
10.I am currently on my year abroad in Germany as part of my high school course.From the beginning of my time here,I've had the chance to meet new people and make lots of new friends.As a girl,I have been open and friendly and have made some great friends in this country.Friends are so important to me that I can't imagine a life without them.
Next week my best friend is moving to Spain with his parents.He doesn't want to leave but has to.All his friends,especially me,don't want him to leave and I feel so bad inside.I just can't stop myself from feeling this way.
We have to say goodbye no matter how we feel,and my group of friends and I will have a farewell party for him.We've made him an album with photos and memories of his time here so that he could take it with him and wouldn't forget us!We wish that he would have a wonderful time and make lots of new friends after settling into his new home.

分析 本文是读写任务型写作,这类作文可按照三段式模板写:第一段:概况所给短文要点.第二段:过渡词引出主题句---阐述理由.第三段:个人观点.特别要注意第一段的概括.用自己的语言概括,不能照搬照抄原文. 时态用一般现在时.人称用第一和第三人称. 重要短语:say goodbye to sb(与某人说再见),remind me of sth(提醒某人某事),hug sb(拥抱某人),exchange sth(交换某事),leave school(毕业),be full of (装满…,充满…),take it easy(不急,放松,从容),after all(毕竟),keep in contact(保持联系),have chances to do (由机会做某事).
1.  The writer enjoys friendship in Germany but has to say goodbye to her best friend since he's moving to Spain,which makes her sad.
2.Unwillingly,I had to say goodbye to her,who I wouldn't see for a long time.
2.Life is full of meetings and partings and there are moments when good friends have to part.

解答 The writer enjoys friendship in Germany but has to say goodbye to her best friend since he's moving to Spain,which makes her sad.【高分句型一】However,she can only give him best wishes.(概括)
This reminds me of a similar experience of leaving my best friend Jane when we finished our study at a junior school in another province.I would move to this city with my parents and continue my study in high school here.Unwillingly,I had to say goodbye to her,who I wouldn't see for a long time.【高分句型二】(与好友为何离别)
After the graduation ceremony,we hugged each other,exchanged small gifts,and finally said goodbye.But we decided that we would go to the same university after leaving high school.(离别时的情景)
Life is full of meetings and partings and there are moments when good friends have to part,【高分句型三】so we should take it easy while parting friends.After all,there are many ways for us to keep in contact and we have chances to meet again in the future.(个人观点:如何看待朋友间的离别)

点评 读写任务型写作是将阅读与写作有机结合,要求考生既能读懂文章信息,又要依据要求规范连贯地表达内容,其中准确概括很有挑战且十分重要,根据记叙文、议论文、说明文等不同文体作相应概括,总的来说,遵循以下步骤:确定主题句;寻找关键词;重构主题句;重组支持句.写作时注意准确运用时态,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系,尽量使用自己熟悉的单词句式,同时也要注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次,平时需注意积累短语和重要句型.

15.I was on the escalator.There was an old man.He was about five or six people ahead of me.People behind him were all in a hurry and saw him as an obstacle(障碍).This man was well aware of the challenge.He tried desperately to step aside.
I'll admit it.Sometimes when walking or driving behind an older person I've gotten impatient and upset.
"I'm sorry.Please forgive me!I don't mean to hold you up."the old man said as he struggled to get off the escalator.
I suddenly saw this in a whole new light.I felt sorry for him.I felt sick to my stomach because this man was apologizing to everyone,when we should have been helping him and calming his fears.
One by one,people zipped around him.By the time I got to him,I asked,"My friend,can I help you with those things?"
Hesitant at first,he finally said,"Well,yes,thank you!"
I placed my hand under his left arm and walked with him a safe distance away from the rush of people.
"So what are you shopping for,sir?"
"0h,just a little something for my neighbor.She's a young mother raising kids on her own.She's always so nice to me.I bought a box of candy for Mother'S Day …"he said,stopping suddenly as he searched his inside pocket of his sport coat."Do you need something?"I asked.
"Oh,no.Here.I think I have it right here.I always carry them with me."he said.
Then he took out some business cards and handed me one which read:"John A.Pomicter Friend to all,_______.
I said a prayer today and you were the answer.Thank you!"
"That's for you."he said,"Thanks for stopping to help an old man."
"My friend,you helped me.I discovered that I was unhappy with the world and I was part of the problem.Now I'll be part of the solution.No more with me!"

