
Calvin Coolidge (1872 – 1933) was the thirtieth president of the United States. He looked down on a person as being unworthy of respect who was too fond of talking about the details of others people’s actions and private lives because he had no time for small talks. The following two incidents clearly show how Collidge treasured silence.

When he was vice president, Coolidge had plenty of opportunities to participate (参加) in Washington’s social life, especially the many dinner parties. As be ignored the art of conversation, he couldn’t exactly make himself dear to his hostesses. One lady felt she could solve this problem. She placed him next to Alice Roosevelt Longworth, daughter of the former President Roosevelt. Mrs. Longworth, a very brilliant conversationalist (谈话者), began to talk in her usual charming manner, but all attempts to a wake the interest on the part of the vice president were unproductive. Finally, being shamed into anger, she said, “I’m sure that going to as many dinners as you do, you must get terribly bored.”

Without lifting his eyes from his plate, Coolidge said not very clearly, “Well, a man has to eat somewhere.

Later, when he was president and once again at a dinner party, Collidge was seated next to an outstanding society woman, one of those busybodies, who seemed to take delight in trying to change the lives of everyone they met. “Oh, Mr. President,” she spoke with too much enthusiasm, “you are always so quiet. I made a bet (打赌) today that I could get more than two words out of you.”

President Collidge considered those people as being unworthy of respect          .

       A.who liked to talk about the affairs of others

       B.who never talked about anything serious

       C.who often spoke insincerely

       D.who talked much but did little

The hostesses thought Collidge was unfriendly because        in her eyes.

       A.he treated women coldly and rudely

       B.he paid no attention to conversational skills

       C.he was too serious to please any women

       D.he was pretty easy and quick to get angry

Mrs. Longworth got shamed and angry because         .

       A.the vice president took part in too many dinner parties

       B.the vice president didn’t lift his eyes from his plate

       C.the vice president didn’t speak exactly and clearly

       D.the vice president didn’t react to all her efforts

The underlined sentence “Well, a man has to eat somewhere” probably means        .

      A.Mr. Coolidge didn’t want to talk with Mrs. Longworth at all

       B.Mr. Coolidge had really got tired of so many social dinners

       C.Mr. Coolidge was unhappy with the dinner he was eating that day

       D.Mr. Coolidge was really hungry and had to find something to eat








Dear Patti,

I’m writing to you for some advice on my studies. As you know, football is a very popular sport in the world and I am attracted to it and I have fallen in love with it, which makes me feel so crazy. I have spending lots of time doing many things related to it, like watching football matches, reading newspapers and magazines, and searching the Web for more information about football. As a result, it has certainly disturbed my normal study. Though I know to be a football fan is my hobby and my major adjective is to learn more knowledge in school, I can’t concentrate on my lessons and gradually I am tired of them. I am still a senior two middle school student, and I’ll have my own business even when I grow up, so I am not likely to do a job in the field of football. But now I can’t stop myself from getting involved further with football. So I feel very depressed and want to know how to deal with the contradiction (矛盾. between my studies and boobies.)

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming










Dear Li Ming,

Thank you for your letter. From your letter, I’ve known something about your situation.                                                                                






















第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)


    A new study has found that a fat cell gene may reduce the risk of colon cancer in some people.The study provldes what scientists say is the first evidence of a genetic link between a fat cell gene and colon cancer.The research could lead to better tests for the disease as well as measures to help prevent it.

    Current evidence suggests a relationship between obesity,insulin resistance and colon cancer risk.The scientists say what they have found now is an area of a gene that is connected with the cancer risk.They say this area is most probably not the cause of the disease,but they think it is where the connection comes from.

    The gene is involved in the formation of a hormone called adiponectin.Some people have higher levels of this hormone in their blood,____________.Higher levels have been

linked with lower rates of obesity and insulin resistance.And lower levels have been linked with higher rates.

    The Journal of thM American Medical Association published the new findings last week.BorisPasche from the Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham led the research.

    Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer deaths. Every year it kills almost six hundred eighty thousand people around the world.And doctors find more than one million new cases.The disease is highly treatable if disovered early.

    The research involved two studies with a total of about one thousand five hundred people.The lager of the two studies involved Nes Yorkers of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.Coln cancer is more common in Jews of eastern European ancestry than in the general population.The other study invdVed people of different ethnicities from Chicago,Illinois.

    Currently,in the United States,the general advice is for colonoscopy tests(结肠检查)for colon cancer to begin at the age of fifty. A colonoscopy can find and remove growths before they become cancerous. But the test is invasive and can be uncomfortable.

    A study last month in the New England Journal of Medicine expressde support for a test called a virtual colonoscopy.It uses X-ray and computer technology to search for growths,but cannot remove them.There are still some questions about the effectiveness of a virtual colonoscopy compared to a traditional one .But doctors hope it might appeal to people who would otherwise not be tested at all。

What is the best title of the passage?(Within 10 words.)


Fill in the blank with proper words.(Within 7 words.)


78. Which sentence in the passage can replace the following one?

If it is diagnosed early,the disease is most likely to be cured.


Do you think the new research is practical and useful?Why?(Within 30 words.)


Translate the underlinde sentence in the last paragraph.


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