—— shows that when it comes to washing windows or cleaning the oven(烤箱),where you live in the UK it may show how much effort you put into the task.
25% of men have never cleaned the toilet — but those in Wales are the worst. Nearly four in 10 Welsh men said they never cleaned anywhere in the house. Hate cleaning the shower head? You’re not alone — a  quarter of a million Brits say the same. 20% of Scots regard window-cleaning as their most hated job.
36% of people in the south-east say cleaning the cooker is their hated task. 68% of those in the north-east spend more than six hours a week cleaning their homes — especially the kitchen — in sharp contrast to the 49% of Welsh and West Country folk, who put their hands up to cleaning for under an hour.
18% believe cleaning starts here: that’s the percentage of women who clean wearing their dressing gowns. 51% of women in the north-west may be staying in bed and giving their husband a cuddle(拥抱)—as a thank-you for helping them clean. In other places, there are far fewer helpful men.
32% of women in the north-east turn up the stereo to help make the dusting more fun. Almost six in 10 women agree, however, that cleaning is seriously energetic exercise.
It’s no secret that the right cleaning products will cut cleaning time and effort in half— and no one knows that better than How Clean Is Your house? Presenters Aggie Mackenzie and Kim Woodburn. For solutions(解决办法)to all your cleaning needs, here are some of CIF’s top tips:
·Stop a lot of build-up on your shower head—give it a quick squirt(喷洒)with CIF bathroom spray once a week.
·Stainless steel(不锈钢)tools seem to need endless cleaning. The CIF Wild Qrchid Qxy-Gel-it lifts dirt easily and leaves the kitchen smelling fresh and clean.
·Cooking outside? CIF cream will get your barbecue (烤架)spotlessly clean, ready for those long, lazy summer evenings. Perfect!
小题1:The main purpose of this passage is to ______.
A.tell us the results of a certain survey
B.advertise a certain product
C.advise men to do more cleaning housework
D.tell us which is the hardest job at home
小题2:It can be concluded from the survey that people in different parts of Britain______.
A.have different views on house cleaning
B.spend different amounts of time and effort on house cleaning
C.like to do different kinds of housework
D.have different ways to do housework
小题3:According to the survey,______ spend the most time cleaning their homes.
A.the WelshB.people in the north-west
C.people in the south-eastD.people in the north-east
小题4:CIF in the passage probably refers to ______.
A.an organization doing research on housework
B.a group of experts who give advice on doing housework
C.a company providing advice and products on cleaning
D.a company providing cleaning services

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