56.Why did the old man ask for forgiveness?D
A.People behind him were in a hurry.
B.He was too old to make his way easily.
C.He made the author get impatient and upset.
D.He thought he might be in the way as an obstacle to hold rushing walkers up.
57.What made the author feel sorry for the old man?B
A.Nobody else gave hand to the old man who really needed help.
B.It was the old man who should have been calmed,but kept making an apology to everyone.
C.The old man who did something for a young mother should get help.
D.It was not easy for the old man to get off the escalator.
58.Which can most properly follow the underlined words"Friend to all"to make senseC
A.don't be troublesome     B.ready to help
C.enemy to no one           D.be kind,please
59.In the text,the author tells us one of his experiences mainly to let us learn:"A"
A.we should be positive to solve the problem ourselves
B.don't be unhappy with the things and persons that bother you
C.try not be a trouble maker
D.think about ourselves-we will have the day when we are old.
15.While Andrew was getting ready for work one Friday morning,he announced to his wife that he had finally decided to ask his boss for a salary raise.All day Andrew felt nervous and anxious as he thought about the upcoming showdown.What if Mr Larchmont refused to grant his request?Andrew had worked so hard in the last 18months and landed some great accounts for Braer and Hopkins Advertising Agency.Of course,he deserved a wage increase.
The thought of walking into Larchmont's office left Andrew weak in the knees.Late in the afternoon he was finally courageous enough to approach his superior.To his delight and surprise,the ever-frugal(一向节俭的)Harvey Larchmont agreed to give Andrew a raise!
Andrew arrived home that evening-despite breaking all city and state speed limits-to a beautiful table set with their best china,and candles lit.His wife,Tina,had prepared a delicate meal including his favorite dishes.Immediately he figured someone from the office had tipped her off!
Next to his plate Andrew found a beautiful lettered note.It was from his wife.It read:"Congratulations,my love!I knew you'd get the raise!I prepared this dinner to show just how much I love you.I am so proud of your accomplishments!"He read it and stopped to reflect on how sensitive and caring Tina was.
After dinner,Andrew was on his way to the kitchen to get dessert when he observed that a second card had slipped out of Tina's pocket onto the floor.He bent forward to pick it up.It read:"Don't worry about not getting the raise!You do deserve one!You are a wonderful provider and I prepared this dinner to show you just how much I love you even though you did not get the increase."
Suddenly tears swelled in Andrew's eyes.Total acceptance!Tina's support for him was not conditional upon his success at work.
The fear of rejection is often softened and we can undergo almost any setback or rejection when we know someone loves us regardless of our success or failure.

31.What was Andrew's plan that Friday?A
A.To request a wage increase from his boss.
B.To get a job with the Braer and Hopkins Advertising Agency.
C.To celebrate his success with his wife at home.
D.To ask his boss to come for dinner.
32.On his way back home,AndrewC.
A.felt weak in the knees
B.was punished by the traffic policeman
C.was too anxious to share the news
D.couldn't wait to enjoy a meal
33.Which of the following statements about the story is FALSE?D
A.Andrew was afraid that his request would lead to disaster.
B.Andrew had worked very hard and done his part for the company.
C.Andrew's boss agreed to his request.
D.One of Andrew's colleagues had told his wife the good news.
34.Why did Tina prepare a grand dinner for Andrew that day?B
A.She was confident of his getting a pay raise.
B.She meant to show her support whatever the result would be.
C.She believed that her husband was the best in his company.
D.She wanted to express her gratitude for his devotion to the family.
35.We can conclude from the text thatD.
A.we should never be afraid to ask for what is due to us
B.work hard and you will be rewarded
C.many fears turn out to be unfounded
D.unconditional love brings courage and strength.

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